chapter 16

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"Alex don't make this longer, because as you see I'm about to go out of my own house so you can have it with kids and your new guy."
I said as I got up with my suitcase. This morning everything was fine and now an hour ago she tells me she wants divorce.
"Do you know what date is it today?"
She asked sighing as her shoulders relaxed and fell down.
She showed me her phone screen. I read it, but the thing that got more of my attention is our family picture when kids were younger. Marley was still there with us.
"Are you trying to rub a photo of one time happy family in my face?"
"No. Did you see what date is it?"
"Yes I did."
"So what date is it?"
"Now you're acting like you don't know what date is it."
"Just tell me, Jaden. Dammit."
"The first of April."
"And? What that has to do with the fucking divorce?"
She wiped away her tears and looked at me with her face when she is trying to get me to realize something.
"Jaden, what date is it today?"
"The first fucking day of the April! Can you now tell me the reason?"
I said getting angrier.
"How you don't get it?"
"What date is it?"
"The first of April, for the third time."
"Yeah and what is today?"
"Jaden don't be stupid! What is on April first?"
I shrugged my shoulders, still mad while waiting to hear what is her reason of falling out of love.
"Jesus do I need to explain everything?"
"Yes, because I'm waiting for the fucking explanation."
"On the first April every year is April's fools day, you know, you joke around with someone, prank them."
My shoulders fell as my head went a little in front, with wide eyes.
"S-So this is just a joke?"
She nodded her head before laughing.
My eyes filled with tears.
So she still loves me?
But I was now mad that she made this as a joke.
"I'm sorry babe, I love you, I didn't even think you'd believe me."
She said walking closer to me and hugging me around my shoulders.
I just started crying even more.
I thought I lost it all. I thought I lost my all.
"You're so dumb to think I'd ever leave you dumbass."
"Why'd you do this to me? I thought you don't love me anymore."
"I just wanted to joke around. You pranked me last year. I thought I could get my payback. I said it, always and forever, and it will be like that always and forever."
"I can't believe you."
"Sorry love."
She pulled away wiping my tears and I wiped my nose.
"Why'd you cry then?"
"I was sad that I made you cry. I could see how much that hurt you. But I had to go until the end."
"Fuck you."
I said before smashing my lips on hers. How stupid am I to believe her that she wants divorce? I know she loves me too much.
"Would you actually leave me this all if I actually wanted a divorce?"
"Yes. I'm not going to take everything from you. And I know kids would stay with you. I'm not going to get your all out of the house."
She pouted, smiling, while cupping my face.
"I'm sorry babe."
"Now that we played your games, we're gonna play mine."
I squeezed her ass, while whispering in her ear.
"No, kids are home. That's not gonna happen."
"Yes it is. They were home when you were telling me you want divorce and we played your game, now it's my turn."
"Your game can wait until tomorrow when we're out of town. Only one game on daily."
She said patting my chest.
"Okay. And then, when we're out, you're all mine. No one's gonna stop me from doing all the things I wanna do with you."
"If you say so."
"Oh, I say."
She wiped her hands over my eyes before cupping my cheeks.
"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you."
She said kissing my lips multiple times.
"I love you too."
She smiled at me, wiping my nose with her sleeve, making me giggle.
"My head hurts like fuck."
"Let's go downstairs to see what we have there."

We walked downstairs, and I slapped her ass making her gasp.
"What? That's mine."
"Oh shut up."
We finally walked in the kitchen where kids were.
"How did it go?"
"He believed me."
She said high-fiving Michael.
"What?! He knew?"
"Yes, we made a plan while you were in the store."
"You little devil."
I messed Michael's hair while my arm was around his shoulders.
He just laughed, trying to stop me.
"I helped you last year too."
"Wait what was last years prank?"
Josie asked, trying to remember.
"He called mom, pretending he's getting arrested."
"Oh yeah."
"That was a good one though."
"And it also worked."
"I got so scared that he's actually being arrested."
"What can I say."

Her confused voice echoed through the phone.
"Babe? Babe?"
"Jaden? Who's this number? Where are you?"
"Police is chasing after me, I need you to hide everything in the house."
"What?! Why?! And what is this number?"
"I bought prepaid card. I don't know, I can't call you from my phone because they are tracking me."
"Fuck Jaden how did you let that happen?"
"Please just do what I told you."
"Okay. Please be safe."
"I'll try my best. I need to pick up something from the house and I need to run away, okay?"
"Jesus. Okay. Just be safe please, I love you."
"I love you too."
I hung up before I started laughing while driving back home. Just as I was in front I sped up so it looks like I've been actually driving fast and got out of car quickly, running inside of the house.
"Jaden? Jaden what the fuck is happening, what did you do?! How did they find you?"
"I don't have time, I need to go."
I kissed the kids, that knew that it was just April's fools, but I told them I'd buy them whatever they want just to act good, because I didn't want to traumatize them.
I opened the front doors running out of house and they followed behind, but just at the moment 'police' pulled up.
They all pointed the guns at me and I quickly put my hands in the air.
"If anyone makes a move we'll shoot!"
They slowly approached me, pushing me on the floor and checking my clothes for anything. Then they put my arms behind my back to put on handcuffs.
"Please don't do this!"
I can say that I'm really proud of myself for making actors. Maybe I should get them into acting school.
"Jaden Hossler, you are arrested. You have right to remain silent, everything you say will be used against you in the court."
He said keeping out the part why am I getting arrested.
"Why is he even getting arrested?"
"Ma'am I suggest you to back away unless you want to be arrested too."
"Not until you tell me what did he do!"
"Do you not know what type of company your husband runs?"
I shook my head, telling Lexi not to say anything.
Jesus she's gonna hate me after this.
They sat me in the car but left the doors open because crying Lexi jumped on the policeman.
"You can't just take him away and not tell me what is happening!"
I blinked twice at the guy, meaning he can say what he planned.
"Well, you see, your husband is getting arrested because,"
He made a pause to take a deep breath, just to make her more nervous and inpatient.
"Because it's April's fools day!"
He jumped in front of her before everyone started laughing, along with kids and me.
I got out of the car and guy uncuffed me.
Lexi was just staring blankly with her hand on her heart.
"Happy April's fools day!"
I said laughing and pulling her into my chest.
"I'll fucking kill you!"
She slapped my head before hugging me.
"Who are these guys? They're not real police?"
"Nahh, we are from your company."
Her eyes went wide, slapping my head again.
Kids ran up to us high-fiving me and laughing.
"You little pigs knew for this?"
"Sorry mommy."
"Yeah, but we got a good thing in return from dad."
"He's gonna buy us whatever we want."
"Gotta say we made pretty good actors. I didn't expect them to act this good."
"I can't believe you guys!"
I did a hand shake thing with all the guys and gave them money and they left.
"You're so going to see me next year."
She shook her head before we all walked in the house.


A/N Happy really really late April's fools!! Hehe. Now y'all won't hate me. :*
Y'all get why I put 'Angels and Demons' on top?

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