chapter 27

616 15 22

May 2nd, 2036

"Guys, get ready."
Lexi told kids once she walked downstairs where three of them were.
"Just put on some shoes, we're gonna go somewhere."
Three of them nodded, immediately getting up and walking upstairs.
When they got on their shoes, they sat in the car while Lexi drove them do place where Jaden would go when he needed time alone to clear his head.

"Why are we here on dad's place?"
Michael asked once they all got out of the car.
"We are gonna sit here, and write everything on the papers. Like everything you have to let out. And then we'll burn those papers. Without looking or reading each other's. Only if you want to read it out loud."
Three of them nodded while they all sat at the big blanket Lexi previously put down on the grass.
It's not even something new for her, that's what she used to do when she was mentally low as a teenager. You just need to get rid of some emotions. It was like her therapy.

Hour and half passed when they were all done.
"Okay, are you guys ready to burn them?"
Kids nodded, while they all got up.
"I'll do it first."
She got her lighter out of pocket and crouched down. Slowly, they all watched it disappear and turn into little grey pieces.
She sniffled getting up while Michael took the lighter.
When he was done, Mason was supposed to go next.
"I'll burn it for you."
He crouched down with Lexi while she burned his letter, But she turned it on the other side, respecting his privacy.
She did the same with Josie, and then they all stood there, in silence just thinking.
"Okay, let's go home now."
They sat back in the car and drove back to the city.

"That was good."
"You think?"
"Especially that we did it on his place, I feel like he can read those."
"Yeah, that was the point."
"How did that come across your mind mommy?"
"I used to burn do it when I was teenager. I was really struggling with my mental health and it would help me feel a little relieved. So I thought maybe it could help you guys too. We all just like to hold onto everything, not letting it go even when we should. So I feel like this is good way of coping."
"You guys wanna stop at Taco bell to buy something to eat?"

When they got out of the car and started walking to the doors of Taco Bell Lexi thought she saw Jaden while she was looking around, and then when she turned her head to make sure if it's him, he wasn't there.
In a moment her heart started beating faster, but then she tried tod calm down when kids pulled her in.
Michael and Josie ordered, and now it was Mason's turn.
"Mommy, are you sure I can eat this?"
"Yes, of course you can."
"But isn't it a little too much? I was trying to eat healthy."
"Don't worry about it bub, if one taco would make you fat I wouldn't give it to you. Okay?"
He nodded his head and ordered his and then Lexi did too. They waited for a little at the table and then they got their food and ate it.

The next day, Lexi and Michael talked, so he'd go back on football. He already missed few football games, and he should get back on the track.
So now, She was driving him there, but Blake would pick him up, because at the time when practice finishes Blake would be going back home, and it's along the way to home.

"Okay buddy, have fun, I'll see you soon."
Michael waved at his mom, before going inside of the building.
She drove herself home, but at some point noticed the car beside her. Through the black window, she made eye contact with the guy, realizing it's Jaden. And just then, street light changed to green, and the guy drove off. She started chasing him like a maniac, and then parked at the same parking lot like him. She ran after him, five minutes later finally catching up.
She turned the guy around, and just then realized it's not Jaden.
"Jesus, I'm so sorry. I thought you were someone else. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay."
Guy continued walking, leaving Lexi there.
She turned around, placing her hand on her forehead while breathing heavily. From running, but more because of the anxiety and panic that filled up her body.
She made her way back to the car. Once she sat in, she broke down crying. She placed head on the steering wheel, while slamming her fist on it.
She screamed, finding her pills and taking one of them. Since Jaden died, she started using them again. And in even bigger amounts than she used to have.
She started her car, driving back to the house.

"Hey baby, how was your practice?"
"It was good, everyone said they missed me there and stuff like that. I missed playing. I have match next Saturday."
"That's great."


A/N I'm sorry for this crappy and chapter, I just didn't have any ideas left. We are doing another time skip, there will be 29 chapters in this season, and then I'm doing 5th one, which will probably be the last one.

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