chapter 2

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"Let's have a pool day!"
Josie squealed while we were just in living room chilling.
"Okay, is homework done?"
"Please, we'll do it tomorrow."
"My is done."
"Shut up Mason."
"C'mon Lex, let them go to pool. They can do homework tomorrow, it's only Saturday today."
"Ugh, I guess it's okay, but only this time. And! I want homework done until 3 pm tomorrow, understood?"
They all ran upstairs to change into swimming clothes while I pulled Lexi on my lap.
"You're too hard on them sometimes."
"Or you are just not hard enough. If we don't press them to do everything on the time, they won't do it."
"I know that."
Her arms were wrapped around my neck and one of mine was on her thigh and other one on her waist while her head was in the crook of my neck.
"I love you Lex."
"I love you more."
She kissed my jaw, that's the most she could raise her head too without removing it from my shoulder.
"You know it's not possible but I'll let you continue saying it if it makes you feel better."
I said placing my head on hers.
Josie squealed while Michael ran with her on his back and Mason was running beside them and then they jumped in the pool.
We watched them come back to surface and then start laughing.
"You wanna go to pool too?"
"Do you want to?"
"I do."
"You go then, I don't think I'm in the mood for pool."
"Oh come on."
"No, I'm serious. Go change to your shorts, I'll make you guys a lemonade."
"Are you sure?"
"Yess Jaden, go."
She got up from my lap and walked to kitchen while I walked upstairs.

"Jump in dad!"
I jumped in the pool and they all clapped their hands before we started splashing each other with water.
"Dad, can I jump off your shoulders?"
I got under water, letting Josie stand on my shoulders and then started going back up, making her jump in the water.

We played a little more in the water and I noticed Lexi taking pictures of us, so I looked at her smiling.
"Mom, come in too!"
"Nah, I'm not in the mood for pool."
"Oh, c'monnn."
They whined trying to get her get in the pool, but she didn't want to.

"Okay guys, c'mon, I made you cookies."
They all cheered getting out of water and sitting on the chairs.
"Uhh, it's so cold."
I handed them towels and they wrapped it around their back while eating.
Mason and I were sitting on one chair, and Josie, Michael and Lexi on other one.
Mason crawled up in my lap and laid his head on my chest while eating the cookie.
Michael's jaw started trembling, while Lexi laid on his shoulder and rubbed his back.
"Okay, it's enough, y'all will get sick. We're going inside."
"Noo, I still wanna be in water."
"No way. And it's already dark outside, so get up and change into dry clothes. You can eat cookies inside."
They groaned and got up, walking inside.
"You too Jae, I don't want you to get sick either."
"I won't, don't worry."
We got up and I helped her get everything inside and walked upstairs.
"I'm gonna shower."
"Okay, you want me to find you clothes?"
"No, it's fine."
She walked in the kitchen and I finally got in our room.

After I closed the bathroom doors I stripped down and got in the shower.
I was thinking about taking them to Texas next week. It's March but we can still camp or just have fun. We've been stuck in the house for a little while now.

"Hey love."
I whispered into her ear, wrapping my arms around her waist.
"Hey babe, you showered?"
"And kids?"
"I don't know, I think they are together downstairs."
"Oh, okay. I wanna go shower now."
"We could've saved the water."
"Jesus Jaden, you are crazy."
"What, we used to do that all the time."
"Yes, and now we have kids. So don't even think about it."
"We can lock them downstairs."
She pushed my face off of her shoulder and I just smirked.
"Stop you dickhead."
I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me as her hands were now on my chest.
My lips attached to hers, slowly kissing her.
"I love you so much."
"I love you more."
"Eww guysss, don't kiss in front of us!"
Josie said walking in the kitchen with Mason and Michael.
"What? I'm gonna kiss my wife where I want and when I want."
I gave them funny face, kissing Lexi again, making her laugh.
"Yeah, that's enough. We wanted to watch movie with you guys."
"And I was about to go to shower."
"Okay, well, we'll wait then. But we are watching in the movie room."
Lexi walked upstairs leaving me with kids.
"Okay, so do you know what movie you wanna watch or not?"
"Yeah, it's already set up downstairs."
"Oh, okay. Let's make popcorns then."
I started to walk to the pantry but Josie grabbed her arms around my torso, hugging me.
"Hey princess."
I picked her up, while Michael already passed us and grabbed popcorns, putting them in microwave.
"We haven't really hugged a lot today."
"I know, this is what I've been missing whole day."
She giggled, kissing my neck.
"I love you baby."
"I love you too dad."

We made popcorns and boys walked downstairs while I was still there, standing, hugging with Josie.
"You're not gonna leave us, right?"
"What? Where did you get that from? Of course I'm not going to leave any of you, ever. I'm here always and forever."
"You promise?"
"I promise."
"Where did you even get it from?"
"Well you and mom have been arguing lately, a-and I don't want you to divorce, like Griff and Dixie did."
"I'm sorry baby. We did argue like two times in last two weeks. But that is normal. Relationship couldn't be healthy if there is never any arguments and you always agree about everything. But that doesn't mean me and momma are going to get divorced. I love your mom so much, just like I love you guys so much. Dix and Griff just didn't work and they fell out of love, but that doesn't mean me and your mom did too."
"Okay, good. Because I don't want to live without two parents."
"You won't baby, don't worry. You are just overthinking stuff, don't worry about anything, okay?"
"Where are Mikey and Mason?"
Lexi asked walking in the kitchen.
"You guys going too?"
Josie kissed my cheek before loosening up her grip a little on me, and I slowly out her back on the floor.
She ran downstairs with me and Lexi following behind.
"I love you Lex, you know that?"
"I know you do, you remind me that every five minutes. And I love you too."
I smiled at her, grabbing her hand in mine and kissing it.
We all got comfy on sofas and started watching the movie.


A/N Hello everyone!! How are y'all doing today?

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