An Arc returns to remnant

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(all rights belongs to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

It has been over 25 years since Jaune arrived on Mars

during that time he proved himself as a valuable soldier and tactician in the settlement defense front winning many campaigns for them

He rose through the ranks quickly and it was now the rank of vice admiral wearing the uniform and everything

He rose through the ranks quickly and it was now the rank of vice admiral wearing the uniform and everything

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(He wears the uniform but without the hat)

He was well-known in the front to care for his men being one of the less militaristic leaders but was still respected highly for his skill on on the battlefield

One of the many reasons his men respected him was because he always charged head-first with them when they were on the assault wielding his sword and gun he struck fear into his enemies while inspiring his men for greater bravery

During his 20 years in the solar system jaune had picked up many hobbies in his free time

He studied the history of Earth a planet nearby and learned of its history

He studied the tactics of many great men including Hannibal Barca, Oda nobunaga, Alexander the great, Sun Tzu, Carl von clausewitz, Robert e Lee, and George s Patton he studied their lives there habits and most importantly their genius strategies the help them win overwhelming odds on the battlefield

Jaune also grew the love for Earth despite being part of the settlement defense front

He had copies of world-famous art made for his personal collection which he always kept in his personal quarters

When he learned that the settlement defense front was going to war with Earth he was one of the few against it feeling that it would be costly and that many lives would be lost
But his serperior admiral Salen kotch was fully supportive of the idea and the vote was made by the council they were going to war

Jaune decided that he and his ship with his men would not be near Kotch who he felt had a screw loose

The attack on Geneva confirmed his suspicions when Koch had thousands of innocent lives killed in the attack

Jaune was heavily against bringing civilians into war

As the war progressed Jaune saw a worthy adversary and Captain Reyes of the Retribution

Reyes was like him always in front of his men leading them into the battlefield

As the war progressed like Jaune had suspected things were not looking good for the settlement defense front as Reyes with his unconventional tactics was slowly crippling the front

Jaune nearly had a close call when he was late for a meeting on bored his friend and fellow vice-admiral Caleb thies ship being late actually saved his life as many were killed in a sabotage mission led by Reyes

Arc of the Settlement Defense Front (SDF)Where stories live. Discover now