Mission 1 capture Roman torchwick

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(All rights belongs to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

Jaune Sandoval and Ming along with Alexi Dylan and Kai are leading a small army of SDF personnel on wardens towards Vail planning to set up shop for their mission to capture Roman torchwick and Penny

Jaune Sandoval and Ming along with Alexi Dylan and Kai are leading a small army of SDF personnel on wardens towards Vail planning to set up shop for their mission to capture Roman torchwick and Penny

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The wardens were cloaked so they were undetectable to the naked eye and to any of remnants detection technology

Alexi:Admiral how are you going to catch a Roman in Penny Roman should be easy but penny is constantly surrounded by elite Atlas personnel

Jaune: that is true but I have a plan there's a school dance happening at my old school and because of the so-called peace that will be lack of security we will capture her then when she is most vulnerable

Dylan: don't you worry you'll run into your so-called friends

Jaune:as long as they're not enemies of the SDF we will leave them alone

Kai: what do you suppose we'll capture Roman he is a snake and like any snake he is good at hiding

Jaune:according to intercepted transmissions he is suspected behind dozens of dust robberies and there's a large shipment of dust being moved into the docks tomorrow he won't be able to help himself so he'll definitely show to oversee the operation

Alexi: one problem you said we need the girl to get him to talk what are the chances she'll be with him

Jaune: my guess is minimal Roman may be a lot of things but he's not stupid the girl will most likely be somewhere safe that's why we're capturing the White fang with him so they will tell us where she is

Dylan:it is foolproof but the White fang we have faced have so far refused to surrender how are we supposed to capture them

Jaune: I've been having our scientists make us dozens of flash and smoke grenades they have night-vision so they'll be able to see in the dark but that is also their weakness

Santana: what do you mean their weakness Admiral

Jaune:because their vision is so good at night that exposure to a large amount of light will temporarily stun them if only a certain general knew this he could have easily defeated the faunus instead of being captured

Kai:I see what you mean because they have near perfect vision at night exposure to the flash grenades will temporarily stun them

Jaune: yes and the smoke will cover our capture and retreat we have to do this within minutes it is assume they'll be silent alarms at the docks I don't want to reveal ourselves to the world yes we are not ready

Alexi: he is right we are still mining resources and a hundred thousand personnel is nowhere near enough to take on four kingdoms armies

Ming: Admiral we will land in Vail shortly where should we establish a base of operations

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