Chapter 25

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*Kianna’s POV. January.*.

Slowly but surely I’m getting over Harry... but I’m still not happy. I don’t think I can be happy without him.


"How does this look?" I ask my mom as I walk into her room to show her my outfit. "I like it better than the purple dress." My mom says with a smile. "Okay. I’ll go with this." (Description to Kianna's outfit is on the side.) I straightened my long golden brown hair, naturally it’s curly. "Have fun sweetie." My mom hugs me. "See you tomorrow. Love you." I walk out of the door and get in the car to drive to London.

I haven’t been to London since I broke up with Harry. The only reason I’m going is because Zayn is having a party for his birthday today, and by party, I mean, everybody is going to get hammered. Since all the boys live in the same complex, Niall is letting me stay in his apartment whenever I want to leave. Of course Harry is going, but I’m steering clear of him...


I park at the familiar apartment complex, and head to Niall’s apartment first. I ring the doorbell, he opens the door right away. "Hi Niall!" I hug him and smile. "I’ve missed you Kianna. You can put your stuff in the back room and we can go." Niall says. "Okay. You look very handsome by the way." I say as I walk to the back room, I put my bag down on the bed and walk back to him. "You look very pretty yourself." He smiles as he plays with my hair. "Why thank you my sir." I laugh. We head out the door and walk to Zayn’s apartment.

"Are you going to drink tonight?" Niall asks. "Yeah, not a lot, I don’t want to blackout drunk. I want to remember tonight. I already know you are." I elbow his arm jokingly. "Yes, yes I am." He laughs. "Are you and Harry okay?" He asks quietly. "I haven’t seen him since he came to my moms house that one night... I’m not speaking to him tonight, so."

We finally get to Zayn’s apartment, Niall opens the door and we both walk in. Zayn sees us and walks up to us, he hugs me tightly. "Hi babe." he says. "Happy Birthday love. Wow, 20 years old. Getting so old." I tease. Zayn gives me a mocking look and hands us both a drink. "Is uh... Harry here?" I ask Zayn quietly. "Yeah, he’s over in the kitchen with Louis and Liam." I turn around and look over at him, he looks at me through the crowd of people, his face lights up like a Christmas tree. I slightly wave at him, but turn around. "I’m regretting that now..." I hit my head against Niall’s shoulder.

Louis walks up to us and grabs my arm. "Ah, what do you want Louis?" I’m being dragged toward the kitchen. "One of my friends wants to do body shots off of you." Louis says. "What?! No!" I try to walk away, but I bump into a tall guy. "Sorry." I look up at him. "Is this her?" he asks. The guy towers over me, dark brown hair, beautiful hazel eyes. "Yes." Louis says with a sly smile. "Okay, maybe I’ll do one."

Why not give it a try?

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