Beacons regrets

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(all rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

Over the next several weeks Jaune and the SDF we're destroying the White fang in Mistral left and right

Attacks were prevented a nearby villages and most of them joined the SDF at their main village which was now more of a city

White fang bases were attacked and resources stripped the only thing left where the bodies

As the White fang had refused to surrender time and time again the SDF killed every White fang member during their missions

Those that did surrender we're taking in and place into prisons built in Kuroyuri but we're not mistreated they were given three meals a day and an hour of sunlight they were also allowed to leave their selves for 3 hours to call in the indoor prison yard

Alexi and the other captains I've grown quite accustomed to remnant they like breathing fresh air and drinking freshwater they were all so happy to eat solid food after so long as usually they had to eat their food in a bag

The army of the SDF had also grown in size with many of the inhabitants joining the SDF

Dlyan had proven himself and risen to the rank of lieutenant

Dylan was absolutely loyal to Jaune Arc as if it wasn't for his intervention he and his family would be dead

If the citizens acting as the years that make the city run what was once an abandoned settlement was now the capital for a growing nation that would soon announce itself to the world

So far it's the rest of remnant they were known as The mysterious group with weapons that could Pierce through aura

At beacon things we're quite different than anywhere else

Ozpin had confronted Cardin weeks earlier and forced him to tell the truth to the entire staff and student body of beacon

after learning the truth many felt guilty of how they treated a certain Arc

His close friends or so-called close friends we're no better they felt the worst

Weiss was feeling absolutely guilty she said she was nothing like her father but she acted exactly like he would

Blake called herself a hypocrite as she too lied to get into beacon and although they didn't talk to much she was happy he saw the faunus as equals

Yang was feeling down in the dumps she said she would never be a bully but basically what she did was bullying

Pyrrha slapped and beat up Cardin for lying to her but she hated herself more as she's the one who betrayed the man she loved by believing that racist and bullies lies she even threw his stuff out the window

For days she just sat in her dorm room crying in her bed wondering why was she was so stupid

Nora and Ren felt so guilty they had basically ran away someone they consider family and all for something so stupid

The Arc family was not doing any better

Reginald Arc put a reward up to find any information on his son wanting nothing more to apologize and bring him back home

The mother Eliza was constantly drunk and crying trying to drown her sorrows how about what she did to her baby boy and wants nothing more than him to come home

Saffron wouldn't stop crying for weeks knowing that if she had let Jaune stay with her she would know where he is

Ruby had not spoken to her team her friends or her sister blaming them for what happened to her best friend

Ozpin did an investigation all they found was The shield on the roof

Pyrrha felt even more guilty because she and Cardin mocked Jaune on purpose knowing he was on that roof she feels she pushed him over the edge

She again locked herself in the room for days none stop crying

Pyrrah (I'm sorry Jaune I'm sorry I love you please come back to me even if you hate me come back)

Jaune wouldn't know this until they meet again but so little time had passed would had been 25 years for him was only several weeks after he disappeared from beacon

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