Chapter 29

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*Kianna’s POV.*

My whole world stopped. Harry finally told me what happened, this is my worst nightmare. I can’t loose her.


Harry parks the car in the parking lot, but I can’t seem to move. "Are you okay?" Harry puts his hand on my knee I shake my head no and look over at him. "I’m scared. What if she dies?" Harry squeezes my knee. "Don’t think like that babe. Everything will be okay. Come on." We both get out of the car and walk inside the hospital, I walk up to the lady at the front desk. "Can I help you love?" She asks. "Yes, do you know what room Kathy Whitmore is in?" The lady types something into the computer. "Yes. Room 3017." "Thank you." I walk up to Harry, and he puts his arm around me. "Come on."

On the way up to the floor where my mom is, I bury my head into Harry’s chest for some much needed comfort. His hand runs up and down my back trying to make me feel better. "It’s alright Kianna. I’m here for you." He kisses my forehead and strokes my hair. "I don’t want her to die Harry. She’s my only parent that I have left." "Everything’s going to be alright with your mom. She’s going to be going home in a few days."

We make it to the floor, and I spot my brothers sitting in the waiting area. "Is she okay?" Aaron looks up at me when I walk up. "She hasn’t woken up since we got here... and the doctors won’t let us see her. We have no idea what’s going on." I sit next to Matthew and hug him. "What happened?" Harry asks. "She was driving to come pick me up from a friends house, but somebody ran the traffic sign and swiped the car into a tree. If I would have just taken my car, none of this would be happening. FUCK!" Matthew gets up and storms off. "He’s been beating himself up since we got here. I don’t know what to do."

The doctor walks up to us. "Are you Kathy Whitmore’s family?" He sits down with us. "Yes. Is she alright?" I say. The doctor sighs, "When the car hit your mother, it did a lot of major damage to her brain along with hitting the tree. She’s completely brain dead at this point. The only thing keeping her alive is the oxygen that we’re providing for her. You have the option of keeping her on the oxygen, or taking it off and wait it out until she finally did pass. I’ll leave you guys alone while you decide." Harry puts his hand on my knee. "Thank yo..." My brother says blankly. The doctor gets up and leaves. "Uh, I’ll go find Matt. Go see mom." Aaron says as he walks away.

I stay sitting and staring at the floor, trying my hardest not to cry. "Babe?" Harry rubs my back. "Why is this happening? My mom never did anything wrong, but this bull shit is happening to her." I feel a tear roll down my cheek. "There’s nothing that you can do Kianna. You’re mom lived her life. It’s time for her to be with your dad again. They were apart for too long." I’m crying so hard that I’m gasping for air. "Aaron is going to decide to take her off. And she’ll be gone." "Come on, lets go see her." He holds my hand as we walk to the room.

Aaron and Matt are already sitting in her room. "Do you want me to wait outside, or go in with you?" Harry asks. "Come in with me please." We both walk in, I sit next to Matt, and put my arm around him. He look at me, his eyes red and puffy from crying. I kiss his cheek, "It’s not your fault Matty."

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