chapter 25

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"So, how do you feel now buddy?"
"I feel full honestly and I haven't eat as much food as I would do. We should've done this before."
"I'm glad you feel that way. You just have to be patient, okay? They're not just gonna simply go away."
He nodded his head hugging me.
"Okay, good night bub, sleep tight."
I kissed his head and left the room after closing the doors. His room is the closest one to mine so he is always the last one to check up on.

- time skip: two days


"Hey Bryce."
Lexi said after opening doors for him to walk in.
"Hey Lex."
He quickly hugged her, closing the doors.
Michael ran down the stairs.
"Hey buddy!"
They fist bumped while Bryce quickly hugged him.
"Is Jack going with you guys?"
"No, this day is for me and Michael. We're gonna be bosses today, and I'm gonna show him what he is going to do in 6 to 7 years."
Michael said enthusiastically.
The boy is the one not to show his feelings as much. Just like his dad was. And at this point he just wants to grow up to be just like his dad and protect his mom and siblings, because he is the oldest male in the family now. He just wants to make sure he can take care of all of them.
"Okay then, have fun."
"Bye mom."
Michael gave his mom a tight hug and kiss on the cheek before walking away with Bryce to his car.
Lexi closed the doors and sighed. The pain that she was feeling every day of her life past weeks is just too much. And she knows her kids are not doing well either, but she can't help them. She can't bring their dad back, even though she wished she could.
"Hey sweetie. What's up?"
Just a second later Josie's chin started trembling while her eyes filled with tears. Lexi opened her arms for her, and she immediately ran in her embrace. Lexi picked her up and brought her on the living room couch.
She sat there, her little 8 year old girl crying on her lap while she was trying to control herself.
"Hey, baby, look at me."
She cupped Josie's face, looking at her face while wiping away her tears.
"I just want dad back. I miss him so much. He was supposed to be here for us. Not to leave us."
She stuttered before burying her fave again in Lexi's chest.
"I know, baby, I know. I wish he was still here with us. I wish I could bring him back. But I can't. None of us can. He's gone. But he's on the better and safer place."
"B-but we were his safe place."
Both of them cried uncontrollably.
"A-and I heard Mikey last night. I don't know what he's doing, but he was talking to himself. But like he talked to dad. But no one was in the room. He told him that he wish he was older so he could lead the company and make dad proud. And that he could take care of us and make sure that we are all okay. That's why he asked you to go there with Bry."
Little girl stuttered out again. That broke Lexi's heart. He is just 12 years old.
They laid there for an hour, crying, until they both calmed down.
"I want you to know that you're so strong. You are so so strong. And I love you so so much. Dad may not be here, and it hurts, but we'll make through it. Okay? And I want you to talk to me. Doesn't matter what is it about. I'm here to listen any time of the day. Holding everything in isn't the solution. Okay?"
Josie mumbled in her chest, moving her head so she was now laying on the left side of her face.
Lexi played with Josie's hair, when Mason walked in the room.
He said, almost whispering.
"Hey bub. C'mere."
He crawled up in the Lexi's side while Josie and him held each other's hands. Lexi ran her hand through his hair, kissing his head.
"You guys are my everything."
She told her kids, squeezing both of them.
Just then, she got notification on her phone.
"Can you hand me that M?"
He hummed, reaching for her phone and handing it to her.
She opened the message from Bryce and there was a picture of Michael while shooting. She smiled while both of the kids looked at her phone.
"That's Mikey?"
She quickly typed in the message for Bryce before setting her phone down again.
"Are you guys hungry? Do you want to eat something?"
"Well, um, I'm kinda hungry too."
"Okay, what do you guys want me to make? Or maybe order?"
"Can you make those fruits with yogurt?"
"Yeah, sure. You want that too M?"
"Okay, I'll be back soon. You guys can watch TV meanwhile."
"Do you need help mommy?"
"No, it's okay princess. I'll be back soon."
She got up while Josie moved off her lap.

* When Michael and Bryce left

"So, what's up buddy?"
"Nothing much, I'm excited to go and train."
"Oh yeah? And why is that? I didn't think you were this much interested, and Lex mentioned few days ago you wanted to lead when you turn 18 huh?"
"Yeah. It's not even that much that I am interested, but I just wanna protect them now that dad isn't here anymore. And I also wanna make him proud. I want him to be proud how his son is able to lead mafia and protect the family. And I just have to do it."
Bryce nodded his head, quickly looking few times at the Michael.
"But don't tell that to mom. She doesn't really want me to lead the mafia."
"Don't worry, what we talk stays between us."
"Thank you. So can you train me? Prepare me? I have 6 years until I can lead, I can literally be trained so good until then."
"If that will make you feel better and help you with turning your wishes in reality, I'm gonna help you. I'm gonna prepare you and teach you everything. You're gonna be Hossler Junior."
Michael smiled at Bryce, as Bryce did too.
Bryce understood Michael completely. He had abusive father who was drug addict. He was only child and did everything he could to make his mom proud, but she died when he was 14. So then streets got him. But he understood the feeling Michael was gaining inside of him. Wanting to protect his family and make them all proud, including his dead dad. So he was willing to help him.


A/N Not me crying again T.T
Letting y'all know that this season will have a lots of time skips and will be the shortest one ever, and then there will be the 5th season. I just kinda lost the inspiration for this season, so it took me time to get my motivation back. I've been writing this chapter for two weeks. But yeah, I still don't have completely my motivation back, but I'm working on it!

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