Interference At Beacon

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(All rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of Call of duty)

[Beacon Academy]

Blake was currently in her dorm room as the rest of her team went to class, something they were not looking forward to as the teacher was Professor Port.

Blake(even if it's a terrible idea I have to do it in order to save the White Fang from a suicidal war!)

Blake was currently planning to head off to mount Glenn alone to try and find the White Fang to try to warn them about the SDF and their agreement with the Vale government to launch a campaign a war with extreme prejudice.

???: going somewhere Blake?

Blake was surprised by the sound of the voice as she immediately recognized the voice and turned around to see the leader of the SDF Jaune and along with his compatriot Captain Han.

Blake: What are...?

Jaune: Blake did you honestly not expect that I would know what you were up to you have a really bad habit of letting people know what you're up to with your body language alone. You really need to fix that in the future.

Blake: you can't just slaughter the White Fang like their cattle!

Jaune: they are not cattle they are extremist who don't hesitate to attack and slaughter anyone who gets in their way. This is War Blake and you have to get used to it. Now I know not all of them are bad since a lot of White Fang members that were captured admitted that they were "pressed" into service for the cause buy a White Fang press gang.

Blake: then why are you continuing this war?!

As soon as she asked this both Jaune and Han try their best not to chuckle as they found the whole notion to be ridiculous.

Jaune: you really want to know why I'm doing all of this huh Blake?

Blake stayed silent but the body language she was giving off said she wanted to know the answer.

Jaune: there you go doing that bad habit of yours again if you really want to know why I'm doing this the answer is simple. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Blake: huh?

Jaune: basically it means that if I help defeat a common enemy it's a lot easier for us to build relationships with every Kingdom. Before we came along the White Fang of Mistral were a thorn in the Mistral government side for very long time. Multiple reports of kidnappings, murders, mysterious disappearances some of which I may had have never been found and have been assumed to have been killed by White Fang extremists.

Blake couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew that the White Fang under Sienna Khan had groan more violent ever since her father had stepped down as leader but she never thought that they would sink this low.

Was saving them even the right option at this point?

Jaune: there it is finally the stubborn Kitty is starting to see that she is wrong about her idea of saving what are basically nothing but a group of individuals who have a screw loose somewhere in their head. Now I'm a big enough man to admit that not all of them are bad so if they surrender my soldiers are under orders to take them into custody and have them work in the mines as punishment for their past deeds.

Han: Yes sir, and you might as well tell her what we managed to extract from that woman you captured in the tower.

Jaune: thanks for reminding me Han. Blake you should be interested to know that the White Fang was planning with Roman Torchwick to release Grimm into the city

Blake nearly passed out from shock. She knew only of one individual who would sing so low has to do something like that. The only person she knows with that much hate and anger is Adam,performer mentor in the White Fang as well as one-time lover. Blake started shivering as I thought that he could be involved as even though it has been a long time since they've been apart she is scared to death of him.

Han: I see she had no idea that they had sunk this low onto the leadership of Adam Taurus.

Blake bit her lip nervously as the mention of his name alone sent shivers down her spine because she has fear that he will find her one day as Adam is very vindictive.

Jaune: yes and we can see from her body language alone that she is rarely afraid of him which also means that she knows him. Don't worry Blake if it comes down to it will make sure that Adam will never be able to hurt you or anyone else since you are the beloved friend of my friend Ruby.

Han: sir I just got a report from Joseph. He said he destroyed a major White flag Outpost in the mountains of his location and from the information he extracted from some of the prisoners there is an even bigger encampment somewhere in mount Glenn.

Jaune: I would expect nothing less of my protege. Now Blake I know hope you realize that the White Fang isn't worth saving, after all they have become nothing but a cult of extremists not the group that wanted to fight for a better future of faunus under your father's leadership.

Blake's eyes just went wide when her father was mentioned. Just how much did he know?

Jaune: although the SDF really shouldn't be acting like want to be heroes when we were basically monsters in our war with UNSA when we serve the high council and admiral Salen Kotch. Now there was a man who truly knew no mercy and would do anything to win. But after he was killed by Captain Reyes and with the SDF main planet as well as our main shipyard got totaled when the Olympus Mons crashed into it. But we are a new SDF that learns from the mistakes of our past selves and fights for a better future for our people.

Han: I couldn't agree more sir you are a way better leader than Kotch, I don't say this very often but he was one of the very few men in this life that I feared as that was no man, no Kotch was a demon in human skin.

Blake didn't know what they were talking about and just looked at them with shock and confusing as they left the hallway and headed towards Ozpin's best to continue their conversation with their allies on how to deal with the White Fang.

[Hey guys CMDragon95 here with some news. Now I know I haven't updated in a while and I'm truly sorry for that but I was suffering from a long case of mental block for this story as I tried and tried again to write a new part for their story but I just couldn't find any inspiration or words but I'm feeling a lot better. Now hopefully the next chapter will be out soon as I really want to see this story through to the end so let's hope for the best. Until then I will see you guys next time]

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