chapter 9

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We all started the ride to Texas, but just that none of them knew where we are going.
"Dad, I need to pee."
"You'll have to wait buddy, we just passed the gas station, I'll make a stop at the first one we see, okay?"
"Okay, but hurry up because I really need to."

"I'm hungry."
"Yeah, me too."
"Well you'll also have to wait, there's McDonald's not that far away now so we'll make a stop there."
"Ugh dad, can you drive faster? I'm really going to pee my pants."
"You can hold it for a little more. Just don't think about peeing and you won't need to go anymore. Dad can't go faster than this."
"Because it's not allowed dummy."
Michael said slapping the back of Josie's head playfully and it immediately turned into a fight.
"Stop it right now! We'll literally get into a car crash because you can't sit next to each other."
Both of them immediately stopped and sat with their arms folded on their chest.
"Jesus Christ."
"There's it!"
Mason squealed when he was McDonald's and I pulled into parking lot.
We got out of car and Mason immediately grabbed my hand, pulling me inside so he can go and pee.

He said when he finished peeing and pulling up his pants.
"I thought I was gonna explode."
I chuckled at him while he washed his hands.
"Okay, let's go order the food now."
We walked to the pult where was a line of people, including Lexi and kids.
"Is it alright now?"
He smiled at her.
"What do you guys want? I'll stay order and you can go find the table."
They all told her what they want and I walked with Mason and Josie to the table.

We waited for the food when we saw Bryce and Addison walk in with the kids, and later also Josh and Blake.
We all said our 'hey's' and then sat to eat.

After that, kids went out and ran around a little and walked while we were all talking outside.
"Dadd, can they all go with us?"
Josie asked me as I bent down a little on her level.
"All of them."
She turned around to look at us.
"Jo wants all the kids to go with us."
"Well they can if they want to."
She ran off again before all the kids got back to us.
They were all excited about going all together with us in the van.
"Okay then, when are we going to make next stop?"
"Let's, hm, let's say around 6 or maybe 7 pm for dinner?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Okay then, let's go."
Kids already sat in the van and closed the doors, all of them messing around.

"Auntie, can you play music on Spotify and not radio?"
"What song do you guys want?"
"Lazy song!"
They all agreed and Lexi played it, turning up the volume.
She secretly recorded them singing and jamming to the song.
We started singing with them, continuing to listen to other Bruno Mars songs, which were kids favorites. Which is pretty funny to me, since Lexi and I always listened to him, and I even proposed her with his song.

Later on, we turned music down a little, because kids wanted to take a nap.
"What's up love?"
I asked Lexi taking her hand in mine and kissing the back of it.
"Nothing, just thinking. What about you?"
"I'm just thinking how I got so lucky with you."
Her face softened, giving me a big grin.
"Do you want to make a stop so I drive? You must be tired."
"Nah, it's fine."
"Jae, seriously. You can take a nap and then drive again."
"We're going to stop now anyways for dinner."
"Okay then, after dinner I'll drive."
"Okay, just wake up kids."
She looked at the back and shook Josie and Celia that were sitting in the first seat behind us and then told them to wake up everyone else.

"Okay, give me the key."
"It's fine, I'm not tired yet, I can drive more."
"Jaden don't even try to get on my nerve. Give me the damn key."
I pecked her lips and handed her the key, sitting in the passengers seat.
"Hand me one of those blankets here."
She covered me with a blanket and I looked at her smiling.
"You always treat me like a baby."
"Because you act like one. And roll that seat down a little so you can be comfortable. Jesus you act like this isn't all yours and you are with people that you met five minutes ago."
She mumbled buckling up her seat belt.
"Why are you staring now?"
"Nothing. I just love you."
"I love you too, now sleep."
I chuckled laying my head on the back ofy seat as I rolled it down a little.

She started the engine and we drove few more hours, until it was midnight and I woke up.
"What time is it?"
"Almost midnight."
"You wanna stop quickly so I can drive?"
"Nah, I can drive a little more."
"Kids are asleep. Just pull over for a sec."
"Oh, c'mon. You've been driving for five hours now. Plus I know you're not a lover of driving cars at the night."
"Okay, then I'll do when I find a place because I need to pee.
Are they all asleep?"
I said checking the back and looking at kids.
I held her hand in mine and kissed it before placing them on armrest.
"So what are we doing in Texas?"
"We're going to a rented houses, but I also wanna go on camping, because we haven't done that in a while. We're staying until Sunday."
"Oh, okay."

We kept talking for a little while before we found a place for her to pee.
"Okay, I'll be right back, you stay here for kids."

In few minutes she got back with two energy drinks in her hands.
She sat in the passenger seat and I started driving again.
"You want it now or a little later?"
"Later, I'm not tired right now."
She giggled and opened her can and started drinking it while we were talking again.
"Babe, why don't you sleep for a little while? I know you're tired."
Just as I asked someone started crying.
She climbed in the back quickly.
"Sh sh baby, what happened?"
She rolled down fully her seat and sat there.
It was Blake's and Amelie's daughter, Paeka, that they adopted not even that long ago, maybe a year, so she's now 4. They couldn't have a baby, so they decided to simply adopt one because it they're already 'old'.
"It's okay baby, I'm here, you don't need to cry."
I watched her clung onto Lexi while still sobbing a little.
"Was it a nightmare?"
I'm guessing Paeka nodded, since I couldn't see it because I'm still driving the car.
"It's okay, it's just a dream. You're safe here, okay?"
Lexi and I shared a look while she was bouncing her legs and stroking Paeka's hair.
Poor baby, who knows what happened to her before Blake and Amelie.
"Paeka sweetie?"
She turned her head on the side looking at me.
I grabbed her hand and kissed it before poking her nose, making her smile a little.
Not long after that she grabbed my hand and started playing with all the rings on it.
Lexi and she were mumbling something about my rings.

"You wanna go back to sleep?"
Lexi asked her after a little while and she just nodded, burying her head into Lexi's chest and closing her eyes.
After she fell asleep Lexi sat her in her seat and buckled her up, since she is still small, and also the youngest of all kids.


A/N Jaden with kids>>>

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