Preparations for the treaty

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(All rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

Ozpin was honestly nervous in a few hours the coordinates were going to be sent by the SDF of their location

Ozpin was not having an easy week with ironwood constantly down his neck trying to get information on the SDF but so far nothing

Glynda: I don't feel good about leaving James in the dark but I understand why knowing him it'll launch a full-scale military assault on the SDF

Ozpin: I saw the look in Mr. Arc eyes he was confident that his forces could easily repell any ambush James throws at him it will be like a ant in an antlion trap

The door of the elevator opens revealing Qrow branwen Ruby and Yang uncle and part of Ozpins inner circle

Ozpin: what happened Qrow

Qrow: my sister happened she's been captured buy those SDF

Glynda: what exactly happened

Qrow: I tried to warn her to leave those convoys alone but she was so arrogant that she just didn't listen

Ozpin: I'm guessing that Miss Raven thought the SDF convoys were easy targets and started attacking them

Qrow: yup I tried to warn her that was a bad idea but she thought her mighty tribe wouldn't be defeated now they're all captured including her

Glynda: that woman only knows how to cause trouble

Qrow: as far as I'm concerned Raven had it coming you try to tell someone and they just don't listen what happens next is on them

Ozpin: I will discuss this with Mr. Arc when we meet him tomorrow

Qrow:yeah that's why I'm here I want to join you in this meeting kids got nothing against me so I can easily go with you I need to see how they're treating my sister

Glynda: I thought you said you didn't care

Qrow: about her no it's firecracker Raven maybe a lot of things but she still Yang's mother and I know she wants answers that's the only reason why I'm going

Ozpin: that may be an issue Qrow mr. Arc does not want to talk to Miss Xiao long

Qrow: yeah Ruby told me what happened in a letter man I knew Yang had anger issues but old man still he has to get over at some point

Glynda: are you suggesting we bring them it may go wrong if he sees them I do remind you quote we will be on his turf the people who defeated your sister easily and captured her alive

Qrow: okay I get it he only wants to see Ruby but I can least go and check on my sis

Ozpin: just behave yourself Qrow

(The next day)

Ozpin Qrow Glynda and Ruby we're walking into a warhead after getting the coordinates to the main SDF base which is been a mystery to the rest of the world until now

Qrow: you're sure it's a good idea to not tell Jimmy

Glynda: knowing that man he will launch a full-scale attack and it will just lead to bloodshed on both sides

Qrow: yeah that's the Jimmy I know attack first ask questions later

Ruby:I really want to see these SDF ever since I've heard about their weapons I've been really wanting to check them out maybe Jaune will let me upgrade crescent rose

Unknown to them they have several stowaways

Mainly the rest of team RWBY and JNPR who overheard Ruby talking about it last night

Weiss: I can't believe I agreed to do this

Blake: I need to confront Jaune and find out what he did with the White fang prisoners

Yang: are you still on that Blake there criminals and murderers get it through your thick head

Blake:even if all of that is true I need to know what the SDF is planning Jaune told me at the docks that he wanted to have a talk with my father who is the chieftain of menagerie

Nora: wow that is a really important job like super important

Blake: I need to see for myself if the SDF can be trusted for that I need to talk to the White fang prisoners

Ren: you know they'll probably just lie to you

Blake said nothing

Yang: the only reason I'm here is because I overheard Uncle Qrow mention something about me when he was talking on his scroll to Dad there's something in the SDF base that involves me and I'm going to find out what it is

Pyrrah: I need to see Jaune if only to tell him how sorry I am

Unknown to the group of stowaways there is another group of stowaways in the ship

They are general ironwood and specialists Winter Schnee Weiss sister

Ironwood: I knew something was up Oz but ypu not telling me about this do you not trust me

Winter: what is the plan sir

Ironwood:this tracking beacon will be activated as soon as we are the SDF base we can watch a full-scale attack to rescue penny

Winter: yes it is the appropriate action this SDF needs to be stopped

The groups of individuals head towards the coordinates

After a few hours they arrived at the base and a surprised

Ren looks out the window and is utterly shocked

Pyrrah: what's wrong

Ren: this is Kuroyuri my home the SDF torn down and rebuilt over it

Nora knew this was a painful place for Ren as this is where he lost his parents

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Nora knew this was a painful place for Ren as this is where he lost his parents

Ren: and I know Jaune knew of this he did this on purpose

Ren was angry

for the first time people not with the SDF have seen the new Kuroyuri when negotiations work well and what of the stowaways

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