chapter 7

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As I dialed Jaden's number his phone started ringing in the room.
And it's been three hours since he left. He was supposed to be home.
I quickly dialed Blake's number since I know he is in office.

"Hey Lex."
"Hey Blake, is Jaden somewhere near you?"
"Oh, yeah, I mean no, but I saw him 3 minutes ago. We are packing some stuff. Why? What happened, why are you all nervous?"
"Oh, he forgot his phone, and he was supposed to already be here, so I got a little worried. I'm sorry for calling like this."
"No, no, it's okay. I understand. He is okay, we are almost done and then he is going back home, I'm staying here for few more hours."
"Oh, okay. Thank you, really."
"Of course, do you want me to find him so you could talk to him?"
"No, no, let him work. I gotta go now, but thank you answering me Blake."
"Don't worry, if anything happens I'll call you. Always."
I hung up before sighing. Jesus I got so fucking scared for a moment.

"He is still working on something, he'll be home in few hours I think."
"Oh, okay."
"What do you wanna do now guys?"
"Go to pool?"
"You wanna go to pool P?"
She nodded her head and boys ran upstairs.
"Let's find you some Josie's old swimsuits, huh?"
She nodded and us three walked upstairs to Josie's room.
I found her some of Josie's old swimsuits and she chose one before I helped her change into it.
"Okay, ready to go to the pool?"
They ran downstairs while I walked behind them. I ended up setting them in hot tub because water in pool wasn't heated yet.

"Heard you were scared for me today."
I heard Jaden's voice behind me, catching me off the guard.
I turned around where he was with his hands in his pockets.
"Jesus, you scared me."
He kissed me, before leaning on the counter.
"Of course I got scared for a second. You were supposed to be home long time ago and you forgot your phone."
"The only way I'm gonna die is to die for you and our family. The rest if happens it can be a little injury that wouldn't bother me much."
"But you're not gonna die so stop talking like that."
"P is still here?"
"Yeah, they are in hot tub."
He nodded, walking past me as his left hand placed on my waist, tracing off of it as he walked away more.
He said hi go kids and told them something that made them giggle.

"Hi guys!"
I yelled walking in the house. I was away for few hours and my phone died, so I didn't talk to Jaden nor Michael.
After getting no answer I continued walking upstairs. I made my way to Michael's room, where doors were not completely closed.
I peaked my head in, seeing the most precious view ever; Jaden had Michael lay on his back and he was on the side of him, his hand holding his head up, supported by elbow. He was playing his Michael's hair and caressing his face while whispering something to him. The big light was turned off and the only thing lightening the room was a little lamp on Michael's little desk where he likes to draw stuff.
I whispered in soft tone, not wanting to ruin their little moment.
Jaden whispered back, looking at me with a worried expression on his face.
"What's up?"
"He has fever and vomited once."
"Oh my- why didn't you call me?"
Whole time we were whispering while Michael was sleeping.
"I did but you wouldn't pick up. I didn't want to take him to doctor's before you're home."
"Fu- my phone died. My poor baby."
Michael mumbled with his little soft voice.
"Hey baby, does it hurt?"
He hummed while I touched his face. He is too hot.
"Did you check his-"
"It's 39.5°C." (A/N around 103°F)
"Did you put him in shower?"
He nodded his head.
He nodded his head again.
"Do you wanna eat anything baby?"
"No, I feew sick again."
I picked him up, hurrying to the bathroom while Jaden followed behind.
I held him while he vomited.
"Should we take him to doctors?"
"We did everything we should. We'll just gonna let him stay in the bed."
We laid Michael in the bed again, but he asked us to lay with him while we watch 'Finding Nemo'.
So now, Jaden and I were on each side of Michael while he was trying to watch his TV but fell asleep.
"What do we do now?"
"We'll check his temperature in half of hour and then we'll see."
We just laid there while Jaden played with Michael's hair, kissing his face and head multiple times.
We both kinda got focused on TV and watched the movie.
After some time we checked Michael's temperature again, this time it was 39,2°C.
"You can go change into more comfy clothes than that. Don't worry."
I hesitated at first but got up and walked to our room to change into some sweats and tee.
By the time I got back he was already sleeping with Michael, his hand on Michael's chest, his head a little higher then Michael's.
I covered them with blanket, laying again there.
"Mikey bub, look. I made you your favorite (pancakes)."
"Mm, I'm not hungwy."
Michael mumbled, covering himself more with blanket.
"Baby you have to eat."
I mumbled, now awake, but my eyes still half closed.
"I don't want to."
"Okay then, they'll be waiting for you here."
Jaden placed them on a nightstand, before sitting next to him.
"Okay, it's 38.6°C now. That's better."
"But it still huwtss."
"I know. You have to eat something before I give you and advil because it's not healthy."
Michael grunted before grabbing his plate.
"Can you feed me? But just a wittwe. I don't wanna puke."
Jaden fed him a little until Michael said he didn't want more.
He carefully held the cup of water while Michael drank it with his Ibuprofen.

He was always really careful with kids and cared about them. It's just so pure to watch it. And I could do it whole day every day.

After he came in the house we talked about his job and some stuff like that while he helped me with lunch.


A/N Hello everyone!
Stan Jaden for being good dad. :)

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