Beacons reactions

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(All rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

Headmaster Ozpin what's currently in his tower with his right hand glynda goodwitch and general James ironwood of the Atlas military was also the headmaster of Atlas

Ozpin:James I know I've asked you this before but are you sure you have no information of the settlement defense front

Ironwood:like I told you the last time nothing there's no information and these are definitely not my men

Ozpin turns around and presses a few buttons and image of Jaune in his combat uniform with his helmet on appears

Ozpin:according to Miss Belladonna this is the leader of the SDF she heard a few of them calling him Admiral

Glynda: I don't know who these people are but they've basically destroyed the white thing of Mistral most who aren't dead are still turning themselves in saying the SDF has begun hunting them

Ironwood:they managed coordinate multiple attacks on multiple white fang bases in a matter of days it suggests military but from what army

Glynda: is it possible there rogue

Ozpin: possible but not likely according to the other kingdoms all of their military personnel are accounted for

Ironwood: there bullets can pierce through aura and from what I seen what the few photos they have they were strange uniforms full body in our dust rounds can't even pierce through

Ozpin:and now according to team RWBY they have captured Roman torchwick

Ironwood:they captured Roman first along with a few White fang but why would they spare them

Ozpin: information I suspect the most recent attack on the White fang resulted in the death of the lieutenant and the destruction of one of their warehouses

Ironwood: ever since those attacks they've gone quiet is it possible they left Vail

Ozpin: something tells me they're still here there's something they want

Glynda: we need information they know everything about us that we know nothing of them is it possible they work for her

Ozpin: not likely they seem to be a new faction that rivals our militaries even our schools

Ironwood: I don't like this Ozpin there are always two steps ahead of us and I don't like it has has Qrow found anything

Ozpin:so far all he's found is a lot of tight lips according to a lot of villages in Mistral they're grateful to the SDF who has defended them better than the kingdom has in years

Glynda: smart move getting the people's support

She then stares at the image of Jaune and his combat uniform

Glynda: I want to know who this is and I want him captured if he is the leader and he's here this is our best chance to get information

Ironwood: agreed he is a high-priority target we need him alive if he is the leader he knows everything about the SDF

(At team RWBY dorm)

Team RWBY we're having a discussion about the SDF with her sister team JNPR

Pyrrha: the leader of the SDF knew about Jaune maybe they have him

Ruby: we were about to try for more answers but they escaped

Blake appears tired not having slept well in days trying to find any information on the SDF and the White fang the White fang to find out why they were working with are human like torchwick and the SDF

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