SDF vs White fang

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(all rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

The White fang we're now attacking a village that has been only recently established where humans and faunus work together

The reason for the attack is the White fang where a human hating extremist organization and when they heard that many faunus were married to humans in this village they decide to exterminate it with extreme prejudice

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The reason for the attack is the White fang where a human hating extremist organization and when they heard that many faunus were married to humans in this village they decide to exterminate it with extreme prejudice

The village elder was trying to plead with them to stop but he was knocked down instead and started getting kicked

One individual who was a teenager with dog ears was half human and half faunus being from a human father and a faunus mother

The boy's father tried to protect him and shield him with his body

White fang: kill the half-breed and his father then find the mother and kill her too

The boy and his father could only brace for what was about to happen next when they heard a loud bang

They open their eyes to see the White fang near them lying dead on the floor

Father: has the kingdom sent soldiers to protect us Dylan are you okay

Dylan: I'm okay Dad and I don't think those guys are part of the kingdom

they saw a man in full body suits carrying large strange guns firing at the White fang although it appears there were only a few of them more and more started coming in and slaughtering the White fang

they saw a man in full body suits carrying large strange guns firing at the White fang although it appears there were only a few of them more and more started coming in and slaughtering the White fang

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The White fang but was surprised to see that it was just bouncing off their armor

Well the mysterious enemy was killing them left and right

They then saw someone leading them about Dylan's age with blonde hair and blue eyes dress differently wielding a sword and gun into battle

Jaune: slowly and circle them until they're cornered if they don't surrender hit him with the heavy artillery

Dylan then saw several bullheads carrying White fang but were quickly shot down by giant robots

to Dylan's father this was not a battle this was a one-sided massacre the White fang were no match for this mysterious enemy

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to Dylan's father this was not a battle this was a one-sided massacre the White fang were no match for this mysterious enemy

To Dylan he was only amazed that someone had finally come to save them usually the kingdoms would let them die as they no longer affiliated with them

the White fang we're getting cut down one by one slowly their numbers falling while none of the mysterious enemy lost a single soldier

Jaune: I give you White fang one last chance to surrender otherwise we will have to eliminate you with extreme prejudice

White fang: you humans think you're all that but we will never surrender we will charge and kill every last one of you

Jaune: foolish extremists fire don't let one of them live

the soldiers got out of the way and the robot started shooting at the remaining White fang who tried firing back but it was all for nothing

That day no White fang member surrendered and we're all killed while the mysterious enemy didn't lose a single soldier

When the battle was over the SDF started piling dead White fang in a pile

The people were both grateful and scared of this mysterious group were they going to enslave them where they going to kill them like the White fang did

Dylan run up to their leader and was about to be shot when Jaune stop them

Jaune: do not fire he is a civilian

Dylan: you and your man saved our lives but why

Jaune: allow me to introduce myself

He got on top of one of his vehicles to give a speech

Jaune:many of you here don't know us but we are new faction that has appeared here in remnant we are the settlement defense front or the SDF for short and I am their leader Admiral Jaune Arc the reason we saved your lives here is because we believe that all races are equal and we wanted to come here with a proposition for you all

Elder:you saved my village anything for our heroes

Jaune: we wish for you all to come live with us we have recently started building a new settlement nearby and we wish all of you to live with us in safety

Elder: but this is our home

Jaune: yes your home that was attacked more White fang will come your home is no longer safe elder you know this to be true

Elder: that is not the only reason is it that you want to help us

Jaune: as expected of someone your age you are wise yes we wish for many of you to join us in the SDF to become warriors so that in your new home if the White fang comes back or the grim you'll be able to defend it like I know many of you wanted to do this day

Dylan: I will join you

Father: Dylan what are you doing

Dylan:those horrible White fang we're going to kill us all just because we were different and we couldn't do anything about it these people risk their lives to save us when they didn't have a reason to the least we can do is join them at least then we'll be safe

many were surprised that the shy boy of the village Dylan agreed with these mysterious people but he was right they were their saviors and the White fang could come back for retribution

Jaune: my vehicles will be here shortly to take you two are new settlement those who wish to join us step up

Many of the young all the village including a few adults both male and female human and faunus stepped up wishing to join the SDF

The transport vehicles arrived and slowly the villagers were taken to Kuroyuri where Alexi and Han which tearing down buildings and building new ones in their place

The ones old buildings were being destroyed and replaced with new one water electricity and other necessities were being installed into the village

when the people arrived they were surprised to see the size of the settlement defense front

Jaune instructed the ones who wish to join to go over to a desk where they were handed a uniform and they would be beginning training at a facility being built by Hans men

Jaune:slowly but surely we will build up our forces and then we will become a great nation that will rival any kingdom

Later the SDF would learn that their attack would become a news sensation

(At a White fang base in Vail)

Adam Taurus a leader in the White fang was absolutely furious after he heard that has so many of his fellow White fang were exterminated like nothing when they went to go a check of village full of traitors

Adam: I don't know who leads this group but I promise I will have their head on a plate

He pulls out a sword and cuts the table he was sitting at and half to prove his point

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