chapter 17

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I woke up today, Lexi was already awake and was running around the room, probably packing stuff.
"Mm, morning."
"Good morning."
"It's 8. You need to get up because you have to shower, have breakfast and say bye to kids so you're not late on the meeting, because I'm taking them to my mom's and then coming to your office."
I got up and walked in the bathroom to shower.

I walked out of the bathroom and changed into my boxers and work clothes and walked downstairs where I could feel the smell of eggs and bacon.
"Morning kiddos."
"Morning dad."
"Good morning daddy."
I kissed their heads and Lexi handed me the plate of eggs when I sat beside them.

"Okay, I'll see you guys in a week or so, I love you."
They all hugged me and kissed me before I sat in the car.
I honked before leaving and saw them wave at me.


"Okay kids, be good, I love you."
I hugged them all and then hugged my mom.
"Call me if they make mess."
"Oh c'mon, my babies are always good."
She said with a smile and they all made their little innocent faces making me laugh.
"Okay, bye. I'll see you in the week."
I sat in the car and honked, driving off.

I parked in front of building and walked inside.
"Hey Coop."
I hugged him with a smile and he returned the gesture.
"Hey Lex. How are you?"
"I'm good, how are you?"
"Great. Jaden is still on the meeting. He told me to tell you to wait for him in the office."
"Oh, okay."
I walked to Jaden's office and sat at his table. I looked through some papers that were on his table.
Fifteen minutes passed when Cooper busted through the doors.
"C'mon, there's a fire on this floor. We need to get out now!"
I quickly got up running down the stairs with him.
"Where is Jaden?"
"He's safe, he is in other building."
We got out, there was a whole group of people in front.

Group of other people ran out of the other building, meaning Jaden should be there. I was leaning on my car while we waited for firefighters.


"There's a fire in other building."
Guy said opening the doors, interrupting our almost finished meeting.
"Which one?"
"The one where's your office."
"Wa- Is Lexi there?"
"I think. Her car is in front."
I stormed out the office as everyone was evacuating outside.
"Where's Lexi?"
I quickly looked at the group of people, but I didn't see her anywhere, so I quickly ran into the building. I'm not going to lose her in the fucking fire.
I heard them yell behind me, but that didn't stop me.
I covered my mouth and nose with my shirt, running up the stairs to my office.
I couldn't find her anywhere.


"Where's Jaden?"
I asked Bryce who's face immediately went pale when he saw me.
"He went inside to find you."
My heart beat started racing as fast as ever and I immediately started running to the doors, but they all stopped me.
"Firefighters are on the way, you can't go in."
"Bryce! Tell them to let go off me! He can't go in the fire to find me when I'm here!"
"Lex you can't go in!"
Just then firefighters arrived.
"Is anyone inside?"
"Yes! My husband. Please go find him or I will."
I said, tears streaming down my face.
"Ma'am, don't worry. We are going in."
"His office is on third floor."

Bryce hugged me tight, not letting go of me, while I couldn't stop crying. I can't lose him in the fucking fire.
"What is happening here?"
Josh asked after he arrived.
"There's a fire on third floor."
"Why are you crying Lex?"
"He went in to find her while she was out here."
There was a moment of silence until I felt Josh wrap his arms around me too and kiss my head.
"He's gonna get out of there. Don't cry."
I also felt one more hand on me, on my hand to be exact that was on Bryce's back while I hugged him tight.
I looked up to see Blake there, holding my hand.

Two hours passed and they finally fixed the fire that got over whole building.
"Where's he?!"
I yelled at them before I saw them getting something out of the building.
"We found a body."
My whole world just stopped. I felt light headed, as if I would pass out any second.
Bryce held me tight as they talked something but I couldn't hear. I just couldn't. Everything was freezed in place for me and I could see their mouth moving but I couldn't hear what they are saying. Next thing I know is that everything went black for me and I started falling down.

I woke up on the couch of someone's living room, and I immediately jumped up.
Bryce quickly jumped up and held me tight.
"Bryce, tell me I just had a bad dream."
"I'm sorry Lexi."
I pushed him off of me, pushing past few people and making my way to the front doors.
Just as I opened them I saw kids running to the doors with my mom following behind.
I can't explain this. I can't explain this feeling. I can't explain what was going on in my head right now. How can I look at my kids right now and tell them that their dad is gone because he wanted to save me when I was already on safe place.
"What's happening?"
"Why are you still here? Shouldn't you be on plane with dad?"
My heart sunk. They don't know.
They are going to hate me now. My own kids will hate me because their dad is dead because of me.
I looked at them with my eyes filled of tears as they were already streaming down my face.
Michael shook his head. He's the oldest. He must've realized what is happening.
"Mom! No!"
"I'm sorry babies. Come here."
I opened my arms for them and they all immediately ran into my embrace.
We were all sobbing. I tried my best to be strong so I can be their support now, but I couldn't hold it. The love of my life is dead.
"W-What h-ha-ppen-ed?"
Michael managed to get out through sobs.
"T-there w-was a fi-re. And h-he th-ough-t I was i-in th-e bu-il-ding, b-but I w-was-n't."
They started sobbing even harder, along with me.
As if in the fucking movie, rain started pouring.
"Let's go inside babies."
Before I walked through the doors behind them, my mom turned me around.
"It's okay honey."
She hugged me tight squeezing me when I started sobbing again.
"He's d-ead be-because of m-me."
I stuttered with hiccups.
"It's not your fault."
I pulled away from her.
"Let's go inside."
The first thing I saw when I walked in the living room was Michael hugging Bryce, Eva hugging Mason, and Jackson hugged Josie with Addison.
Addison saw me, moving Josie from her lap to Jackson's and getting up.
She walked to me, hugging me as both of us started crying and sobbing once again.
There was no need for any words in this room now. It speaks for it self.
Room full of people who loved, and still love Jaden, being affected by his death.
Gate buzzed and doors opened.
Eva got up and ran to my embrace when Addison pulled away from me walking to the front doors.
She mumbled hugging me tight.
When she pulled away Jackson was the next one to hug me.
I felt big male arms around me and him. By the smell I recognized it's John.
Now I have to face them all, knowing I took the person that they loved so much. Knowing that I'm the reason of his death.
He jumped in the fire for me.
When we pulled away I immediately pulled Amy in the tightest hug ever.
"I-I am s-so so-o-r-ry."
What is my life without him? How am I going to raise kids alone? Will they even talk to me after this is calmed down and everyone comes into realization that Jaden is gone because of me?


A/N Hardest chapter I ever probably wrote in my life. I sobbed writing it. What fully inspired me on writing the loss of the loved ones is that I've lost two really close persons to me in last two months and I just need to put my feelings into something.
But I'm ready to get hate by y'all and be the most hated person on wattpad. <3
Also, song on the top has nothing to do with the chapter, it's just that part that was in my head 'Walk through fire for you, just let me adore you'

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