Preparations for war

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(all rights belongs to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

In Kuroyuri or more specifically the museum that the SDF built to honor their culture as well as the new culture of remnant

Lieutenant Dylan Rhodes of the SDF the half faunus was looking for Admiral Arc

Dylan finally spotted him add an exhibit of a Grimm that was bothering the SDF the first few days of the Reconstruction of Kuroyuri that the Admiral personally hunted down and killed

The exhibit was a wax figure of the creature with exact detail even the weapons on its back where the real weapons that the Admiral personally brought back and had put into the sculpture with consistent background of the old Kuroyuri

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The exhibit was a wax figure of the creature with exact detail even the weapons on its back where the real weapons that the Admiral personally brought back and had put into the sculpture with consistent background of the old Kuroyuri

Dylan: there you are Admiral admiring this monster again

Jaune: for many years this creature prevented settlement in this area single-handedly it killed 28 of my men before we started hunting it down it must have been ancient because it had the intelligence to start running away where I personally finished it off and its lair you should have seen the look on its face when I stabbed it in the heart with my sword after I shot it so many times

Dylan: I'm impressed sir do you guys the Grimm are nothing more than sport when they first started harassing here you guys started shooting them instead of being afraid you treated them like they were dumb animals

Jaune: of course even those Goliath's were no match for our skelter's you should have seen them run as we were flying in our skelters shooting them down one by one look over there there's even a wax figure of one of them

Jaune: of course even those Goliath's were no match for our skelter's you should have seen them run as we were flying in our skelters shooting them down one by one look over there there's even a wax figure of one of them

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Dylan: but still even though smaller Grimm still bother the settlement!

Jaune: of course they do their young they possess no intelligence but they're nothing more than a nuisance it is the bigger and older Grimm of that are a threat but they're smart enough to stay away now why were you here in the first place?

Dylan: oh yes Captain Han was looking for you

Jaune: thank you for the message Dylan you are relieved

Dylan decides to explore more of the museum as Jaune heads towards the SDF command center

when he finally arrives he sees the other leaders discussing the recent plans to attack the White fang Vale

Alexi: this is going to be a lot of fun but I have to stay here and watch over the mines

Jaune: you lost fair and square Joseph drew the longest straw

Joseph: I've already knocked out several locations where will do multiple strikes hopefully one of them has Adam Taurus

Jaune: excellent Captain Han what about Mercury black and Emerald Sustrai

Han: they have been spotted in the mount Glenn area but the place is huge and there's a bunch of underground settlements they could be anywhere

Jaune: curious why would they be there most likely desperate with the lieutenant dead Adam has to pull double shift

Alexi: agreed with Roman and Cinder captured the lieutenants dead they must be struggling with the lack of leadership whatever they have planned they're probably going to go through with it any day now because they're desperate

Jaune: which is why I'm going to capture those to personally and if necessary eliminate with extreme prejudice now Han any word from our spies in Atlas

Han: according to our spies the council has reluctantly agreed to the non-aggression pact but Jacques Schnee the head of the Schnee dust company is trying to have the pack revoke

Jaune: figures a lot of the villages we saved and are now under our control had mine belonging to the SDC he may become a nuisance in the future suggestions

Kai: we should eliminate him not even his own family cares about him

Jaune: an option but we need to make it look like an accident if we were to kill him the council will use that as an excuse to violate the non-aggression pact

Kai: agreed so how should we do it

Jaune: Jacques schnee is a paranoid man does extensive background on employees he even has a taste tester to see if his food has been poisoned before he eats it and every time he's on the road he is surrounded by bodyguards

Joseph: so he will not make this easy

Jaune: but as the old saying goes no matter how good the defense there is always a weakness we just need to find Jacques schnee weakness and he will be a puppet that we control

The other leaders are liking the idea

Jaune: now they are your men ready for war Joseph

Joseph: yes Admiral they are just finishing putting in the last supplies

Jaune: remember Joseph I want Adam Taurus alive we need him to find sienna Khan and if he proves difficult be very "persuasive"

Joseph: believe me sir I will

Jaune: all right gentlemen we all have our missions Alexi you are to make sure the SDF functions here in Kuroyuri

Alexi: it will be a pleasure Admiral

Jaune: Han you will assist me in capturing Mercury and Emerald

Han: yes sir

Jaune: Joseph you are to destroy the White fang of Vale

Joseph: I will not let you down Admiral

Jaune: Kai you are to oversee our undercover operations in Atlas

Kai: yes Admiral

Jaune: remember gentlemen death is no disgrace now let us go and dine on some fine steak

The leadership of the SDF leaves you have a nice dinner as they begin their new military campaigns in Vale knowing that no one is going to get in their way and anyone who does will be eliminated with extreme prejudice 

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