An Arc on Mars

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(all rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

Jaune Arc was walking do the Emerald Forest not caring where he was going

Wearing only the clothes on his back with his sword but not his shield as he ditched it not wanting to look at the Arc family symbol

A month ago Jaune had saved his bully Cardin Winchester's life from an Ursa but instead of being grateful Cardin revealed jaune secret that he faked his way into beacon with fake transcripts

Once kind faces is now looked at him with disgust telling him he shouldn't have been here that he didn't deserve to be here that he took the spot from someone who did

His only friend who stood by him was Ruby Rose his best friend his other friends were not so kind

Weiss Schnee told him that he was a disgrace and a loser but he didn't deserve to be here and he thought that he had a shot with her she just laughed in his face

Blake Belladonna called him a loser and a liar saying that he could have got his friends killed with his incompetence

Yang Xiao long Ruby sister had beaten him up several times during the combat class telling him to stay away from her and Ruby

Pyrrah Niko's his partner told him never to come back to the dorm again and even had the nerve to throw his stuff out the window

Nora Valkyrie call the mom loser and a coward since she was an idiot for calling him fearless leader

Lie Ren punched him in the hallway tell him to never come near Nora or him again

For the next month he was severely bullied he was shoved in the hallway stuffed in his locker beating up during combat class his books knocked out of his hands at lunch he had food thrown at him and the others force them to eat alone several students near me killed him during combat class only stopped by Glynda Goodwitch who felt pity for him

A few days ago he got a call from his father Reginald Arc telling him that he had officially disown them for disgracing the family name and that to return his family sword and shield crocea mors and to never associated with The Arc family again

Just a few hours ago Jaune what's called to headmaster Ozpin office

Ozpin told him that he knew his transcripts were fake but that he saw potential in the young Arc and that's why he allowed him to stay but unfortunately his hand was being forced to kick Jaune out of beacon

The good news is that he managed to convince the council not to press charges and that he was allowed to keep his aura

Jaune left the office and went to go call his sister saffron to see if he could stay with her

Unfortunately she told him that although she still loved him Father's world was final in that she could not support him

to say he was devastated was an understatement

Jaune later headed towards the roof where he started sobbing uncontrollably

Jaune then looked around the roof when he heard something in the surprise of what he saw

Pyrrha was talkin to Cardin like they were good friends looking happy to be in each other's company

the worst part is that they knew that's where he hangs out and they did it on purpose to mock him

Jaune(so you'll be friends with a racist and a bully but not me champion of Mistral my butt)

Jaune had enough he didn't even bother gathering his things he doesn't threw the family shield away decided to keep the sword despite his father

He walked towards the Emerald Forest not caring where he was going why would he had basically lost everything well the man who ruined his life what's the living off well

Jaune (I shouldn't have saved his life if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be in this mess)

Jaune continue to walk until he tripped over some kind of strange device

Letting his curiosity get the better of him he picked it up

The device then started blowing I'm in a flash of light he was enveloped and like he never existed he was gone

The next thing the young Arc new he landed face-first in red sand

Jaune got up and started spitting the sand out of his mouth

Jaune: great just my luck I'm now in the middle of nowhere and some kind of red sand there's no red sand on remnant

Jaune then looked up and what he saw scared him

He was in some kind of glass dome that was as far as the eye could see he then saw two moons

Jaune: what's going on where am I

Before he couldn't investigate further he was surrounded by several men wearing a strange uniform with guns pointed at him

They told him not to move and jaune quickly surrendered

A man in a different color uniform approached him

????: I am captain Yuri of the settlement defense front who are you child

Jaune: I honestly don't know sir I have nothing left so you might as well shoot me

Yuri: that would be a waste I like the look of your eyes kid something tells me there is much potential in you and the law of our land has that all males must served the front you may be older than the regular conscription age but I believe you will prove a valuable asset in the future

Yuri picked up Jaune and put him in his personal vehicle

Jaune with Yuri's help was drafted into the settlement defense front at the age of 17

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