Chapter 23

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*Kianna’s POV. Sunday Morning.*

I’ve been staying at my mom’s house since I found out about what Harry did, he has no idea that I know. The past couple of days I’ve been packing my stuff and slowly moving out. Everytime Harry calls, I just text him, telling him that I’m at work, or I’m busy. I can’t talk to him. I’ve been thinking about what to do all week, and so far nothing has come to mind. My phone dings. *1 NEW TEXT. FROM: Harry.* "Hey babe, we just landed. I’ll be home in about 30 minutes. I can’t wait to see you in my arms." Ah shit... this is going to end up all bad.


I gather the last of my belongings from my room and I close the door. I put my bag on the counter and wait for Harry to get home. My hands haven’t stopped shaking since he texted, still nothing has come to my mind on what to say to him.

I hear a car door from outside, my heart beats literally a million miles per hour. The doorknob unlocks and the door opens. "Kianna! Babe I’m home." Harry brings in a few bags and turns around to look at me, his face lights up like a little kid who got the puppy he wanted so desperately for Christmas. "I missed you so much Kianna." He stands infront of me, waiting for me to jump into his arms and be happy. "Babe, what’s wrong?" He finally gets the hint that I’m upset about something.

I have my laptop next to me, I find the pictures and show him, not a word is said to him. "Ah shit." Harry whispers under his breath, rubbing his neck trying to think of a way to get out of it. "18 years of friendship, and almost 2 months of dating, and this is the thing that ruins it... you know that I’ve been hurt, and you do the same exact thing that Brendon did yo me. For once I actually trusted somebody, and the reason I even trusted you, is because you’re my bestfriend... I guess I was a complete dumb ass for trusting anybody right?"

I look up at Harry, he’s not making any eye contact with me. I scoff in absolute disgust. "You’re not even going to defend yourself? Wow. Do you not care that you absolutely broke my heart? Did you think that I wouldn’t see anything that you did with that girl?" There is still no response from Harry, he has a blank look on his face. "You know what, fine. Obviously you know that I’m done with our relationship. I moved out all of my stuff form the apartment and I’m moving back in with my mom..." The tears pour down my face. "I can’t be with somebody who wants to be with another girl. Are you going to say anything at all Harry?!" I pretty much beg him to say anything to me. "GOD! This is such a complete waste of my fucking time!"

I grab my laptop and start for the door. "Kianna, please stop." Harry finally speaks, he comes behind me and puts his hand on the small of my back. "I’m sorry." Harry says. "You know, the phrase ‘I’m sorry’ is way over used, and has lost all meaning. You’re not sorry about cheating, you’re sorry that you got caught." I start to walk away again, but Harry grabs for my hand, I look at him, tears are filling his eyes. "Please Kianna. Don’t leave me." My eyes overflow with tears.

"Harry, please let me go. I can’t be here..." A low sob escaping my mouth, my tears fall, I don’t wipe them away so Harry can see the hurt in my eyes that he caused. He pulls me in and hugs me. "Forgive me Kianna. Please baby." He whispers in my ear. I pull away from the hug and grab my bag from the counter, I put the key to the apartment on the counter. "I can’t. Bye Harry."

I open the front door and head to my car. Once I’m in my car, I look at Harry standing in the door way. His eyes filled with tears, face red. I pull out of the parking lot for the last time...

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