The White fang war begins

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(All rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

(Unknown location Vale)

Adam Taurus,the die-hard leader of the White fang of Vale was not having an easy time, with a secret partner Cinder Fall in SDF custody, and with no word of Roman torchwick whereabouts he has to spearhead the operation in Mount Glen

Adam(I don't like this I should have never joined that idiots, my number two is dead and now I'm stuck with her lackeys)

Mercury and Emerald were helping oversee the operation having left Beacon after Cinder was captured

Emerald: once we complete this we mount an attack to save Cinder

Mercury: and how are we supposed to do that genius, one we don't know where those SDF guys took her, and to wherever she is I'm pretty sure she's locked up pretty tight

Emerald: Cinder will find a way to escape

Adam(if it wasn't for the queen I would have already killed these two)

(Ocean territory of Vale)

Currently on a cruiser flying towards the outskirts of the kingdom of vale was Jaune and Hang

Han: admiral we will be in the outskirts in 20 minutes what's the plan

Jaune: search and destroy, if we spot any Grimm take them out, a White fang let us see if they lead us to the rest if they spot you take them out

Han: and what of the prime targets

Jaune: Joseph is overseeing the operation in mountain Glenn, if anyone can bring back Adam Taurus alive it's him

Han: I have no doubt you have a lot of faith in him Joseph was your personal protege back on Mars

Jaune: I know no man more loyal to the cause of the SDF than him, the man has nerves of steel and does not fear death

Han: what are we going to do sir

Jaune: we're going to run interference,knowing Blake Belladonna she will try to alert the White fang about our plan to attack them, which is why we are going to Beacon to run interference while Joseph does his thing

Han: I would think that you would want to oversee this operation yourself Admiral

Jaune: yes I would, but I know my former friends better than anyone, so I am the best man to run interference, meanwhile Han I want you to lead a team and to capture another former White fang operative, according to my sources he is planning to flee to vacuole any day now

Han: what is his name sir?

Jaune: his name is Tuscan, annoying his former Brothers and sisters, they are after his head so he would probably agree to come with us willingly probably seeing it as the best means of staying alive

Han: it will be done Admiral!

(Unknown White fang base)

Deep in the forest of Vale was a large White fang settlement, two guards were on patrol several feet from their can Patriots looking around not noticing that's some of the brush was moving

Before the two can react two SDF soldiers grab them and broke their necks so they could not alert the others

SDF soldier: Captain Joseph we have surrounded the settlement what are your orders

Joseph: destroy anywho surrender capture, we need more workers for the mines

Upon hearing the Captain's order the SDF began firing into the settlement alerting the White fang

Many of them fired back managing to take out a few SDF soldiers but were quickly overwhelmed

One of the more die-hard members all the White fang kept running towards bstf with a machete even though he was heavily injured but soon collapsed from all the injuries and died where he fell

Many of the white famg seeing the battle is over quickly drop their weapons and put their hands on their head hoping to be spared

Joseph walked into the battlefield in full military armor but without his helmet looking around

Joseph: as expected of soldiers of the SDF a few of you fell but remember death is no disgrace

SDF: sir we have captured the leader, he's seriously wounded

Joseph: bring him before me

To SDF soldiers dragged the White fang leader of the camp, who happened to be a snake faunus

Joseph: you are heavily injured my friend if you are willing to cooperate I'm sure our medics can save you

White fang leader: he he you ignorant human, I would rather perish than help you

He mustered up the strength and spits in Joseph face

Joseph wipes off the spit like it was nothing

Joseph: hahahaha that's what I like to see a leader willing to die for their beliefs, I've seen many pathetically beg for their lives but not you, you have my respect

A moment later Joseph pulls out his pistol and shoots the leader between the eyes killing him instantly

Joseph: a shame we were on different sides we might have been friends if our circumstances were different, but I am a soldier and a soldier follows there leader, my leader wishes the plent a SDF flag all over this planet and that's what we all plan to do, those who get in our way we'll perish that is the way of the SDF

The SDF leaves after collecting any useful materials knowing that this was the only the beginning of their campaign

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