chapter 12

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Now that kids were off to the backyard, we were all in the kitchen, sitting, watching them through the doors.
"I can't believe she almost called me a dad."
Blake said, for the millionth time.
"I know. And you can see her adapting to us and getting more comfortable with everyone."
"For last 6 months she never even tried to call me dad. It's just so crazy, yet she didn't even say it fully."
"It'd be funny if she actually meant to say something else and not dad."
Bryce said joking with his idiotic laugh while Addison slapped his head.
"I'm just joking. I'm actually happy for you man."
"Hey Lee."
Paeka said grabbing Amelie's finger, catching her attention.
"Hey sweetheart, what's up?"
She showed Amelie to bend down and whispered something in her ear before they walked upstairs.
"I swear I've never seen her talk this much."
"She's probably getting more comfortable. We'll never know her back story unless she tells it. But probably kids have a lot of effect on her. A lot of kids and people in general around her and they all talk and joke and play around so it makes her feel like she should talk too."
Lexi said while doing stuff around the kitchen, helping us get everything ready for barbecue.
"Yeah, probably."
In few seconds my finger was pulled by one and only Paeka and she pulled me out of house.
"Where are we going?"
"Can you tell me something honestly?"
"Yeah, I'm always honest."
I squatted down in front of her.
"Do you think Bakey and Lee will leave me? Like others did?"
"No. They will never. They love you so much."
"Yeah, 100 percent."
"So you think I could call them mom and dad now? I don't want to call them and then they'll leave me in two months."
"Yes. Trust me, they are your parents and friends always and forever now."
"Okay. Thank you Jae."
"Of course sweetheart. Can I kiss you?"
She nodded with her hands behind her back and I slowly kissed her cheek while my hand was on her back.
"Can I get a kiss from you?"
She nodded slightly and kissed my cheek quickly.
"Uf, that was a good kiss."
She giggled a little, her arms still behind her back.
"You wanna go call your dad and mom out now? We're going to make barbecue now."
She nodded and ran little in front of me, stumbling over something and falling down.
"It's okay, it's okay."
I helped her up and cleaned her pants and then she kept running to the house.
"Mom, dad, can we go to the woods?"
All of their heads turned around to look at little Paeka. Everyone had big smiles on her faces and Blake and Amelie quickly nodded and walked out of house with them.
"What did you tell her outside?"
I smiled while shrugging my shoulders.
We took everything outside and set up the barbecue.
Whole day we just messed around and made food. Later on we ate and kids played hide and seek while we just sat on the chairs and talked and watched them. Life is just beautiful.


We got ready and took all stuff we needed for camping and drove to the beginning of mountain where you have parking place and for the rest we had to walk.
After walking for a good amount of time, we find a place and set everything up for camping.
"Okay, kids who wants to go with me to find some wood for the fire?"
The youngest ones of course jumped up and followed me a little deeper in the woods, while other were setting up tents.
"Okay, that's enough."
They started running through the woods, going back to the camping place.
I yelled after them.

We set everything up, and then night fell.
We set up the fire and put the marshmallows on sticks.
"Are you cold bub?"
I asked Mason who crawled little closer to me, laying his head on my upper arm.
"Why don't you go grab zip up sweater? It's in the tent."
"I'm scared to go alone."
"Come, I'll go with you. I'm cold too."
Jackson who was sitting beside him said and I grabbed their sticks, holding it for them.
They came back and handed everyone their jackets and sweaters.
"Thank you uncle Jae."
Jackson said after I handed him back his stick and I smiled nodding and wrapping my arm around Mason.
"Wait, it's too hot."
"Ugh, you wait. I wanna eat marshmallow."
He said frustrated holding his stick and blowing air on the marshmallow to get it cool down faster.

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