Mission 2 capturing neo

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(All rights belong to RoosterTeeth and the owners of call of duty)

It has been several weeks since the SDF have captured Roman torchwick

The SDF have established a base at a warehouse on the same docs were they captured Roman

As for Roman torchwick he is back in Kuroyuri with Han and Joseph keeping an eye on him "convincing" him to join their side as it is in his best interest seeing as how they'll have his friend soon

as for the SDF in Vail there right now working on a battle plan now they got several to White fang that talk after some "convincing"

Jaune: according to the White fang neo's in an a warehouse that is secretly a front for the White fang that's why they keep most of the Dust but we're not interested in that we're interested in her with her Roman will talk

Alexi:you must truly be afraid of the person he's working for no matter how much "convincing" we do he doesn't talk

Kai: that should be no surprise whoever's employer is as long as he or she has the girl Roman will keep his mouth shut

Jaune: which is exactly why we're going to hit the warehouse hard and take the girl

Santana: so what's the plan Admiral

Jaune: according to our guest a high-ranking White fang member only known as the lieutenant will be attending a recruitment meeting to show off some stolen Atlas technology this is a two-strike part of the operation psychological and strategic we take out the lieutenant and we strike so much fear the White fang will have trouble recruiting more members

Alexi: I like it I will personally lead this operation myself

Kai: what about the warehouse Admiral

Jaune: Kai you and Ming will personally lead that also remember we need neo alive take out the dust take out the warehouse but I want the girl in one-piece alive

Kai: understood Admiral I will move out at once

Alexi: I will get moving on to what are you going to do Admiral

Jaune:I will the calvary if anything goes wrong or if you run into any trouble

Alexi: it is always good to have backup and no man I rather have backing me up then you Admiral

Kai: agreed

The to put on their combat uniforms and head out

That night Alexi and Kai lead their respective teams towards the warehouses each with their own ejectives Alexi to take out the lieutenant and Kai to capture Neo alive

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That night Alexi and Kai lead their respective teams towards the warehouses each with their own ejectives Alexi to take out the lieutenant and Kai to capture Neo alive

Alexi: jaune I have a visual on the inside and I must report something

Jaune: what is captain

Alexi: it seems a meddlesome cat and her monkey are in the crosshairs hang on I'll send you an image

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