chapter 26

621 17 18

April 16th, 2036

"Hi man."
Bryce said doing the hand shake thingy with Josh.
"Hi. See we got Hossler Junior with us today huh?"
Michael nodded his head while smiling and fist bumping Josh.
"Brought a little man to train with him and show him around more. He said once he is 18 he is going to lead."
"But can't he do it like whene-"
"So, we're gonna leave now to the training center if you don't mind."
Bryce glared at Josh, interrupting him in the middle of his sentence. Of course he could've become a leader when he is at least 15 or 16. Those were the ages when Jaden became leader. But kids had to finish the schools and not come in the business too early.

"Okay, so let me see you on boxing bag huh?"
Bryce said once they got in the training center.
"We'll secure your knuckles because your mom would kill me if I brought you home with red knuckles."
Both of them chuckled while Blake approached them.
"Ooo, Hossler Junior, what a pleasure to have you in my area here."
Michael chuckled at Blake while he messed his hair a little.
Michael started punching the bag for some time while Bryce and Blake talked a little, catching up on the job.
"You wanna come in the ring with me?"
"Yes, me. Who do you want? Or are you scared?"
Bryce asked knowing it will pull Michael's nerve and he'd go in the ring with him.
"Oh, I'll show you who is scared."
Bryce smirked, joining Michael in the ring.
"Just don't go in the face and lungs. You don't want to actually beat him up."
Michael nodded before Bryce and him started 'boxing'.

"Not gonna lie, I was a little scared he'll actually punch me hard."
Bryce said getting out. Blake and few more guys were around, while young newbies were watching from corner of their eyes.
"That was tense. Good job bud!"
Blake fist bumped Michael.
"Yeah, you should've actually punched Bryce in the jaw."
Guy called Oliver, that Michael met few times before, said, earning a glare from Bryce while they all chuckled.
"Can we shoot now?"
Michael asked, making Bryce look at Blake.
"Sure, I'll move newbies to another area."
Michael and Bryce talked to the guys while Blake moved newbies to another area, leaving shooting area just for Bryce and Michael.

While Michael was shooting, almost every time hitting the center, Bryce took a picture of him, sending it to Lexi.

* Back to the Lexi, Josie and Mason

"There you go babies."
Lexi handed bowls to Josie and Mason, while laying between them once again.
"So what are we watching?"
"Show from like 20 years ago, 'NCIS New Orleans'."
Once Josie said it it made Lexi snap her head to the TV where was actually that show on TV.
Memories of Jaden and her watching that show every day started floating back, making her eyes glossy.
"What's wrong mommy?"
"Nothing, Jae and I used to watch it every day at the beginning of our relationship."

Just then, she remembered the first time watching that show with him.

"What do you wanna do now?"
"Can we eat something? I'm starving."
"Sure, wanna order or?"
"Pizza would be great."
He ordered on his phone.
"It will be here in 15."
Jaden said putting his phone back in the pocket and sitting next to Lexi on the couch.
"What are we watching?"
"NCIS New Orleans."
"Oh, okay. You like crime shows?"
"Yeah I do really, and New Orleans is my favorite city, even though I've never been there, but like yeah."
"Oh, I've been there few times. It's cool there."
"That's cool, I wanna go there someday."
"We could go."
"Yeah why not? I have my jet so we can do that whenever."
"Okay, Mr. Rich."
*end of flaskback*

And then he actually took her to New Orleans for her birthday.

Few tears slipped her eyes while they watched the episode, eating their food. She just couldn't hold them. It brings too many memories.

"Hey guys!" Michael walked in with Bryce following behind.
"Hey buddy. How was it?"
Lexi asked once she walked to the doors. Josie and Mason followed behind to say hi to btoh of them.
"Hey kiddos."
"Come in Bryce."
"Nah, I just came here to say hi to my favorite little people. And you, of course."
Kids chuckled at them and they all said their bye's before Bryce left.
"Are you hungry Mikey?"
"No, we ate not that long ago."
"Okay, if you say so."
"I'm gonna shower."
Josie said before leaving upstairs. It was already 9 pm by now.
"So how was your day? What did you do there?"
"A lot of stuff."
"Oh yeah, tell me."
Lexi said showing that she is interested to hear what he has to say.
Michael started going on about his day while Mason and Lexi carefully listened while they commented on some stuff too.
Lexi was glad to see him happy, even though she knew she also needed to talk to him.
"M, can you come and help me with homework?"
He nodded getting up and walking with Josie out of living room.
"Doing your homework at 10pm huh?"
"Sorry, I forgot about it."
Lexi shook her head opening her arms for Michael.
He scooted closer and hugged his mom, resting his head on her chest.
"Mikey, you know you can talk to me, right? About anything."
"Yeah, why?"
"You've been keeping in your feelings too much. I want you to talk to me about them."
"I just miss him. And at the same time I'm so mad at him for leaving. And I wish I told him more how much I actually love him."
"I know, but it will always be like that. When someone dies you wonder what you could've done better and said. But there's no going back."
"I know. And I just wished I hugged him tighter and longer before he left the house."
Lexi wiped away his tears while kissing his head.
"Do you want to tell me what you did last night?"
"What do you mean?"
"I heard you talking, like you were with dad."
"Oh" Boy took a deep breath, being a little ashamed, but knowing his mom is his therapist and she won't judge him for anything, "Um, so, uh, I don't know, I feel stupid."
"Don't feel stupid. You know I'm never judging you, I just want you to take off some weight of your chest."
"Um, so, I was talking on my phone. Even though it wasn't even turned on. But I've just said some things to dad that I needed to. It makes me feel a little better."
"Oh, I didn't know you were doing that."
"Yeah, it's stupid, but I don't know."
"I don't think it's stupid. We all have different ways to cope."
He nodded his head sniffling.
"Do you want to tell me what you told him?"
Boy said instantly while shaking his head.
"That's okay. If you ever want to tell me, I'm gonna listen."
"I know."
He mumbled, now closing his eyes.


A/N Hello everyone,
sending my love and hugs to people with eating disorder who feel like they ate too much food for breakfast this morning and now they tummy hurts and is bloated and they feel like crying. You're not alone, you deserved that food! <3

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