Departure from kuroyuri

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(all rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

Currently walking through the citadel that was once kuroyuri Jaune revealed true Blake and the rest of his friends that the council of Vale has given the SDF the green light to eliminate the White fang branch of Vale

Blake: you can't do this!!!

Jaune: actually I can the council gave us the green light but don't worry they have two weeks exactly to surrender although since that branch is known as the most extremist faction I highly doubt that

Blake: but all the bloodshed!!

Jaune: this is war if they surrender we will spare their lives but they will be forced to do hard labor in the mines for their crimes

Jaune leans into her ear and whispers

Jaune: you're concerned because a lot of them were once your friends but let me be clear on one thing kitty cat you honestly think they will not hesitate to kill you if they see you again as far as they're concerned you're a traitor!

Blake is absolutely astounded how much did they know about her

She bit her lip because she knew he was right they probably wouldn't hesitate to kill her

Jaune: and by the way the next time you want to escape your past change your name or at least your last name I mean seriously how many Belladonna's are there that's how I knew who your father and mother were

Blake: what do you plan to do to me!!

Jaune: nothing I just asked you stay out of my way when I meet your father who is scheduled to come here next week

Blake: what are you going to do to my father!!!

Jaune: nothing this is talks of an alliance the man is an important political figure in the faunus community laying a finger on his head could make us more enemies than allies

Jaune walks away to a nearby elevator platform

Jaune: let us continue this trip by getting on board the pride and joy of the SDF the knight of Mars

Everyone gets on the platform and seconds later it starts to move up

Well on the long ride up Blake decides to confront Ozpin

Blake: how can you let the SDF do this!!!

Ozpin: it was not my decision Miss Belladonna it was the council's as they put it "the White fang has been a thorn in Vale's side for too long tell the SDF that they have the green light to eliminate with extreme prejudice"

Blake: but what about all the bloodshed they'll kill dozens if not hundreds even thousands of people

Ozpin: why you feel that way Miss Belladonna you must remember the White fang are a militant organization these people are considered terrorists who have committed crimes of mass murder robbery and kidnapping even against their own people

Ironwood: and now they have stepped up their game by stealing military hardware they're still with dozens of Atlas paladin's missing all suspected work of the White fang

Blake is about to say something but Yang and the rest of the team holds her back

Weiss: they're right Blake open your eyes the White fang is in the organization at once was

Ironwood: well they were once a peaceful organization under their new leader they have committed many crimes and atrocities all across the four kingdoms why do you keep defending them

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