chapter 4

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"Kids, are you ready?!"
Jaden yelled before walking in the kitchen.
I packed some snacks and fruits in the backpack.
"I need to pee quickly, can you put this in the car?"
He nodded before I handed him the backpack and walking to the half bathroom downstairs.
I quickly peed and washed my hands.
"Mom can you put sun cream on my back?"
I nodded, grabbing the sun cream from Josie's hands and applying it on her back.
"There you go, did you put on your face?"

"Okay. Have you guys out on the sun cream?"
They shook their heads before Mason walked closer to me. Michael put it on his legs, arms, chest and face while I finished Mason and then applied it on his back.
"You too."
I motioned Jaden to walk closer before I turned him around and applied it on his arms and back, and then chest.
"This is two in one. Hot woman applies my sun cream plus I get a little massage."
I slapped his head while kids laughed; before we sat in the car.
"Did you put it on mom?"

We sat in the car and drove to the beach.

Jaden helped me unpack everything while kids took off their clothes.
"Can we go in now?"
"Yes, but don't go too deep."
They nodded before running off.
"You always asked me to go deeper."
My eyes widened as I looked at Jaden who was leaning on his right elbow while on his side.
"You're suck a jerk."
He chuckled, still smirking and kissing my cheek.
"You look hot in that swimsuit though."
I glared at him. I look everything but hot, but I can't do anything about it when they all wanted to go to beach; even though it's still March. End of March almost, but it was really hot day outside.
"I'm not kidding. You're perfect as you always were."
"Hey, I don't want you talking like that. You are the hottest woman, okay?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever you say."
He kissed my lips before he laid down while I watched kids.

Kids ran out of water and then all grabbed towels.
"Is it cold?"
They all sat down on the sun.
"Do you wanna eat something?"
Michael and Josie shook their heads while Mason nodded.
"What do you want? A fruit?"
"Did you pack oranges?"
I hummed while opening the back pack and getting out the orange.
"You can put the peel in this bag."
He nodded and tried to start peeling it, but I cut his nails just yesterday so he struggled a little.
"Want me to help you?"
He shook his head continuing to try. I watched him with a smile on my face while he struggled. He barely ever asks for help.
He put it out in my lap while I chuckled at him, peeling off the orange.
"Thank you."
He licked his lips before eating his orange.
"Do you want food Jae?"
He shook his head, sitting up and pulling Josie between his legs.
Her back was against his left leg and her legs under his right.
He moved her hair behind her ears, running his hand through her hair while kissing her cheek.
She just had her eyes closed, looking up at sun.
She moved a little, pressing her back on Jaden's chest before he squeezed her little rolls, making her squeal and giggle.
I moved Mason's hair from his face while he ate his orange and kissed his head.
Jaden nudged me with his elbow and I looked at his before he showed me with his eyes to look and Michael.
He was looking at the group of four girls that were messing around with frisbee.
We both smirked before I nudged him with my foot.
He looked back at me, and then at Jaden, as we both were still smirking.
"Which one are you looking?"
His eyes widened before he blushed, awkwardly chuckling.

Just magically, like in the movie, their frisbee flied away, right in front of Michael's legs.
One girl started jogging to us and Michael grabbed frisbee, handing it to her.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
Josie being Josie, she started the conversation with a girl, getting up from Jaden's embrace.
"Do you want to come with us?"
Josie nodded her head before they started walking away.
"Do you guys wanna come too?"
Michael thought for a second before getting up.
"Are you coming Mason?"
He shook his head no.
"Okay, you can come later if you want."
They walked away while I smiled looking at them.
"Why didn't you go with them baby?"
He shook his head looking at his lap.

I just see myself in him sometimes.
He's uncomfortable with meeting new people, he's interested in everything and wants to know everything - meaning on school but also anything else, loves to cuddle and is all soft and can cry on whatever, loves food and is a little more chubby than Michael and Josie, but I don't mind that at all, he still has puberty to go through and everything. And all of that is exactly how I was.

Michael is more like Jaden, which is fun because they share their birthday. He's built like him, even looks like Jaden the most out of them all. And even though he hides it, he's a big momma's boy, which I really like.
And Josie is just like Josie's. She looks like Josie - Jaden's sister - and has body like my sister. But she's really outgoing person, like Nick - my brother.
I just like how all of them have something from everyone.

"C'mon, go with them and have fun, meet new friends."
He shook his head scooting closer to me and holding my arm.
"What's wrong buddy?"
He shook his head.
"I wanna stay with you guys."
"You don't wanna go play with frisbee or go in the water with them?"
He shook his head.
"Okay, you can stay here if you want. You don't need to go with them if you don't want to go. Okay?"
He nodded his head while I ran my left hand through his hair, cupping his cheek.
I kissed his head and then pulled my legs down so he can lay on my lap. Once he laid there I played with his hair.

Jesus, now I know how I made my parents feel. I was same exact person. I hope with can work with his shyness so he doesn't feel like this. Because I know how he feels right now. I just hope he doesn't go the way I did.

I looked at Jaden and he was already looking at me. He pressed his lips together and I shrugged my shoulders.

Josie ran up to us.
"M come with us, we are going into water."
He shook his head.
"I don't wanna go."
"Oh c'mon, why don't you wanna go? They are nice."
He shook his head once again.
"Fix you swimsuit Missy, your boobies will come out."
Jaden said, making Josie look down at her chest before she fixed her triangles.
"Ugh, okay, if you wanna go, you can just wave at me and I'll come here and we'll walk there together and I'll introduce you to them."
She crouched down and kissed his cheek before running off.

Now he probably feels even more bad for being socially awkward. I know Josie wants to help him, but I also know he then feels more awkward because 'he needs someone to introduce him and he can't do that himself'. Because that's exactly what I went through. It was Nick most of the time who'd want to introduce me to people, but also Josie time to time.

"Can we go to water?"
Mason asked and I looked at Jaden, telling him with my eyes to go.
"You wanna go with us too?"
Jaden asked me after he got up, along with Mason.
"No, I'll stay here."
"Are you sure?"
"C'mon mommy, you weren't in the water at all today."
"I'll go later, maybe."
Mason sighed before Jaden threw him over his shoulder and ran to water while he squealed and laughed. I love to see him smile. It warms up my heart.

I need to start talking to him more as soon as possible because I know or at least I think he would open up and we could talk about his feelings.


A/N Ah, I'm so ready for this season.
(Lmao, this is me few weeks later after I lost all motivation for this book so the half of the season will be shitty, sorry loves :( )

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