Campaign Continues

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As Jaune was keeping an eye on Blake at Beacon Academy as despite everything she has done to him and not caring for her one bit he did care about Ruby and new Ruby would be sad if Blake got hurt.

Blake: you can't keep me prisoner here forever!

Jaune: who said I was keeping you prisoner you can leave whenever you want just so you know there is no way you're getting off school grounds as I already informed Ozpin to your little plan so good luck getting past him and the professors.... Cuz my guess is despite your skills you are no match for them in a fight.

Blake said nothing as she knew this was true as one does not become a professor or the Headmaster of Beacon Academy if they were skilled in a fight.

Jaune: as for your second question Captain Han is currently on another mission while my protege Captain Joseph personally hunts down the remaining White Fang here in Vale.

Blake: how did?!

Jaune just smirked as he slowly walk towards Blake making sure she saw that he had his gun on her to make sure she didn't try anything funny.

Jaune: Blake Blake Blake Blake... You have a really bad habit of underestimating your enemies. I mean I know you're a rebel fighter and you have been fighting against a more powerful enemy all your life which consisted of the SDC. But you're now currently fighting an enemy that's more powerful and ruthless than the SDC as currently any White Fang that are captured alive are being forced to serve their sentences working in my mines collecting material for my army!

Blake felt a shiver fall down her spine as she had never seen this side of Jaune! Was any trace of the old Jaune even in there she wondered?!

Blake: when are you going to stop?!

Jaune: Blake Blake Blake... I'm never going to stop and that's the reason why you're still alive right now because you're a valuable tool to me because one your Ruby's friend so I won't hurt you and two I can use you as a negotiating tool with your parents, you know Ghira and Kali Belladonna the leaders of menagerie and former leaders of the White Fang. FYI the next time you want to go deep undercover and erase your past change your dang name first...

Blake: my mom and dad will never agree to your terms!

Jaune: and that's where you're wrong Blake because unlike you your dad and mom are actually reasonable. They're not multi-spoiled little brats who think just because they suffered a little they know everything about the world and think they can handle everything on their own when they really can't! That's exactly what you are Blake you see your parents were smart to leave the White Fang once they saw what it was becoming but you, you just had to stick around because of that boyfriend of yours. They so what a monster he was turning into but you were so in love you couldn't see past it until it was too late. You know he's obsessed with you right?! He has ordered every White Fang operative directly under his command to find any information to find you!

Blake began to shake as although she would never admit it she was afraid of Adam and what he could do as she knew that Adam was a person capable of anything as nothing was considered honorable to him so even the murder of women and children... Necessary.

Jaune: there you go... Now be a good little kitten and stay here while my men finish their job.

Jaune left the room at several of his SDF soldiers came into the room to keep an eye on Blake as he still did not fully trust her not to do anything rash and stupid.

Meanwhile across town in a bookstore a panther Faunus named Tuscan was packing anything he could as he had heard of the campaign against the White Fang by the SDF from personal friends he still had in the Fang that didn't turn him in.

Tuscan knew it was only a matter of time before either the White Fang or the SDF came after him and last thing he needed was too powerful ruthless enemies coming after him so he planned to Hitch a ticket to Vacuo as fast as possible.

As Tuscan was loading his final suitcase a smoke canister smashed through the window releasing large amounts of smoke into the room.

Tuscan was having a hard time breathing because his Faunus heritage made him more susceptible to things like smoke and specifically whatever it was in this smoke as it seemed to me making him woozy...

Han: tell Admiral Arc that Tuscan has been successfully captured!

Han and his men walked into the room with gas masks as Tuscan was cursing whatever deity he could think of for his misfortune of being captured by the SDF alive...!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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