Back at Beacon

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(All rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

As the SDF make their final preparations to move into Vale with two objectives

Destroy the White fang Branch of Vale, and the capture the remaining collaborators of Cinder fall.

Jaune is currently talking with the council of Vale

Jaune: we will stay out of the city, but the outlands are our domain, no oversight, and I want someone we can trust.

Council of Vale: we want this as discreet as possible Admiral, the other kingdoms besides Atlas are still unaware of our little agreement

Jaune: let's cut the BS,the White fang have been a thorn in your side for too long, and you saw how we destroyed the Mistral branch, now you want us to finish the Vale branch

Council of Vale: we do not deny any of your claims,but we cannot have you mercenaries moving around without some kind of oversight

Jaune: did allow me to choose who I want as our liaison, I want the huntsman Qrow Branwen

Council of Vale:........ We agree, how soon can you begin your operation.

Jaune: exactly two days,we've already locked on White fang hotspots,we plan to do multiple strikes at once, we plan to cut off their weapon and food supplies so they have no chance of organizing a Counter-Strike

Council of Vale: just do this swiftly and secretly, you expect much from our alliance with the settlement defense front

With that the transmission was cut off

Jaune: I really hate politicians, now to make countermeasures for certain individuals who I know will get in the way

(Beacon academy)

In team RWBY dorm room, they were making plans of their own

Ruby: Blake we really shouldn't do this!

Blake: I don't trust Jaune, those eyes of his were cold and ruthless, I can tell he's even more dangerous than I ever expected

Weiss: Blake you're suggesting we warn the White fang, even though Jaune said he'll give him a chance to surrender!

Blake: and you believe him, he's a strategist, warning your enemy that they're coming is the last thing he'll ever do, I know for a fact the SDF are going to strike without warning!

Yang: are you still defending the White fang Blake!

Blake: I know the White fang has done much damage, there are die-hard individuals that will do horrible things in the name of equality believe me I know, but there are still individuals who still believe in more peaceful resolutions, they don't deserve to be slaughtered which is what is going to happen!

Ruby: he spared the ones that surrendered Blake!

Blake: and he'll force them to do hard labor in those mines of his, guys let's face it, Jaune Arc isn't the same person we know!

The other girls had no argument for that

Pyrrah and the rest of team NPR was in the room keeping quiet until they decided to voice their opinion

Pyrrah: but still what are we going to do, that's a whole army we cannot stop them, we don't even know where they're going to attack!

Blake: I do, I know a lot of the secret bases also route Vale, and most likely the SDF as well through interrogation of the captured White fang!

Ren: so what exactly is the plan!

Blake: look I know this is war, and that both sides are willing to die, but sooner or later innocence will be caught in the crossfire and that's the last thing any of us want!

Nora: but how can we stop fearless leader,he has that massive army and I can tell he's no pushover himself anymore.

Blake had no answer as she honestly did not know how to stop the SDF

Weiss:you forget Blake the White fang is our enemy as well they'll try to kill us if we even try to warn them

Blake: that's not-

Weiss: oh don't play dumb,I know you Blake I know you would try a stupid stuff like that, and I'm telling you it's bad

Blake clenches her fists knowing that this is the truth,with Adam of all people leading the Vale branch, she will most likely be killed if she even tries to warn them

Ruby: guys it's really done any of our business, the SDF and the White fang are at war, as much as you don't want to admit it Blake the White fang doesn't stand a chance, it's up to them to surrender

Everyone was surprised of how wise Ruby's words were

(Ozpin's office)

Qrow what's currently getting the news from Ozpin himself

Qrow: so the council wants me to be the liaison with the SDF, I should have known they wouldn't trust the kid

Glynda: they have no reason to so far the SDF has acted in their own accord without any restraint, not that anyone could stop them with that weapon of theirs!

Qrow: I don't mind, the kid means a lot to my niece, but I can tell you is I've seen those eyes, those are the eyes of an experience and ruthless soldier!

Ozpin: I know Qrow I have seen those eyes too many times, Mr. Arc is dangerous for 3 reasons, he's not afraid to die, he is willing to do what is necessary for the greater good, and he's a man that's always several steps ahead

Qrow: so far they've cut the grim population down a peg, destroyed the White fang branch of Mistral, and even made Jimmy surrender, tell the council I'll do it!

Ozpin: just in case for the future we need a countermeasure against the knight of Mars, I have a feeling we have not seen the full capabilities of that ship!

Everyone agreed that they would need something the battle the powerful SDF supercarrier

In two days the war with the Vale branch of the White fang begins, the people in power can only wonder, what is Jaune Arc's next move going to be?

Arc of the Settlement Defense Front (SDF)Where stories live. Discover now