The meeting

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(All rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

The warhead was caring the representatives avail finally landed I'm the designated strip

when they got off the ship they sell multiple SDF personnel with guns pointed at them they're preparing to get their weapons until they run past them and went inside the ship

Qrow: what's going on

Han: if you will be so kind as to surrender your weapons

Ruby: no not my baby!!!

Glynda: we are their guests and we will comply

Everyone reluctantly hands over their weapons

Ozpin:if I don't mind asking why are those SDF personnel going into the ship

Han: that's why

He points his finger as multiple SDF are leading out team WBY team JNPR as well as ironwood and Winter

The other is a surprise that they stowed away in the ship and they had no idea

Han:to the one called general ironwood do not bother using your transmitter we have scrambled every possible signal you use

1 SDS soldier grabbed general ironwood transmitter and stomped it on the ground

Ironwood then stairs at Ozpin

Ironwood: the only reason I do this is because you didn't trust me!

Glynda:and this is exactly the reason why we didn't give you this information James cuz you would pull a stunt like this!!!!

Ozpin: I should have suspected you would pull something like this James mr.-

Han: I am captain Han Lee  of the settlement defense front

Ozpin: Captain Lee would you mind letting go of my guests

Han: I'm afraid not possible they illegally entered SDF territory their weapons will be complicated and they will be placed in Aura nullification handcuffs

Each last one of them had their weapons taken away and they are handcuffed

Qrow:whoa whoa whoa oh I know they stowed away and you're pissed but there's no reason to be mean

Han: it is the admiral's orders they are allowed to accompany you and they are allowed to leave but they will remain handcuffed

Qrow: that is reasonable

Yang: Uncle Qrow!!!

Glynda: this is a negotiation for peace you will behave yourself am I clear!!!

No one argued with Miss Good witch

Han: I will take you to the Admiral quarters now

as they are walking through the city heading towards the main base they can't help us be amazed of how the SDF built this marvelous City in a matter of weeks

Ren is not happy because this once was his home and they basically destroyed it

Nora and all the years she has known ran has known he really got angry but destroying his home and taking it as your own she knew she had to keep an eye on him or else he might do something stupid

When they arrived they arrived at a huge building they went through the main elevator where they arrived in a large office we're waiting for them was jaune Arc in his SDF Admiral uniform

Jaune: headmaster Ozpin Ruby professor goodwitch and Qrow branwen and guests that was 95% sure I was going to see

Ren: you no-good jerk you know this was Kuroyuri that this was once my home and you destroyed it!

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