chapter 3

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"Jesus you need new clothes, everything is too small on you."
I said when I was looking through Mason's closet.
"Well what can I do about that?"
"Stop growing up, for example. I want you to be little forever."
"But I wanna grow up."
He pouted.
"I can wear this."
"Try it on."
I watched him change his clothes.
"Look, it's great."
"M, this is disaster. You look like ballerina in these clothes."
"Well buy me new ones then."
"And I will. I'm going to find you something old from Mikey if I saved any."

I got up and walked to Michael's room knocking on the doors.
"Come in."
I walked in the room and just walked in his closet.
"What are you doing ma?"
"Get ready, we are going shopping. Mason has literally no clothes to wear."
"Ugh, this may be fine."

I walked to Mason's room and gave him clothes.
"Try this on and come downstairs when you do so I can see you."

I walked downstairs and knocked on his doors.
"Come in."
I opened the doors of his office and walked in.
"We need to go shopping."
"For what?"
"Kids have zero clothes. Mason looks like a ballerina in his clothes. It's nothing wrong if he wants to play ballet, but those are absolutely not clothes for ballet. And besides that people that go on ballet they don't wear those clothes whole day every day."
"Oh, okay then. I just need to finish this now."
"Okay, enough time to get ready."
"See? That's how your clothes are supposed to fit you."
"Those are Mikey's old?"
"Can I see what you're doing dad?"
"Yeah, of course."
"No, first go brush your teeth and then you can see what dad is doing."
"Ugh, okay."
"You are so bossy mom."
"Well he's obviously not gonna remember to do that by himself."
He chuckled and shook his head.
"I need to get ready and tell Jo to get ready."
"Okay then, I'll be done soon."
I nodded and closed his doors.

"Jo, get ready, we are going shopping."
She jumped up from her bed and walked to her closet.

I walked in our closet and found some nice clothes. I brushed my hair and teeth and just put a little make up because I was still tired.

"We ready?"
Jaden asked when we all were in the car.

We drove to the mall and walked in, shopping for clothes.
"Don't even look at those, you're 8."
Jaden said when Josie started looking at some 'opened' clothes.
"Mom, are these too much?"
"Yes, I agree with your dad. You're still too young."

"Those fit good. Turn around so I can see."
She turned around.
"Good. Do you like them?"
"Okay, did you try everything else?"
"Okay, get ready so we can go to other stores."
She quickly took off the jeans she had on and I put them on a hanger and she handed me everything she wanted to buy.
"I'll go pay this, you stay here."
I told Jaden and boys that were sitting on chairs in dressing area.
Mason jumped up to go with me.

Whole day passed in shopping, and the truck of our car was full by the end of the day.
"But you guys didn't buy any clothes."
"We always order that online. Well, most of the time."
"Why didn't you buy anything now?"
"Well, because we came here to shop for you guys."
Josie just nodded, continuing to walk in silence.
"Give me and boys bags, we'll go leave them at car and then we'll meet in food area."
Them three walked away while Josie and I continued to walk.

"Mom, are we ever going to get a new dog?"
In her soft voice I could feel the pain while her eyes got glossy for a second.
"You want new dog?"
"Y-yeah. I miss having a best friend. But I don't want to replace Marley."
She almost started tearing up and I pulled her in my side, wrapping my arms around her.
"Don't cry. We'll have to talk to dad about that. But if we ever do get new dog, he'll never replace Marley. Okay?"
She nodded her head and wiped away tears from her eyes.
"Hey, look at me."
She looked up at me with her sad face.
"You know who's my favorite daughter in the world?"
She immediately giggled shaking her head.
"Yes. How did you know?"
She giggled again while we stood on stairs now.
"That's what I love."
"Your little smile and giggle."
She smiled again, looking down.
I noticed she zoned out, looking somewhere, I just couldn't figure out who was she staring at.

"We'll just sit here and wait for them to come so we order together."
She nodded her head and sat beside me.
My mom FaceTimed me, so I picked up the call while Josie moved closer to me.

"Hey mama."
"Hey grandma."
"Hi girls. What are you guys doing?"
"We were just shopping whole day, kids literally had zero clothes. So now Jo and I are sitting in food area waiting for boys so we can order food."
"Oo, nice. Did you find new clothes sweetie?"
"Yes, a lot. I bought this one dress, it's so cute and pinkish with little straps. I can't wait to show you that."
"I bet you look really cute in it."
"She does."
"There're they!"
"Hey guyss."
"Hey, what are you two doing?"
"FaceTiming mom."
They all jumped in the view to say hi.
"Okay kids, I'll let you guys eat, we'll talk soon."
"Okay momma, love you."
"Bye granny."
"Bye Jenny."
I hung up before looking at Jaden.
"We didn't order anything yet."
"Oh, okay. What do you guys want?"
It took us five minutes to decide what we wanted and then Jaden walked off with Josie.
"Mom, can we go to beach?"
"Well, not today but like tomorrow or whatever day this week. We haven't been on beach in too long."
"Yeah, that could probably happen."
I talked with boys a little before Jaden and Josie walked back and then we sat there, waiting for the food because there was a lot of people at the mall today.

"Dad, mom said we could go to the beach."
Jaden narrowed his eyebrows before looking at me.
"Well not today. Mason said he wanted to go to the beach so I thought we could go this week? You can take a day off."
"Oh, well that could work. I thought you wanted to go now, I was aboutta get mad because I just wanna go home and lay on the couch."
"Me too."

"Okay guys, showers and then to bed. I'll come to your rooms later."
They all nodded and ran upstairs while Jaden and I laid on the couch. He was on the one side and I was on the other one.
"Why'd you lay away from me? Come here."
He opened his arms before I moved and laid on his chest.
"Ah, life is so beautiful."
"It is."
We just laid like that for about half of hour before I heard his snores.
"Jae, come on, let's go to bed."
He just mumbled something turning on his side while scooting closer to me while I sat on the couch.
"Come on, get up."
"Ughhh, I'll sleep here."
"Okay then."
I got up and started walking out of the living room.
"Can you just get me a blanket?"
"No, get up and get one for yourself."
He groaned, throwing a pillow at me while I chuckled before he got up.
He walked upstairs to our room while I walked into kids rooms to wish them good night.

I was on my side while facing Jaden's back, in the dark.
His arm moved while his hand touched my body few times before he finally found my hand and grabbed it, pulling it around him, making me scoot closer.
I kissed his shoulder before I finally fell asleep.

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