Chapter 38

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*Harry's POV.*

Kianna and I are eating take out and watching one of her favorite movies, "Mean Girls". I honestly think that she could quote this whole movie by heart. "So, if you're from Africa, why are you white? Oh my god Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white." Her accent goes to an American valley girl accent. "Exactly how many times have you seen this movie?" I ask. "Way too many. But it's funny so it's okay." She smiles and puts a mouthful of rice in her mouth. That's one of the many things that I love about Kianna. She's not like other girls who are scared to eat in front of me. She doesn't care.


Halfway through the movie Kianna lays her head against my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her back and pull her legs on top of mine. "I'm very comfortable." She smiles and snuggles her head into my neck yawning loudly in the process. "Tired love?" Kianna nods her head. "Do you want to go to bed?" "Carry me?" She lifts her arms up. "Hold on to my neck." Her arms wrap around me and I lift her off the couch bridal style off to the bedroom. "You smell really good." She says randomly. I laugh at her comment.

We enter the room and I lay her on the bed. She reaches over for her bag to change her clothes. "Can you unzip my dress? I'm too lazy." She's still laying on her stomach and I walk over to her and unzip the dress. Kianna grabs a pair of clothes and grabs a pair of clothes. As she gets off the bed I watch her start to slide the dress off her tight body, but we make eye contact. "Harry! Don't look!" She pulls her dress back up.  "Ki, I've seen you naked dozens of times. What's the problem?" "Just don't look!" I flop on the bed face down.

Kianna has no reason to feel self-conscious at all, she's the most beautiful girl and her body is so amazing. I turn my head and look at her, she slips her dress down to the floor. Damn, the way her body looks in her bra and white lace underwear makes me stare at her even longer. "Harry! I told you not to look!" She covers her stomach up with her t-shirt. "Babe, you have no reason at all to be embarrassed by your body. Come here." I get off the bed and pick her up again and lay her on the bed, kissing her beautiful lips. "Mmm, wait." Kianna pushes me away from her making me stand up.

*Kianna's POV.*

With Harry standing up I get down on my knees sliding his pants off of him along with his boxers. Harry's member is already fully erect. "You have no idea what you do to me sweetheart." Harry whispers.  I take him into my hand, moving up and down the shaft of his member. A moan escapes his mouth. "Please don't tease me again." Very slowly I bring him into my mouth.

I always feel like every time I do this that I don't satisfy Harry. He says that he enjoys it but I feel like he's just saying it for my benefit.

 Harry takes my hair tie out of it's ponytail, my hair flowing down my back. "Son of a bitch Kianna. Your mouth." he starts to move around, throwing me off my focus. "Stop moving." I say, taking him back into my mouth.

After a few minutes of me "pleasuring" Harry, he starts to moan. "Holy shit. You feel so good." I lick the very tip, causing Harry to lay his head back and intertwine his fingers in my hair. "Move your mouth Kianna." Harry tries to move me out of the way, but I shoo his hands away. "Fuck Kianna." Harry curses before releasing into my mouth, his grip tightening in my hair. As Harry rides his orgasam out, I keep him in my mouth. "Oh my god. Fuck." Harry pulls away from me and stands me up. "That was by far the best you've ever done. This isn't over." he picks me up, forcing my legs around his waist. "You're not going to get much sleep. Just a warning." 

A.N.: 3 more chapters left :(*

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