Troublesome bandits

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(All rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

The SDF we're having a meeting about their treaty with Vail

Kai: are you sure we can trust the council they're politicians politician should never be trusted

Alexi: nothing they can throw at us can take on our military might with the knight of Mars we can easily destroy any of their fleets

Joseph:I trust this Ozpin he sounds like he's like us does not like politicians

Jaune: is not Vail that I'm concerned about it is Atlas we have taken their most powerful weapon the most likely calling far heads especially mine

Han:we have the most powerful weapon that works for us now they have no chance against us

Jaune: that is what we thought about Earth

Alexi: Kotch was is a psychopath who forgot one of the most important rules of war never underestimate the enemy besides we're using Rayes tactics against this new world and they are effective like they were against us

Kai:we are lucky to be alive if we had been at that meeting we would have been dead like the others

Jaune: rest in peace Caleb

Santana came running in

Santana: sir several groups of bandits try to ambush one of our convoys we managed to push them back what they stole several boxes of the convoy

Jaune: again this branwen tribe is starting to get on my nerves

Alexi: I say we use the knight of Mars to wipe them out

Joseph:no that is our secret weapon we do not want to reveal our hand before our alliance with Vail

Jaune: no I want every last one of them alive we need workers for the fields

Kai: agreed that punishment is worse than any death

Santana: sir according to our reports the leader who was wearing a grin mask and next to her was a girl who could seem to control nature

Jaune looks at the video

Jaune: your eyes are fooled Santana it isn't the girl one who is using magic it's the leader in the Grimm mask she's just making it look like she can

Santana: you're right very observant sir

Jaune: what is the matter Santana it seems there's something else you need to report to me

Santana:....sir I don't know how to tell you this but Ming was with that convoy and he was gravely injured doctors not sure if he'll make it

Jaune:...... I see thank you Santana that is all

Santana takes his leave

Alexi: what are your orders sir

Jaune: people like the leader of this bandit tribe when we listen to power I believe a demonstration of power is in order

(Later at the branwen tribe village)

The bandits are celebrating their victory knowing that the material they stole from the convoy was SDF property

Raven branwen the leader of the bandit group and Yang's mother was overlooking her tribe when an explosion happen at her front door

The bandits point their weapons at Jaune who has an equal number of SDF soldiers pointing their weapons at them

Raven: you are the leader of the SDF the settlement defense front

Jaune: and your Raven branwen former lover of Tai Long and mother of Yang Xiao long

Raven:.... I see you did your research what are you doing here

Jaune: your bandits have been harassing my convoys and I like for it to stop I came here nicely

Raven: you're convoys carry a lot of useful material and as they say the strong survive the weak perish

Jaune: I agree with you spring maiden

Raven is taken aback

Jaune: that's right I know you're the spring maiden not that girl always next to you vernal

Raven summons a storm and strikes lightning near jaune to try to intimidate him

But to the SDF Admiral who has fought several campaigns on the moons of Jupiter this little storm doesn't scare him one bit

Jaune: quite impressive power you have there

Raven: you're not intimidated I'm impressed but I suggest you get out of here before you get hurt

Jaune: you showed me yours now I'll show you mine

The knight of Mars appears above the village

the bandits are honestly afraid they think it's a warhead only a lot more advanced and a whole lot bigger

The knight of Mars fire is a warning shot which decimates the nearby wall and several miles of forest

Jaune: and that's only from one of the cannons not the main weapon

Raven is honestly intimidated by the power of the knight of Mars she tries to use her maiden powers to destroy it

But to the ship that can handle hyperspace a little bit of lightning is nothing

Jaune: is that supposed to tickle my ship compared to the storms of Titan that's nothing

Raven is surprised that the machine can handle her power

Jaune: I was going to be nice but you hurt one of my own now you have to pay

the SDF starts firing gun bullets at the bandits knocking them down one at a time the bandits try to fight back but are no match got a better trained and better armed SDF

Raven tries to use her maiden powers but she is shot by an energy blast from a P-law

she tries to get up but she is shot several time by multiple soldiers caring P-laws

Raven tries to pull out her blade but Jaune shoots her blade out of her hand and then fires a bullet into her leg piercing her Aura causing her great pain

Jaune: in the SDF we have a saying death is no dishonor Ming fought as an SDF soldier and even if he dies he'll be honored as one but I cannot allow the death of one of my men to go unpunished don't worry I won't kill your tribe you're working for us now

Raven sees her tribe being taken away easily defeated by the SDF

Raven is badly hurt but using her trump card turns into a raven and flies away

at least that was the plan before she was shot again in the wing

Raven turns back into a human and falls into the ground her Aura barely protecting her from the fall

The ones confident tribal Chief now has a look of fear of her attacker jaune Arc

Jaune: what kind of leader leaves their men while they escaped talk about cowardly

Jaune places his boot on Ravens head

Jaune: I thought I told you you work for me now with your injuries we can heal you but your tribes going to have to pay for attacking our convoys and almost killing one of my men


Jaune: just remember you started this

Jaune kicks her knocking her out

Jaune: place aura restraining cuffs on all of them her especially

The branwen tribe which once struck fear in all of Mistral was defeated in seconds they are now prisoners of the SDF what fate awaits them

Arc of the Settlement Defense Front (SDF)Where stories live. Discover now