Walk through Kuroyuri

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(all right so long to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

Jaune I just stunned is former friends and associates saying how he was supposed to be 42 years old

Ruby: what do you mean you're supposed to be 42 years old

Jaune: walk with me I want to show you how far we have taken care of Kuroyuri

Jaune got up from his desk and pressing a few buttons open a door whichever one follow through

Everyone was confused until they found themselves on a conveyor belt

Jaune: normally I would like to walk but since this is a tour of the city I thought a conveyor belt will help us move faster and keep you guys more entertained

Qrow: all right we'll look at the city but kid what do you mean you're supposed to be 42 years old

Jaune: I guess an explanation of where I've been is an order you see SDF is not from remnant in fact we're not even from this system we are from a system call the solar system in the milky way galaxy


Jaune: we came from space

Ironwood: impossible remnant has not even capable of space travel yet

Jaune: what part of we came from space you did not understand we're aliens

Winter: how did you arrive here

Jaune: a story is in order you see 25 years ago after I was betrayed by my so-called friends I found myself wondering through the woods

This made the so-called friends feel miserable what they've done

Jaune: I stepped on some strange device that teleported me to a planet called Mars where I met my mentor Yuri Makarov a captain in the SDF military he took me in and I was drafted into the military right then and there

Ozpin: what is the ideology of the SDF

Jaune: I'm glad you asked the beliefs of the SDF inspire results of social Darwinism in fact for the first two years I was a soldier then I moved up the ranks slowly until I became of vice-admiral during those ten years of service I let campaigns on all parts of the solar system from the moons of Jupiter to the dwarf planet Pluto

Glynda: this is all hard to believe

Jaune: we managed to rebuild a city in a matter of weeks our ships easily out sizing anyting remnant has built one more proof do you need

Yang: still what did you do in those 25 years

Jaune: I learned you see why I serve the planet Mars I grew up fascinated with the planet that we were against called Earth and I grew to love the planet for its music and the arts I'm a reticular fan of Mozart although you never heard of him

Ozpin: I'm guessing you more than study the arts Mr. Arc

Jaune: you would be correct headmaster Ozpin besides the arts I also studied the greatest strategist of the earth Hannibal Barca, Sun Tzu, Oda nobunaga, Carl von clausewitz, Robert e Lee, George S Patton Zhuge Liang Napoleon Bonaparte Saladin Julius Caesar and many others

The visitors were impressed that Jaune studied so many great strategists

Jaune: all great leaders throughout the history of Earth I use many of their strategies in my campaign a fun fact many of these strategies were outnumbered 10 to 1 and they managed to win battles every time

ironwood was regretting his decision of biting the settlement defense front realizing he's dealing with a master strategist right in front of him

Jaune: moving on I was so in love with her if I even had several dozen copies of paintings made which will be shown to you right now

the group appears in some kind of large gallery of painting is that they have never seen before and are absolutely mesmerised

Jaune: I had copies of the Mona Lisa the statue of David the Venus de Milo dogs playing poker The starry night the mountains of Kyoto and many other paintings copied from my personal collection

the visitors are absolutely mesmerized that the culture of this planet and wanted to know more

Jaune: unfortunately many of my superiors and fellow colleagues did not have the same love of her if I did in fact many of them hated Earth

Ruby: but why all these cultures beautiful art

Jaune: let's walk and talk

the groom stops looking at the paintings and sculptures and returns to the conveyor belt with a move on

Jaune: you see as one point Earth was running low on resources so they had to expand the colonies at first it was great but many colonists did not like being told what to do eventually a revolution happen in Mars that later became the SDF home base

Weiss: so they didn't like it and they revolutionize that's a bit extreme

Jaune: isn't that what happened to the faunus

That struck a nerve in Blake

Jaune: moving on tensions arose in the SDF and the UNSA or the United Nations space alliance eventually the high council the SDF considered war I was against the idea but my Superior admiral Salen kotch was for it so the decision was made for war

Ironwood: you don't sound proud of it

Jaune: war is not pretty and it was a disaster from the start kotch made the biggest mistake you could ever do underestimate the enemy and the person you underestimated was a fierce strategist and warrior known as Commander Nick Reyes of the retribution

Winter: you sound like you feared him

Jaune: more like respected unlike most people Reyes never stayed on the deck he always LED head first leading the mission in front of his men when is hitting New Orleans style tactics he started slowly crippling the SDF I don't blame him after Kasia text Geneva he was killing innocent civilians

Yang: how can you take part in there!!!

Pyrrah: I'm sure he has his reasons

Jaune: I didn't I wasn't a part of that sack and I did not like it one big but like a military I had to follow my orders of course with time the war with Earth was lost but many did not want to accept that so I started slowly we gathering supplies so that when we lost we could rebuild

Ozpin: what were the results

Jaune: in the end kotch got killed and his ship the Olympus Mons the sister of the knight of Mars my ship was used against the SDF destroying its main fueling station and destroy many of the chips just preventing the SDF from further aggression and mean the war

Ren: but that is in the end of the story is it

Jaune: no after Koch died I was promoted to admiral in my mission was to help rebuild the SDF I started going around to every territory collecting soldiers uniforms equipment weapons anything to help rebuild the ASDF and somehow we were returned back here to remnant and our bodies deaged I still don't know how it happened

Blake: but why did you wage war with the White fang

Jaune: are you serious there are a group of homicidal cultists you're high leader Sienna Khan condones mass murder kidnapping and robbery of millions of lein worth of dust and before you even think of talking to the White fang prisoners just remember they'll lie to you

Blake had nothing to say

Jaune: my goodness you are so stubborn I just hope you don't get in my way when we take the next step

Blake: what's the next step!

Jaune: since you didn't hear us while we're having our meeting thanks to the soundproof barrier I'll tell you the council Vale gave the SDF the green light to eliminate the White fang of Vale


Jaune: I will send a message to the White fang they have two weeks to surrender after that what happens next is on them

With the White fang of Mistral destroyed the SDF set its sight on the White fang of Vale the most extremist branch of the White fang they will have two weeks to surrender after that any who still want to fight will get the fight of their lives

(What should the SDF do to Adam)

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