Plans to colonize

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(all rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

In the war room of the knights of Mars Admiral Jaune Arc was having a meeting with the captains of the other ships

One of his personal friends was Captain Han Lee

Han: so you're saying that you know this planets that you're from it

Jaune: that is correct Han I used to call this place my home until I somehow ended up on Mars

Captain Alexei Hertz decided to speak

Alexi: you are not born of Mars how can we trust

Han: watch your tone you forget the Admiral gave twenty-five years of service to the SDF that's longer than any of us

Alexi: all right I get it if it wasn't for the fact that he saved my life I wouldn't even be here

Jaune grew angry as it reminded him of a certain bully

Jaune: anyway like I said on this planet it's completely and habitable the air is breathable and there are plenty of resources I suggest we colonized

Captain Kai arisaka decides to speak up

Kai: what about our home of Mars

Han:we are nowhere near Mars and how we're going to explain to them that we're somehow we're young again

Alexi: I agree although I personally do not mind it's good to be young again my old body was having so many problems

Manny were actually happy to be young again

Jaune: I suggest we call ladin because we are going to run out of food soon and air and we're nowhere near refilling station and two I know for a fact that a lot of the resources we use these people don't even know can be used as resources

Kai: you are right we need to colonize that's the only way we'll survive but what about the SDF

Jaune: gentleman since no one here who knows how to get back to Mars anyway I suggest we build a new SDF here

Han: rebuild the SDF on a new world

Jaune: yes gentlemen I suggest we build a new nation on this that's called remnant and make it our new home it has everything we need to survive breathable air freshwater and plenty of food that we can grow in the soil we can also raise cattle for meat

Alexi: I agree with the Admiral we going to run out of food eventually up here it is best we colonize and make a new home for ourselves

Jaune:what I will now tell you gentlemen it's something I have not told anyone not even my most loyal men

(One explanation later)

Han: they call themselves warriors disgraceful no warrior would abandon a comrade in need

Alexi:and there is still discrimination disappointing we have the SDF believe that all are equal as long as your loyal to the SDF these faunus as you call him will be seen as equals with in our new nation

Kai: I'm sorry you had to suffer so much Admiral

Captain Joseph galante decides to give his opinion

Joseph: that is a sad story Admiral you have my condolences so where do you suggest we start our new home

Jaune: on the continent of Mistral because of creature known as grim much of humanity has not expanded its borders as far as they wish to there are many abandoned settlement the settlement I'm thinking of is the one once called Kuroyuri the land is already cultivated around perfect for crops and there are plenty of buildings and freshwater but it was abandoned after a Grimm attack long ago

The captain's look at the map

Joseph:we will have to tear some of the buildings down in order to start the new ones the trees would prove useful for lumber for our buildings and you said that a lot of the resources we use they have no idea can be used as fuel

Jaune: gasoline solar power coal they have no idea they can be used as resources

Alexi: excellent more for us so what did they use as resources on this planet

Jaune: they use a mineral called dust is only found here and it is the main blood of remnant used for everything from energy to military use

Han: you don't seem worried Admiral

Jaune:because our weapons are much more powerful they can easily aura I know that from experience

Kai: yes that natural barrier that being seem to have here and you said it will be useless against our technology is there any threats we need to worry about

Jaune: pretty much problem for us since they're mindless Atlas is the most Superior technological kingdom in this planet but their technology is no match for ours the only threat would be the huntsman the elite warriors but with the support of the people we will soon get no one will be able to stop us

Joseph: I will alert my men at once and you are right we need to commingle with the popular here seeing as how we have no females on any of our ships the only way our future generations will happen is if we commingle

Alexi: I will have all the material ready for Kuroyuri top of the buildings turned down we should have a new base of operation within a few days

Each of the Captain's return to their respective ships and with the night of Mars leading them they land on the forests of Mistral spotting Kuroyuri

Each of the Captain's return to their respective ships and with the night of Mars leading them they land on the forests of Mistral spotting Kuroyuri

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thousands of SDF soldiers searched the grounds for any life not finding anything

Alexi: he wasn't kidding when he said he was abandoned and with a bit of sprucing up this will make a fine new home for us

Kai: I never asked you Admiral how we going to get the support of the people

Jaune:there is this terrorist group known as the white thing that constantly attack villages were humans and faunus live together I am right now listening to any reports of any attacks we will go to those village in there and rescue them gain their support and with their village endanger will tell him to move here with us creating our new society

Han: is that necessary sir

Jaune: let's face it we're all soldiers we don't exactly know how to run day-to-day operations the gears that keep society moving and do any of you know anything about crops

Alexi: good point

Jaune hears White fang chatter of an attack in a nearby village

Jaune: let's move out people we're going to go rescue a village and we're going to bring the people here Alexi you get your men and start tearing buildings apart start building new buildings in their place

Alexi: I'm already drawing up the plans as we speak

Jaune: Han you established perimeter so we don't get attacked in our sleep

Han: I will order my men at one

Jaune is satisfied with everything and takes his leave along with hundreds of SDF personnel

The White fang has no idea what is coming after them

Arc of the Settlement Defense Front (SDF)Where stories live. Discover now