Chapter 40. (Series Finale)

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*Harry's POV.*

I woke up again but this time not to Kianna's hair in my face. In fact, I don't feel her in bed at all. "Babe? Kianna?" I feel around the spot where she sleeps, nothing but empty sheets. I force myself out of bed and go find her. As I walk by the bathroom I hear the shower running and the radio playing loudly. "Cuz you make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven. For too long, for too long." Kianna's obsession with Bruno Mars is very unhealthy. I knock on the door. "What?" Kianna yells over the radio. "Can I come in?" Hoping for a yes. "If you must." She responds. I open the door and walk in.

"Morning babe." I stand away from the shower door that way she can't see me. "Morning." "You still mad?" She thinks for a while. "Now that you just mentioned it. Slightly. By the way, my whole body is covered with your love bites. I swear I'll kill you." I smirk to myself thinking about all the times she moaned as I left my mark on her body. "Well you left your share of bites too." I quietly step into the shower with her, she turns around and jumps. "You scared me. Why are you in here?" She turns her back toward me again.

I sigh at her stubbornness and move her arms away from her body. "Kianna, listen to me. You are the most beautiful girl in the world, and you have absolutely no reason at all to be embarrassed about your body. I love every single part of you because you're absolutely perfect in every way. I love you babe." I cup my hands around her face pulling her as close to me as possible. She looks at me with those beautiful ocean blue eyes that make me weak in the knees, her cheeks turning deep red.

"I'm not mad at you anymore." I lean down and kiss her full pink lips. The water turns ice cold and Kianna jumps forward. "Ah, too cold." She giggles.  "I love you Ki."  I run my fingers tips down her jaw line, her small hands wrap around my wrist and she leans up to kiss my nose. "I love you too."


Kianna and I stayed in all day watching films and pigging out on junk food. "You know what we can do now that it's raining outside?" She asks. I turn and look at her with a few thoughts racing through my mind. "I could think of quite a few things actually." She laughs and shakes her head. "No. How about we channel our inner 5 year old and go play outside?" I think to myself, perfect opportunity.

"Okay. I'll meet you out there. I need to use the bathroom." She gets off the couch and walks out the door. I wait for her to get far enough outside and I run to our room to get something important out of my bag for Kianna. I've never been so nervous before in my life.

As soon as I walk outside, rain douses me. "Oh what the hell?" Kianna laughs in the distance. "Nice little shower babe." I run over to her standing in front of the gazebo and I lift her up on the rail. She pulls me toward her with her legs wrapped around me and my hands on her hips. Our foreheads pressed together and our noses brushing up against each other.

 "So, we've been dating for 5 months, but we've known each other for way longer. Sometimes people have feelings that they know will never go away. That's how I feel when I'm with you. You bring out a side of me that not many people see, and I think I've been able to break your walls down too. I see us having a wonderful future together. Us getting married, us having kids, us growing old and grey together. I want us to have that. Which is why I want to ask you something." Kianna's head pops up staring at me.

"What?" She asks kind of scared. I pull her legs from around me and get down on one knee and hold out a box with a diamond ring in it. Kianna's mouth drops open in shock her eyes filling with water a bit. "Are you being serious?" Her attempt to hold back tears is failing. "Yes. Either we can wait until you're ready to get married. Or we can do it right away. So, will you marry me?" She covers her mouth with her sweatshirt and nods her head yes. I stand back up and lift her off of the rail.

I grab her hand and slide the ring on her finger. Her arms wrap around my neck hugging me. "You know, this is a perfect opportunity. It's raining, our faces are close. You just did the most romantic thing ever." She smiles. "What are you suggesting?" I ask her. Knowing exactly what she's wants. "Kiss me you fool." I laugh at her cheesy line and kiss her. I've always wanted this moment. Me kissing that perfect girl that I love in the pouring rain. It may be a little too "romantic movie", but I'm finally getting this fairy tale moment with somebody I love. She pulls away from the kiss and smiles. "I love you Harry." I smile and pick her chin up to look at me. "I love you too Kianna."

One day Kianna is going to be my wife, and she'll forever be mine.

My baby.

*A.N.: I still have the epilogue to write so there will be one more chapter posted. I love you guys *

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