chapter 19

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"Babe look at that!"
I pointed down to La Sagrada Familia. We were in helicopter, flying around Spain for a day, while we were here on a vacation, until we get to the location that Jaden wanted.
"I know, it's beautiful."
An hour later we landed to a place. It was a private beach and there was a blanket with food and there were little lights turned on around it.
"Ouu what's this?"
"That's for us."
"Yeah, come."
He placed our camera down next to the wooden basket while it recorded everything.
I nodded smiling while he poured us some in the glasses.
"Thank you."
"Of course love."
We sat and ate a little while drinking and talking.
"Okay, get up with me for a second."
I narrowed my eyebrows at him and grabbed his hand that he previously stuck out for me to take.
"Why are we standing?"
"Let's dance."
He played some song on his phone before grabbing my waist.
We danced around, while you could see everything on the camera.
Song passed by and now 'Marry you' was playing. We both sang the lyrics while dancing little faster now. He spun me around and then song started coming to end.

Just say I do
Tell me right now, baby
Tell me right now, baby, baby, oh
We both smiled while dancing, before he pulled away from me just a little. That's kinda weird.

It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
He kneeled down, taking the box out of his pocket.
My eyes widened in shock, I really didn't expect him to propose me now. I covered my mouth as it was literally open.
Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby, I think I wanna marry you
He sang the lyrics, before swallowing his saliva and looking me in the eyes. Song stopped and the music was off, he probably made it like that.
"I gave you this to promise you that I will love you always and forever no matter what. And I'm tryna show that, but with my actions. I also told you when I gave you this that I will marry you when the time comes for that. And so,"
He took a moment to take of my promise ring and take a deep breath.
I stared at him in disbelief, I could tell his heart was beating too fast too.
"The time came. I don't feel like I need to tell you how I feel about you, because you already know that and I'm always trying to show that with my actions and not words. Yeah, sometimes I ruin it because I'm just an whole ass idiot, but even then I love you the most on this planet."
I was fully sobbing now, covering my mouth with my hand.
"So, Alex Janet Dawson, will you make me happiest man alive and marry me?"

ew tears left his eyes. I'm sure this was big thing for him to do too, because he always told me how he thought he'd die alone, until he met me.
I nodded before he put the ring on my finger.
I immediately pulled him up by the sides of his neck and smashed my lips on his.
He picked me up while I wrapped my legs around his torso.
"I love you so much J-Jaden."
"I love you so much more, I can't even explain that to you."
Our lips connected once again into, this time deeper, kiss. I cupped his face, while his hands were under my butt, holding me up.
"You dumbass, I didn't know you were going to propose me!"
I slapped his chest playfully while sniffling.
"Yeah, that's like the whole point."
We both started laughing before he took of my shirt and let me down, before he started taking off his clothes, leaving in only boxers.
"What are you doing, you idiot?"
"Take off your shorts or I'm throwing you in the ocean in it."
I oued before taking off my shorts and shoes.
I glanced to the camera before he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, running to the water.
I squealed when he threw me in the water, jumping in right after me.
×end of the flashback

I wiped away few of my tears before my mom walked in the living room, my sister following behind.
"Did you guys talk about the funeral?"
"No, we waited for Lexi to wake up, yesterday was messy."
"I thought we could to it tomorrow or the day after?"
"Yeah, me too."
"Yeah, I thought that'd be the best too."
"Then we have nothing more to talk about. I'll set everything so you have no worries for that."
I just nodded stroking Eva's hair.
"I'm going to check upstairs. Is Nick there too?"
"Yeah, I think he's with kids."
I walked up the stairs where doors of my and once upon the time Jaden's room were opened.
"Good morning guys."
Nick was sitting there with Michael, Mason, Josie and Jackson.
They all said 'good morning', while Josie immediately hugged me when I sat on the bed.
"Are you guys going to come downstairs? Grandma and Jo made some food."
"Do we wear black clothes now?"
"Well, I'll leave that up to you. You are still very young, but you can wear whatever you want but something darker, okay?"
We all got up and Nick kissed my head before leaving the room with Jackson following behind too, since they were already dressed up.
"Mommy can you come with me?"
I just nodded following Mason to his room.
He just wanted me to check if his outfit is okay.
"Yeah, you can wear that."
"Okay. Mommy?"
"Are we going to see dad?"
"I mean like, his body. Is there anything left from him?"
I pulled him to sit on my lap while tears streamed down his face. Few tears left my eyes too, I just couldn't hold them in.
"Well, there is, uh, his body. But none of us is going to see it. Bryce saw it and I don't know if anyone else did of us, like a family. A-and I think it's the best to stay like that. Okay?"
I said softly, trying to tell him on the best way possible.
He just nodded crying into my neck.
I just stroked his head and ran my hand up and down his back.
"Do you want me to change you?"
He shook his head getting up.
He took off his clothes and put on other ones while still crying, but not as much.
"I know it's hard baby. And it will be hard. But it's okay, that's life and just the way that it goes, okay?"
He nodded while I wiped his face with my thumbs, placing a kiss on his head.
"Let's go downstairs, you have to eat."
He nodded and we slowly walked downstairs.
Everyone was there already.
Josie was on Addison's lap, Michael was between John and Amy, Bryce was next to Addison and Josie and on his right was Eva, while Nick was with my mom on sofa.
Mason sat on my mom's lap and she put some food on a plate for him.
"Eat Lexi."
Bryce whispered in my ear and I nodded, closing my eyes and scratching the back of my head.
He handed me food and I made quick eye contact with my mom and she gave me simpathetic smile.
I know this really touched her too, she always loved Jaden. And I know this hurt her too. Plus, I know this reminds her of dad and also she probably feels bad for me and kids and everyone.
Josie walked in the living room and I moved a little making more space for her on the couch.
She was always there for me. When we were teens, we obviously didn't really get along as every teenage siblings do, but even then she was always my best friend.

Someone walked in the house after Bryce let them in. It was Lynn and Samuel - her husband - Larri and Brady, Mia and Jack, John and Megan.
Lynn was the first one that pulled me into the tightest hug while I bursted out crying.

Quick story, John and Lynn broke up after like year of being together, they just decided they are better of as friends, and that's how it was. I haven't seen them in long time though, it's just years and life that separated us. But we still talk time to time and check on each others.


A/N Such a good memory at such sad situation. :(

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