chapter 8

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"What are you doing Jaden?"
Lexi asked me when she saw me rolling few suitcases downstairs to the garage.
"Where are you going with those suitcases?"
"Putting them in the car. Where are kids?"
"Just tell me where are kids and sit in the car."
"No! What's happening?"
"Jesus just sit in the car and don't worry."
"Of course I'm going to worry when you are rolling 3 suitcases to the car!"
"Why are you arguing again?"
Sleepy Josie asked, rubbing her eyes, standing on the bottom of the stairs.
"We're not arguing sweetie, can you go and grab your brothers and quickly change your clothes?"
"Uh, okay."
She slowly walked back upstairs.
"Just don't be mad and stop panicking, we are all alright, it's just a surprise."
"What surprise that needs suitcases?"
"Don't worry, you'll see."
I pulled her closer by her waist and kissed her.
"Now you go change into regular clothes."
I said tapping her ass a little.
"But I made us all waffles."
"I'll pack them in boxes and we'll eat in the car, because we really need to go as soon as possible."
"Uh, okay. I hope you didn't do anything stupid."
"You'll see."
She walked upstairs and I walked in the kitchen, putting all waffles in separate little boxes and grabbing few forks.

I put all that in the car, including suitcases. We got that mini van so I packed everything in there so kids have place to sleep while we drive because it will be long.
I packed the little fridge and got in there few drinks and ice creams for kids if they want to eat it.

"Who would it be on my phone?"
"Shut up. Are you guys ready?"
"Almost. We'll be out soon."
"Okay, we'll be out soon too. I just wanted to check that you're awake."
"Okay then, bye."

I hung up just before Michael and Josie walked downstairs.
"Where Mason?"
"He's coming downstairs with mom."
"Okay, good. Get in kids. Mom made you waffles, but we don't have time to eat in the kitchen so that's what we'll work with."
"Where are we even going?"
"You'll see."
I picked up Josie, kissing her cheek, while she held onto my neck, still sleepy.
"You want me to put you in your seat so you can sleep baby?"
I laid her on the seat and covered her with a blanket.
"And for how long we'll be gone?"
"Ouu. And are they going too or we are going alone? Because I see Bryce over there packing too."
He pointed to Bryce who just parked out his car on the street.

We all moved to the same area when we got kids and moved kids to online school because there was one time, just as Eva and Jackson started going to school.
Eva was sick and she stayed at home, so Jackson went into school alone. And just before Addison picked him up, he went missing.

"Jaden? Jaden!"
Addison yelled, running through our doors.
"What Addison? What are you doing here?"
"Did you guys maybe pick up Jack from school?"
"No, why do you think we did?"
I asked confused, sitting up straight on the couch.
"I went to pick him up at school, Eva didn't go today because she is really sick. And he wasn't there."
She started panicking and Lexi and I immediately jumped from the couch.
"They kidnapped him! I'm such a bad mother, how the hell I let that happen!"
"It's okay, we'll find him."
Lexi hugged her while she cried.
"Mommy why is auntie cwying?"
Michael walked downstairs, rubbing his eyes after taking a nap.
"Mikey go upstairs in your room okay, I'll come later to play with you."
He walked back upstairs and I was already calling some people.
"Addi have you called Bryce?"
"No, we just talked while I drove to school and then hung up. He did not pick him up, his at work. And-and I can't call him and tell him that someone kidnapped Jack."
"Where's Eva Addi?"
"Shit I left her alone too. I was supposed to be gone just for half of hour. I'm a terrible mom."
"No, no you're not. You're amazing mom. You couldn't know this would happen. I will go with Mikey to pick her up and we'll be at our house while the guys find him."
"Someone will call for money or anything, 100%. Trust me. But I'm gonna call Bryce and inform everyone to start searching for him."
"T-thank you Jae."
"Just calm down, we'll get him back. I gotta go now, babe, I'll call Coop to he here with you guys, just in case."
"You don't need to, better call him to help you find Jack. I know how I'll protect us if anyone comes."
"Jaden don't argue with me now. You have much better things to do."
"Okay. Go pick up Eva. Addi, you're going with me."
She nodded and wiped away her tears. I walked upstairs to pick up Michael while Lexi calmed her down.
"Mikey baby."
He hummed, laying under his blanket.
"We gotta go pick up your sister, you gotta go with mommy baby."
I picked him up from the bed and he wrapped himself around my body, burying his head in my neck.
I walked in the garage where Lexi and Addison were moving the seat because Eva isn't tall enough to sit without it.
"Okay babe, be safe, okay?"
"I will, you guys be too. Call me if anything happens."
I pecked her lips and pecked Michael's head before we sat in Addison's car and Lexi put Michael in his seat before sitting in the car and we all drove off.
More than hour passed when I got call from Lexi.
"Hey babe, did anything happen? Has anyone called?"
"No, not yet. I called your dad so his Mafia can help us."
"Okay, please be safe. How are Addi and Bryce?"
"Worried, shaken up, Addi is panicking. Dad came here, I told mom not to come because it's the best like that.
"Mommy! Wook!"
"Woww baby, that looks so amazing!"
"Ask her how is Eva now."
"Addi asked how is Eva."
"I just put her in-"
"Wait, let me put you on speaker."
"I put her in cold shower for ten minutes, she fell asleep halfway through, she has really bad fever."
"Guys! Jaden! Someone is calling me!"
"Answer it and put on speaker. Wait a second babe, someone is calling Bryce."
Bryce and I talked to a guy and they said he had to pay few millions to get his kid back, and he had to do it in few hours.
We walked in the house and I saw Lexi already running downstairs from Eva's room.
Bryce was holding Jackson and Addison walked beside them, and I was in front of them.
"Oh my God, hi."
She hugged Addison quickly before hugging Jackson while he was still in Bryce's hands.
He turned his head and rested his face on the left cheek, looking at her. He had tears stains on his face. Poor baby.
"Hey baby are you alright?"
He nodded his head and closed his eyes when she kissed his nose.
"Let's get you in the bath and then you can sleep."
I informed her earlier that they are going to stay in our house for the night because Jackson doesn't want to go to their house.
He nodded and she set the bath for him while Bryce walked upstairs with Addison behind her.
*end of flashback*

"No, Bryce, Josh and Blake and their families are going too."
"Oh, okay."


A/N Finally some flashbacks! I plan on doing those so you can get to know about 'important' events that happened in those 15 years.

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