Chapter 8

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I got thrown into a mysterious car. But much to my surprise, the car was comfortable. This is not like any of the kidnapping I see in movies and TV. However, I could not see where we are going or who are the girls that kidnapped me as I was blindfolded and the two girls have got their disguise still on. Given the speed we were going at, I think we are heading into the city instead of the outskirts of Seoul. 

The car stopped and I can hear that we entered some sort of cafe. What kidnapping is this? First they throw me into a very comfortable car and now they take me to some luxurious cafe in the middle of the city. I am very confused because this feels like a kidnap but then again they didn't really treat me like they are kidnapping me. 

I was told to sit down and finally allowed to remove my blindfold, and I realised that I was at a very fancy cafe in the middle of Seoul. They have led me into some VIP room of the Cafe and in the room it was only the three of us. There was two girls who were still on disguise, one of the girl was very tall and the other girl was average height. 


I started to panic and shouted at them asking what they want. I mean who would keep calm when you are getting kidnapped. The shorter girl spoke up.

???: Relax, Y/N. We don't bite. You remember the accident you got into yesterday?

Oh god, I was right, the person I got into the accident is no good news. No wonder why she was wearing a disguise the other night. She probably just finished a bank job or something that's why she need to leave in a hurry. What a good way to start my life in Seoul. Get's into an accident and meets the mafia within the first two days of my new life. 


???: Don't worry, we are just here to swap insurance details.

Y/N: How could I trust you?

???: We will show you who we are if you promise to keep this a secret.

What a stupid promise. If they are some mafia gang, I definitely would report them to the police. But then again, I need to know that they are trustable. I realised it was only the shorter girl doing all the talking, maybe she is the gang leader or something. I have no choice but to agree to their stupid demands.


???: Remember nobody can know about this.

As she spoke, they slowly took off their cap, sunglasses and then finally their mask. It was then I realised who they are. 


I was very excited at this moment. Being a big K-POP fan since I was young, it was my dream to meet any idols in Seoul. I was going to mental for them like other fans, but I need to control myself. I didn't want to scare them as this is my only chance to be friends and meet an idol. My best way to be close with them was to pretend to not know them.

Jihyo: Now you know why we have to keep it a secret and have to do it the kidnapping way.

This is it, my chance to talk to Twice, I need to play it cool and pretend I don't know about them and definitely hide the fact that I am not a fan that will go crazy over them.

Y/N: Whatever are we going to do this or not?

Jihyo: Stop pretending, your first reactions sold you. We'll give you autographs and photos when and if we meet again.

Y/N: Fine, whatever. So here's what happened.

I told them the whole situation which I'm sure the one who got into the accident with me know very clearly. I told them about how the driver was driving very weirdly and I felt a bump into the rear of the car when I was minding my own business inside my lane.

Jihyo: So you are telling us that is was our dear Tzuyu's fault?

Jihyo didn't seem to believe what I said and thought the blame was to be mine, but the truth is, the fault was not on my side and no matter who they are, I will make my stance and I will not change my opinion just because they are Twice. This was when Tzuyu who kept quiet during the whole time finally decided to speak up.

Tzuyu: Unnie, it was my fault.

Jihyo: Right then since it was my car that Tzuyu crashed, take the car to this garage and the guy will charge my bill for the repair cost.

Y/N: No problem.

Well that was easy. It didn't take a lot of convincing and now I can get my car fixed without the club sponsor noticing that I have got into a minor accident and dented a sponsor car. 

Jihyo: There we are, done. So you know what to do and remember keep this as a secret.

Y/N: Don't worry I will. 

Jihyo: You want an autograph right?

Here it is, the trick question. In my heart, I definitely want an autograph and a photo with the Twice members. But if I said yes and got the autographs, they might classify me as one of their crazy fans so I need to play it cool. 

Y/N: No thanks, I'm not really a big fan anyways.

Jihyo: Then you may leave. Enjoy the rest of your stay in Seoul. Delete the number Tzuyu gave you last night.

As I leave, I saw Tzuyu shaking her head as if it was giving me a signal to keep her number. I left with a big regret. Twice asking me if I wanted photos and autographs and declining the offer was the biggest decision in my life. 

What a hectic day. I got kidnapped after my first training session in Seoul and the next thing I know was that I met Twice. To top it all off, I have Tzuyu's number. Even though Tzuyu was not bias I was still very happy that I was able to meet Twice and manage to keep some sort of contact with them. Well that is hopefully Tzuyu will remember who I am and reply to my text when I text her in the future. Lying in bed, I thought to myself. Did I play it cool enough to reject the autograph and photo offer from Twice. It was my dream to take photos with idols but when the chance finally came, I declined it. I decided to go against what Jihyo said and plug in Tzuyu's phone number into my phone so I don't lose this very important number for the future.

Tzuyu POV

Tzuyu: Well unnie that went well.

Jihyo: Yeah, almost too well. Why didn't he want autographs and photos. 

Tzuyu: Maybe he's just not interested in us.

Jihyo: No way, by the reaction I saw on his face when we revealed ourselves, he was pretty shocked.

Tzuyu: Unnie, you need to stop worrying about everything.

Jihyo: As the leader, it is my job to protect the whole group from fans and weirdos like him.

Tzuyu: Unnie he is an athlete and a public figure like us. Maybe he is used to how annoying fans could be when asking for autographs and stuff so he decided to treat us like normal people.

Back in the dorm, I couldn't stop but thinking about Y/N. Poor guy, he must have been so scared about how we dragged him into the van and blindfolded him. Maybe we shouldn't have used this kidnap method to get him. He seemed nice after all and given that he is new to South Korea he could really use a friend.

Finally another update. I am very busy with not with all the studying and finals. Please wish me luck. 

We are on 499 reads so one read away from 500. I will thank every one for 500 reads in advance. 

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