Mission 3 announcing themselves

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(All rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

As the students of the four kingdoms are preparing for the dance they have no idea of what's about to happen

Cinder fall is preparing to install a virus program during the dance and the SDF is planning an assault on the school to capture and both her and Penny

Jaune has been preparing to capture Penny for some time even befriending her under a false name gaining her trust

Jaune found her to be overly trusting and that when she lies she hiccups

Several days earlier Jaune and Han we're leading a large team of SDF personnel ready for their operation codename new moon as tonight the SDF was going to reveal themselves to the world

They knew this had to be fast and swift knowing that as soon as they get the ground and I spotted ironwood will get Penny away as far away as possible she is his most valuable weapon but she is not ready yet

Currently in their warehouse Jaune was suiting up with other SDF personnel feeling a little bit nervous he was going to reveal himself the world he wants called home as the leader of the mysterious SDF

Han: quite nerve-wracking sir but you have faced worse during your 25 years of service

Jaune: be honest with me Han how does it feel being young again being here all of this

Han: honestly sir this is quite a shock but I've gotten used to it I like this planet how we can breathe without helmets on when we step outside the freshwater that clean air a place to call home and as for being young again it's not all that bad we can fight like we're in our prime again

Jaune: positive has ever Han

Han checks his watch

Han: it's almost time sir get your game face ready you have a big announcement to make

Jaune puts on his helmet and gets the P-law ready

That night the little sound of a landing vehicle is heard

Using the wardens cloaking technology may sneak into beacon and dozens of SDF personnel split up

Jaune decides to go to the tower alone and wait for Cinder fall to appear

elsewhere Han is directly behind the wall where penny is dancing behind to Atlas soldiers reading the hacking device to shut down Penny so she can be captured without a fight

elsewhere Han is directly behind the wall where penny is dancing behind to Atlas soldiers reading the hacking device to shut down Penny so she can be captured without a fight

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