Chapter 8

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*Kianna’s POV. 1 month later.*

A friend from high school called me over the weekend and told me that she saw Brendon at a party, and he was making out with a lot of different girls, I was sick and I didn’t go, I knew that something was going to happen, but I’m done with him at this point. No more of putting up with his crap.

Harry had to go to the studio today, so I’m driving to Holmes Chapel to confront Brendon. Harry thinks that I’m going to visit old friends, he has no idea about anything that’s going on. I’m pretty sure if I would have told him what I was doing, he would have already beat the crap out of Brendon, and Harry would be in jail. Sometimes it’s best that he doesn’t know everything.

It was really stupid of me to take Brendon back after everything he put me through... I hate to admit in, but for once, Harry was right. Okay, he’s been right before, but I’ll openly admit that he was right this time.

I pull up to Brendon’s apartment, this is it... after 4 years of being caught in his spell, I’m ending it forever. And this time, I do mean forever. I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell, my heart beating out of my chest, my hands starting to tremble. Brendon answers the door. "Hey babe. What are you doing here?" He has a surprised look on his face. "I wanted to talk." He opens the door more and lets me in. My mind goes completely blank, I had everything I was going to say in my head, and now nothing is there. Crap.

Brendon comes up from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me. Typical, the last time I found out he was cheating on me, he did the same thing. Suck up to me. I try and pull away from him, "Wait, Brendon... we need to talk." Brendon lets go of me. "What’s the matter babe?" I walk over to the couch and sit, Brendon sits next to me."

"My friend saw you at the party you went to over the weekend, and she said that you were all over girls." I look up at him, he’s just staring at his feet fidgeting with his hands. "Are you going to say anything? Anything at all?" He gets up and walks away. "Unbelievable." I say and walk toward the door, "Since you’re not speaking to me, I’m going to leave, don’t bother calling me or texting because it’s over. I’m done, and I mean done." He quickly turns around and grabs me by my wrist, pushing me away from the door, and slamming the door and locking it. "No it’s not." "Quit Brendon! Let go of me!" I try to pull away from him. He pushes me on the ground. "Stop!" I’ve been here before... I cover my face, roll up into a ball, and wait for the end.

Brendon grabs me by my hair and drags me across the floor into his room and slams the door. He yanks my hair and forces me to stand up. "Please stop!" I’m hysterically crying, hoping that he won’t hurt me. "Shut up. You want to end things again? Do you think that anybody is going to love your stupid fat ass again after I’m done with you? You’re a worthless piece of shit, the only thing that your good for is being a punching bag." He throws me on the bed and pins me down. I try to kick him off of me, but he won’t get off of me I’m desperately screaming for help, hoping that one of his neighbors hear me. In the back of my mind, secretly knowing that nobody will come help. Brendon slaps my face with all of his strength possible, I started zoning out after repeated hits to my cheek, to my eye, my lip burning in pain, I taste metal in my mouth, realizing that it’s my own blood filling my mouth. I feel something grab my hair and another slap to my already sore cheek, "Wake the fuck up!" I hear Brendon yelling in my face. He throws me from the bed to the floor, hearing a loud thud, banging my head against the hard wood floor. I stay on the floor for a while, praying that he’s done with me. Brendon comes above me, I feel a sharp pain in my rips and my stomach, I look down and see him kicking at my torso. I yell out in pain, "Stop please! Please!" My voice starts to go, my voice goes from frantic, to nothing but gasps for air and squealing escaping my mouth. I lose all feeling in my stomach, all I feel is my whole body giving up fighting, maybe coming to the realization that this might be where I die, that I’m going to die by my ex boyfriend beating the life out of me. My vison becomes blurry from the tears filling up. A pair of hands cling to my neck, making me even more terrified for my life, breathing is becoming way more harder to do than before. I’m gasping for air, everything becoming more hazy, cloudy, and white. I finally realize that my hands are free, I reach up and try scratching at his face. I hear Brendon yelling and cursing in pain. I’m going to pay for that. Once again he grabs my hair, and drags me. Where he’s dragging me, I have no clue, I couldn’t even tell you where I am at the moment. The whole way I start to hit his legs, try screaming, but nothing coming out, I decide that I need to give up. If I die, then I die. The only up side is that I’ll be with my dad, and Brendon will go to prison for what he did to me. I feel my head knock against a hard and sharp surface, and everything goes black.

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