Chapter 30 part 1

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*Kianna’s POV. 3 days later.*

2:36 pm. I’ll never forget that time. 2:36 on January 13th, the worst possible thing happened. I’ll never understand why it was her time now, why couldn’t she have gone when she was old and grey? I still had so much more time with her, that I’ll never ne able to have. She’ll never see Angel grow up, she’ll never see Matt graduate high school, she’ll never see me have kids... and I’ll never see her again...


"Babe, you almost ready?" Harry walks into my room at my mom’s house wearing a black button up shirt, black pants, and a purple tie, my mom’s favorite color. His voice snaps me back to reality. For the past 3 days I’ve had no idea whats been going on around me. I’ve been a complete mess. Having to look at pictures of my mom for a slide show we’re going to do for her, having to pack her things up into boxes can make a person crazy. And I’ve reached my breaking point so many times that I think I belong in a mental institution. Is this really what this is supposed to feel like? When my dad died, I thought that was the most devastating thing. I cried for months... but the huge hole in my heart that the death of my mom hurts so bad.

"Uh, yeah? I think so..." I look at my reflection in the mirror, my hair straight, my eyes are red and puffy from crying for the past 3 days, slightly brushed with make up, my black dress hugging my body, and the panda bear necklace my mom gave me for my 16th birthday hanging around my neck. "Are you okay?" Harry comes up behind me and puts his hand on the small of my back. I sigh deeply, "No. Today and the day my dad got murdered are by far the worst day of my life." I look up at him, my eyes starting to water slightly. "I’ll be right by your side all day for you. Everything will be okay. Lets go wait downstairs." He kisses the top of my forehead. I grab my letter off my bed and head downstairs.

Angel runs up to Harry and hugs his leg. "Up Erry!" She squeals, not being able to say his name all the way. Harry picks her up and puts her on his shoulders. "How are you feeling today?" Skylar, Aaron’s wife asks me. "I’ve been better... today is going to suck so bad." "Aww, sweetie. I’m so sorry." She hugs me, rubbing my back. "Okay, lets go guys." Both of my brothers walk downstairs in their suits matching Harry’s.

Matt has been very distant since my mom died, he sits in his room crying... he still blames himself for everything. My mom always wanted us to be happy at her funeral, laughing at her craziness, and celebrating her life. Not crying and not being sad... but I can’t help that the person who gave birth to me, and who ment to world to me is gone.


Aaron parks the car infront of the church and there are a ton of people flowing into the church. Harry and I get out of the car with Angel, and go over to the side. "The boys are here." Harry says. I nod my head, not exactly hearing what he just said to me. I look up and see the other boys walking toward us. "Hey, the boys are here." Harry looks at me, "I just said that 5 seconds ago babe." "Oh, I didn’t hear you. Sorry." The boys walk up to me and each of them hug me, talking to Harry, and playing with Angel.

After a few minutes of the boys talking and me re reading my letter a thousand times, it’s time to go in. Aaron, Matthew and I sit in the front of the church. Harry, his mom and Gemma sit in the row behind up, Harry sitting directly behind me so he can comfort me when I need it.

"Are they going to close her casket by the time we get up to speak?" I whisper to Aaron, not being able to look over in that direction. He gets up and closes it anyway.

The service beings, and a few prayers are said. "Before we go any further, Kathy’s children have a few words they’d like to say about their mother." All three of us stand up and walk to the front. Aaron begins his letter to my mom. We all did the same thing when my father died too, but this is by far the worst. When Aaron is done with his, it’s my turn.

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