Chapter 34

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*Kianna’s POV.*

Harry wraps his arms around me his chest rising and falling against my back the both of us still out of breath. Whenever Harry has his arms around me I feel a sense of security. He makes me feel like I’m the most important person in the world and nothing in the world could come in between us at that moment.

“I love you babe.” Harry whispers. “I love you too Harry. By the way, are we still going to the cabin this weekend?” I turn my head toward him to look at him. “Yeah. As a matter of fact I have a romantic holiday planned for us.” He smiles and kisses my cheek. “When are we going?” I ask. “How about Friday afternoon after you get of of class. We’ll have the cabin all to ourselves.” He whispers the last part into my ear. I shyly smile my cheeks getting hot just thinking about what he has planned. “Oh whatever will two people do in a cabin all alone for the weekend?” I ask in a sarcastic tone. “I can think of a few things. Some of what we just did.” Harry winks. “Naughty boy.” I say as I kiss his nose.

The sound of Harry’s stomach grumbling startles me. “I’m guessing you’re hungry? Do you want me to make you something to eat?” “Please?” He asks in an adorable voice. “Well how can I say no to that? What do you want me to make you?” I start getting out of bed and get dressed. “Will you make me a sandwich?” He smiles. “You are the only person that I would get out of bed for and make a sandwich. Consider yourself lucky.”


After I make Harry and myself something to eat we decide to watch a movie. Not only is it just any movie, but it’s my favorite movie ever. The Notebook. No matter how many times I watch it I will end up crying my eyes out. Harry is the only person that will watch it  with me. Everybody else hates to because I get so emotional. It comes to the part where Allie and Noah break up. The tears start flowing down my cheek and hitting my arm. “Kianna, don’t cry. Every time we watch this movie you cry.” Harry chuckles. “I can’t help it. I’m sorry.” I wipe the tears away but they come back. “You are so weird but for some reason you look really pretty when you cry.” He wipes my tear away with his thumb. I turn my cheek away from him blushing at his previous comment. I have the ugliest crying face. How do I look “pretty”?

“You know what I don’t understand? Noah love Allie so much, but he still leaves her.” Harry wraps his arm around me while I lay in between his legs resting my head on his chest. “Well. He doesn’t want to hurt Allie. That’s why he’s doing it. Noah wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he hurt somebody who meant the world to him.” “Noah wouldn’t be able to... or you?” I smile up at him. “Noah never put Allie through hell like I put you through. He was smart enough to end it. I made you suffer and that wasn’t fair to you.”

I sit up turning my body and sitting up on my knees. “I thought we were all okay with what happened? I forgave you.” “You may have forgiven me, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve forgiven myself for hurting you.” Harry puts his hands on my hips. “Harry. Stop beating yourself up about that. What happened between you and that model girl is over right?” Harry nods his head. “Okay then. It’s alright. I love you and you’ve proven to me that you are sorry and that you truly care about me.” I lean up and kiss him.

“Have I mentioned that I love you and that you’re amazing?” I smile. “You’ve mentioned it a couple of times. But you’re more amazing. And I love you too.”

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