making allies

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(all right so long to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

It was Major news every news Network around the kingdoms were talking about the SDF the settlement defense front and their leader Jaune Arc

all across the kingdom people are finding out that the boy who was kicked out beacon was now the leader of one of the most powerful factions now in remnant

The White fang which had a very significant presence in Mistral was all but destroyed with its members either dead or turning themselves in fearing the SDF

The Arc family were taking the news not so well

Reginald Arc was suffering heat from all sides after the world learned that his son now needs a faction that had basically declared war against the kingdoms

Eliza refuse to believe that our son could lead such a group

Saffron was not taking the news well despite the people of Argus considering the SDF heroes for destroying the vile White fang which has been suspected of many massacres

Ironwood was angry but knew war was not a good idea he saw firsthand the SDF technology and now they had Penny Atlas greatest weapon the fact that they're bullets to pierce aura also concerned him he did not want to risk the lives of his men

The council of Atlas wanted war but there was an issue no one knew where the SDF was they had asked the council of Mistral four possible leads but unfortunately the villagers were keeping their mouth shut even going to prison they would not turn in the group that has saved their lives

Ozpin what's taking the news better after retrieving the device inside the tower he realized that a virus was going to be in planted and the SDF had prevented a major catastrophe but the council of Vale were reluctant

Jaune's friends we're not taking the news well

Ruby was taking the news better than the others while many are concerned for Penny she knows in her heart that Jaune would never hurt her

Weiss was still not believing it the dolt who is falling on his own sword just not that long ago was now leading a mighty army

Blake could not believe it the man she despised was actually one of her friends she was now in the grey of what to do

Yang is furious the SDF we're basically mocking them bad destroy the White fang of Mistral captured Roman torchwick stop the potential virus from entering the trans communication and even kidnap people on their front door and their own home turf and still got away

Pyrrah was blaming herself saying that if only she had been there for Jaune this would never have happened

Nora is taking the news better she saying she should have realized that fearless leader was the leader as only he had the tactical skills to command such a force

Ren is being silent but it is easy to tell that it is bothering him greatly

Glynda: the student that disappeared two months ago is the leader of the SDF

Ozpin: Jaune Arc had potential and he's using it for an unknown agenda we have no idea what the final move is

Glynda: some are calling them criminals while many people in Mistral call them heroes so many villages are so grateful that many of them are going to jail rather than revealing anything about the SDF

Ozpin: yes and later the SDF breaks them out Mistral cannot handle them

Glynda:how could they disappear so easily none of our technology could detect their air ships

Arc of the Settlement Defense Front (SDF)Where stories live. Discover now