chapter 10

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We slowly woke up kids few minutes before we arrived at the house.
"Jae, are we there yet?"
"Not yet."
"Not yet."
I said parking in front of the house.
They all immediately got out of the car and Eva carried Paeka out of her seat.
Josh and Nessa were already there and Blake, Amelie, Bryce and Addison arrived few minutes later.
We got inside of the house and kids went upstairs to find their rooms, because they will be sharing two rooms together.

Later, Blake and Bryce went shopping with Amelie, Eva and Josie and we stayed at the house.
"Dad can we go to explore the woods behind the house?"
"You can't go alone there. Wait for a bit and I'll go with you guys."
"It's okay, I'll go with them."
Josh said getting up.

Kids immediately ran out of house with him following behind, and now it was just Addison, Nessa and Lexi in house with me.

"C'mere babe."
Lexi pulled me on her chest as we laid on the couch now. She wrapped her arms around me, playing with my hair while I closed my eyes smiling and hummed.
"I missed this."
"Wow it's been a whole day."
"Still, I missed your hug."
I felt her kiss the top of my head before Addison walked to the living room.
"You are still very much a kid, Jesus."
She chuckled shaking her head and sitting on the sofa.
"You're just jealous she is hugging me and not you."
I stuck my tongue out to her, not like we are 36 year old people.
"You wanna sleep?"
"Hmmm, maybe I'll just fall asleep like this, I don't know."

I guess I fell asleep, because when I woke up sun was already setting down.
"Hi JJ."
I heard someone say and I. looked around; only to be met with Celia's gaze on me.
"Hey sweetie. Where's everyone?"
"I don't know. Outside, here in the house, everywhere."
I chuckled and set my legs down on the floor, still sitting on the couch, with my hands on the edge of it.
"You wanna go out?"
She nodded her head and sat her phone down before we walked outside to the yard, after noticing that no one is in the house.
"Hi dad!"
Josie yelled waving, making everyone look at me and Celia.
She ran up to me and jumped up in my arms as I brought her up to my chest and spun her around.
"Hi princess."
I kissed her cheek while she was giggling.
"Your hair is messy."
"Mm, really?"
She ran her hand through it, 'fixing' it.
"Good morning babe."
Lexi said as I walked there with Josie in my arms.
"Why did you let me sleep this long, what time even is it?"
"6 pm."
"Yeah, but you were sleeping like a baby so we didn't want to wake you up."
I shook my head, sitting on one of the chairs with Josie on my lap as she was straddling me.
She laid her head down on my chest and fixed her arms around my waist, under my hoodie.
"What's up princess?"
I asked while my hands moved from the back of her thighs and butt to her hair, playing with it.
She just shook her head and continued laying there in silence.
"You don't wanna go play with them there?"
She shook her head again, keeping silent.
"What's wrong baby? Did you argue with any of them?"
She shook her head again so I pulled it out of my chest, cupping her cheeks and making her look at me.
"What happened baby?"
She had teary eyes, but just shook her head again.
"You don't want to tell me?"
She just shook her head again and I got up holding her up by one of my hands while other one just hugged her and stroked her back.
I walked in the woods, walking to the lake I know is there.
She just sniffled into my neck, not saying anything.
"Bub, look at me. You're getting me worried."
She finally pulled her head out of my chest and looked at me.
"Tell me what happened. What got you so sad that you all of sudden started crying?"
"I miss grandpa."
"Oh sweetie. What made you think about him now?"
"I-I don't know. I just remembered him."
"It's okay sweetie."
I kissed her forehead, sitting on the rock.
"Look baby."
I showed her behind her and she looked at the lake before burying her head in my chest again.
"I know you miss him. But he's on better place now. He's watching us all from the sky."
She just cried more in my chest.
"But, I know he doesn't want you to be sad and feel bad for him. He wants you to be happy and to have fun while growing up. Okay?"
She nodded her head and wiping her nose with her sleeve
I kissed her nose and head again while hugging her and rubbing her back before getting up.
I slowly got to the water and stood there for a second.
I pointed to the little fishes from the lake.
"They are cute, huh?"
"Yeah. Especially this one."
She pointed to one of five fishes that were in front of us.
"What are we going to name her?"
"M'kay. Hey Mayra."
I waved to little fishy, making Josie giggle.
"She doesn't speak daddy."
"Oh really?"
I pretended to let her fall in the water, making her squeal.
I smirked pretending to let her fall again.
"Stop! I don't want to fall in the water!"
"What? You mean to stop this?"
I again pretended to let her fall in the water.
I laughed at her. She was wrapping her legs around my body again before she started laughing too.
"Uh, how much I missed that laugh."
I kissed her ear making her bring her shoulder closer to it, trying to stop me from kissing her ear.
"Stopp! That tickles!"
I chuckled kissing her cheek and then stroking her hair.
"You wanna go back to them?"
I nodded setting her down on the ground and grabbing her hand. We started walking through the woods again, making our way out of it.
"But don't tell them where we were, it's our secret."
She smiled at me and I picked her up once again, this time in bridal style
I blew air in her neck making her giggle once again.
"Okay, now go play with kids."
I squatted after setting her down on the ground.
She kissed my nose and smiled.
"Okay, bye daddy."
"Bye princess."
I tapped her butt twice and she ran off to all kids.
"Why was she crying?"
Lexi whispered to me when I sat beside her.
I just shook my head kissing her cheek.
"Don't worry love."
"You sure?"

Later we ate dinner and just simply messed around until 11 pm.
Paeka already fell asleep in Amelie's lap and other kids were tired too, along with everyone else, so we got inside.
Celia walked with Josh and Nessa to their room to shower there, Eva went to Bryce's and Addison's, Jackson waited to shower there too while Michael, Mason and Josie were in Lexi's and my room.
Josie showered first, she got a privilege as a lady, then Mason and Michael.
"Okay, go to your bed now and sleep."
Lexi said fixing Mason's hair and kissing his nose as her hands cupped his face.
They all ran out, closing the doors and leaving to their room.
Lexi then showered, and I thought about sneaking in her bathroom and joining her in the shower, but managed to maintain myself from doing it.


A/N Hello lovely people! How are ya today? I've been busy last few days so I wasn't able to update, sorry for waiting!!

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