Beacon reacts to the SDF

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(all rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

The SDF continue their campaign in destroying the White fang of Mistral and they were close to succeeding

Recruitment rallies were interrupted and destroyed those that surrendered we're spared

Dust and weapons stolen by the White fang were stolen by the SDF who stole it from the White fang

The SDF left a trail of bodies everywhere they went always leaving them in a pile for the authorities to find

To intimidate the White fang they left the SDF logo on the walls that they spray-painted the let them know who is doing this

General ironwood of Atlas wants to know who is doing this as their bullets seem to pierce through aura

they were accomplishing more than any other military had done they were crippling the White fang and still no one knew who they were

At beacon Ozpin was curious as well as who these people were as they were crippling the White fang of Mistral one of the larger factions

what surprised them even more is that many high-ranking White fang or turning themselves in as they said they'd rather be in jail than face those monsters only known as the SDF

Ozpin was with his assistant Glynda trying to figure out what the SDF next move is

Glynda: do they have to kill them it's only been several weeks since this SDF announced themselves and they've already taken out over 73% of the Mistral White fang well the other 27% are either turning themselves in or going into hiding

Ozpin:the way they move in the way these are executed they suggest military but James told me the SDF is not a part of Atlas so who could be behind this

Glynda:wherever there are their careful cleaning their tracks the only thing they actually leave is that logo and the spray painted SDF underneath

The students of beacon  and we're having different reactions

Blake was angry she believed that the White fang we're just misguided they didn't deserve this she thought

Yang: I don't know who this SDF is but their crippling the White fang

Weiss: yes and they're leaving bodies wherever they go

Blake: we need to stop them

Ren: I know you're upset but they're terrorists

Blake:they're just misguided there was no need to kill them

They then got a news report from Lisa lavender on their scrolls

Lisa:this is Lisa lavender coming in the police have recently allowed a White fang member who survived an attack speak about this mysterious SDF

The reporters were looking at the White fang member who is dressed and a blanket holding a hot cup of hot chocolate trying to calm his nerves

Lisa: sir what can you tell us about this SDF the men who did this to you

White fang: those were not men they were monsters they slaughtered my companions like they were nothing

Lisa: can you tell us anything about them

White fang:yeah I'll tell you something about them they were wearing these strange uniforms with their entire bodies covered even their leader had his face covered the whole time and he was wielding some kind of sword the worst part is that he told us to surrender but many of my companions were too stubborn to surrender so they charge in knowing they would get themselves killed

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