chapter 21

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"Thank you Bryce."
"I'll do anything to protect you guys. He's not here anymore, but I am, okay?"
I just nodded in his chest before getting up.
"You don't need to go downstairs now if you don't feel like it, okay? Just shower and go to bed. I'll take care of everything there."
"Okay, thank you so much Bryce. If it wasn't for you I don't think I would be able to do this."
He stood up and hugged me, kissing my head. He gave me one last squeeze before going out of the room and closing doors.
I grabbed my underwear and pajama before walking into bathroom.

I was about to lay in the bed when kids opened doors.
They just looked at me before i showed them with my head to come in.
"Can we sleep here again?"
"Of course, you don't even need to ask me that."
They all crawled up in the bed and I laid next to them after turning off the lights.
"Goodnight babies."
When they were asleep I got up and walked downstairs. I can't sleep.

"Oh, you're awake too."
I nodded sitting on the big swing.
Addison and Amy were there too.
"I just don't think that I will ever realize that he is dead."
"It was the same with Josie."
The rest of the night was silence. 4 am and we walked back to our rooms and fell asleep.

My alarm started going off at 6:30 am and we all got up.
"Okay, let's start getting ready."
They all went in their rooms to shower and get ready, and I did too.

The funeral was... Well how can funeral be? Everyone cried, it was just awful.
Now we were home, again, house was full of people, but one was missing. He. He isn't here. Nor he will ever be. But my brain just can't seem to get that part.
We were supposed to be in Chicago now together, just two of us, but now I'm home, alone, but with so many people. Why did he need to leave now? He was the best man and he deserved at least not painful death. But no, he was in so much pain. It burns when water is too hot on your finger, not your whole body laying in much higher temperature, burning you alive. He didn't deserve it. He didn't.

I walked in our closet and kneeled down on the floor.
After I got them out I turned around so I can rest my back on the drawers.
I opened the first, and the oldest, album. Back from 2020. We were so young and so free. Photos from gender reveal party, we didn't even have Marley back then. My poor baby. He got really sick, four years ago. He lived around 12 years. We tried to help him, but he was just too old and weak to survive the surgery, so they gave him something to make him sleep forever, because we didn't want him to be in so much pain.

"Did they say anything else?"
"No, just that she will slowly put it in his body, he won't feel anything. And then he will just fall asleep."
"Oh my God, poor baby."
"I'll spend the rest of the night here with him."
"Okay, I have to tell kids now."
I hung up and Michael was already looking at me. He was sitting on kitchen table and looking at the photos we had with Marley.
"He's gonna die tonight, isn't he?"
I nodded pressing my lips together.
Tear slipped his eye while he was still looking at the photos.
"Did daddy caw?"
"Yeah, come here."
Mason sat on the chair next to Michael while Josie was on my lap.
"Is he dead?"
"No, not yet. But the nice woman that works there will give him an injection through the pipe, he won't feel anything. He will just fall asleep, it won't hurt him."
They all started crying, along with me. Marley is our family, we all loved him so much. It's like a real person is dying.
He went through so much with us, he was our best friend. My best friend.
"Awe we going to make him nice funewaw?"
"Yes, we will."
I stroked Mason's hair and kissed Josie's head.
"Let's go to sleep now kids. It's late."
They sighed and got up.
We walked upstairs and they all went in their rooms.
I kissed them for good night and walked back downstairs.
I continued looking through the album Michael was previously looking at. We just have so many good memories with that little guy.
"Kids do you wanna say something to him?"
"I wove you Mawey."
"Always and forever."
Josie said after Mason.
Mason gave him a little ball Marley always used to play with, and Josie gave him a little paper that she drew us all on, and she also gave him her favorite toy last night before Jaden took him. The toy didn't have one eye, because Marley ate it when she was year and half old.
"That's a really good drawing Jo."
"I know."
"He knows."
He said nodding his head.
I crouched down and took off my necklace, that we had incident with when Jaden bought me. He ate it before Jaden could've put it on my neck, and then Jaden was going through Marley's poops to find it and wash it.
"I love you Marls."
I said with tears streaming down my face.
"Thank you for all these years you've been with us."
Jaden said before he started burying the hole Marley was in.
We made a little like grave with stones before leaving.
-end of flashback-

Then ones from the trip when Jaden bought us the RV and we traveled around US for a month or so. That was such amazing thing that he did that.
He was always so beautiful. Even though it's not 'manly' word I would always tell him that he is beautiful and pretty, because he is.

-flashback m-
"You're so beautiful."
I said as I was laying on his bare chest, both of us under covers. My hands were on his shoulder and my fingers interweaved while my head was up.
(A/N You know what I mean, right? Right, okay let's move on)
"No, the wall. Yes, you dumbass."
"You think I am beautiful?"
"Isn't it supposed to be otherwise. I tell you you're beautiful, not you telling me."
"So what? I can't tell you that you're beautiful?"
"No, you can. Go boost my ego."
I chuckled at him putting my hand on his face and turning it on the other side.
"You really think I'm beautiful?"
"Yeah. Even though it's not so 'manly' word, that doesn't mean you're not beautiful."
"Well thank you. This made my day."
"Yeah. And the thing we previously did."
He said with a little smirk while looking at my arm as he drew something on it with his finger.
"That's good to know."
"Yeah. But I call you pretty boy every day. It's not just a nickname, but I genuinely think you're pretty."
"That's why you make my every day better. I mean not just with a nickname, but just your presence. When I see you my day gets so much better right away."
He smiled kissing my nose.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
-end of flashback-

I smiled at the memory while my vision was blurry and I couldn't see the pictures anymore. I wiped my eyes, making the little tears to fall on the album. I wiped those with my hand and continued watching the photos.


A/N If you have any ideas of any memory with them or anything, feel free to send me so I might use it later in the story.
Also, Marley part is from movie "Marley and me" that I mentioned back in second season. :)

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