chapter 29

861 16 11

August 2nd, 2036

"Hii, come in."
Two women walked through the house talking.
"So, how are you guys? What are kids doing, where's Jaden?"
Lexi's heart started racing faster. It still makes her heart skip a beat when she has to say that Jaden passed away.
"Kids are home, they don't know about this. And Jaden, well, Jaden died in a fire exactly four months ago today."
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," Talia quickly pulled Lexi in a hug, squeezing her body, "Jesus, I didn't know about it."
"It's okay."
"I would've came to funeral, I would've called-"
"Hey, hey, it's okay. Really."
"How are you guys doing?"
"Well, we're pushing through. We have to."
Lexi gave her simpathetic smile.
"Jesus this really shocked me."
"I know."

"Okay, so here are they. You choose which one you want. They are all good and healthy."
"Oh you're such a cuties."
Lexi talked in baby voice, patting puppies while she crouched down.
"What's up with you buddy?"
There was one puppy, boy, playing with his toy on his own, separated from others.
He looked up at her, before jumping up on her.
"Ouu, okay, okay, you're cute but you don't need to eat my face."
She pulled him away a little.
"I think I found the one."

After she paid and talked a little more to Talia before sitting in the car.
"Okay, be a good boy and sit still, okay?"
She drove back to house where kids were waiting for her.

"Okay, now you guys can sit down."
Lexi calmed the kids down after she was away for few hours for their surprise.
"So, I planned this with your dad in March. So the woman, the same one we got Marley from. Well, not the same, now it's her daughter, but we talked to her in March about puppies. And just then her dog was pregnant, so we had to wait."
Kids' faces lit up when they realized what is it about.
"Okay, come with me now."
They followed her to the yard, where little puppy was laying in the corner behind the little bush and was scared to move.
They all squealed running to him while Josie picked him up.
"He's so cute!"
They all started tearing up, making Lexi tear up too.
"You and dad planned this?"
"Yes. We knew how much you guys wanted new puppy, and we wanted him too. So we decided to get him."
"How are we going to name him?"
"Yeah. We had Mar-ley, now it's just Lee."
"Okay, that's smart and cute."

"Okay kids, pizza is here."
"C'mere Lee, I'll give you your food."
Puppy struggled, falling few times while chasing after Mason to the kitchen.

Mason poured some dog food in his bowl, mixing it with water so it would be easier for little puppy to eat it. He patted his head before leaving back to the living room.

"Bon appétit."
Four of them ate pizza while watching TV show.

"He needs to sleep with someone tonight. I don't want him to start barking and crying at the middle of the night."
"I'll take him with me!"
Josie jumped up and picked up puppy from the floor running up the stairs.
"Okay, go to shower."
Kids went missing in the house while Lexi turned off the lights and locked everything.

She walked in the room and went into the shower.
Memories of her and Jaden were always coming through her mind. And a hope that he isn't actually dead.
She was praying every day that he wasn't dead and that someone was just messing around with them past months.
She kept seeing him everywhere. In store, in the backyard, when she drops Michael at practice, when she's in the car. Everywhere.

She laid in the bed, hugging Jaden's pillow and snuggling her head into it. She felt like she was in 6th grade, imagining she's cuddling with her crush, when it was just her imagining she was cuddling her dead husband; the love of her life.


"Hey sis."
"Heyy, come in."
They hugged before walking in the living room.
"Let me just call kids and tell them that you came."
"Where are they?"
Josie got up, walking to the yard while Lexi followed behind her.
"Hey guyss."
Three of them ran to jhug their aunt.
"Look at you buddy, looking like some model huh?"
She teased Mason, messing his hair.
"You think so?"
He asked while his eyes lit up.
He blushed smiling at her while she pulled him again in his side.
"Look at Lee!"
"Awww, look at him. He's so cutee."
"We named him Lee after Marley."
"Ohh, I see what you did theree."
They giggled, but Mason was still mentally dancing around because his aunt told him he looked like model. He loved when someone said he lost weight. It made him feel really good about himself.

"I have a little presents for you guys. My friend was supposed to go, but something happened, so she told me to go instead of her, not wanting to change hotel reservations and plane and all that."
Kids waited, inpatient to see what she has for them.
"It's for Italy. I know you're maybe not in a mood for trips and all that, but just think about it."
Lexi noticed Mason's sudden mood change, sitting next to him on the armrest and caressing his hair.
"Baby what's wrong?"
"Dad said we'd go to Italy this summer so I could see the Milano Cathedral."
Josie and Michael looked down, while at the same time Josie held Mason's hand.
Lexi pulled him in her tummy, rubbing his back and hugging him.
Lexi and Josie made eye contact, as she now felt a guilty for making him tear up.
"Did dad say we're gonna see that Cathedral?"
"We're gonna see it then. Okay?"
"We're going?"
"Yes, we are going. We've been stuck in this house for so long, and it's obviously not good for any of our mental health."
They all agreed, so by the end of the month, four of them is going to Italy on vacation.

"So I don't know. I just feel like it's even worse than what it was before."
Lexi said after explaining to Josie how she just can't stop seeing Jaden everywhere around her.
"Well did you think about going to therapist again?"
"Yeah, I did. But then again, I just don't want kids to feel like their mom is crazy, or that I don't even know what. I don't want to put more weight onto them by that."
"Listen, I know you care about them so much, but you have to think a little about yourself. I can take care of them when you're there. You also have everyone else around here, and mom and Nick. Kids are important, but you're mental health is too. And they wouldn't feel like their mom is crazy. But if you feel like it, they don't even need to know about it."
"Okay. I guess I'll start going again."
"Great. That's good for you. Whenever, just call me and I'll take care of them while you're busy with it. Okay?"


A/N So, I have few things to tell you.
I was really excited about fourth season and everything that I had planned for it, but now, I simply lost my motivation on this season - which we all can see by the quality of my chapters.
So I came in the conclusion that I would end this season with this chapter, because I've been pressing myself to write for you guys, which only makes it worse. I have plans for the 5th season, and I hope I have energy to write that one too. I'm sorry that I let you down with this season of the book, but I started this for fun, and not to drain myself by writing.
So without any further talking, this is last chapter of this season, and I hope you guys can forgive me. I still have other stories that I'm working on, so make sure to check those out :)

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