🔰Chapter 20

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Aurora Devin's POV

When we arrived at the opening dinner ballroom, we made our way to the high table, which featured a beautifully set long dining table surrounded by esteemed guests and dignitaries. Our names were reserved, making it easy to find our seats. Mr. Alexander pulled out my chair like a perfect gentleman, and I took my place before he sat down. His father was already on stage giving a speech, and soon after, he spotted Mr. Alexander in the audience and proudly called him to join him for the next part of the presentation.

Mr. Alexander leaned in and whispered that he would be back soon before heading up to the stage to deliver his speech.

While he spoke, a food server dressed as a butler approached me, asking if I needed anything. I politely declined, as the high table and others were elegantly adorned with a variety of continental appetizers and fine wine. The decor, featuring floral arrangements and ice sculptures, was stunning. I admired how the interior designer ensured that everything was right in front of us, eliminating the chaos of a buffet.

On the table was also a menu for the main course, where we could inform any nearby server of our choice, and they would promptly bring it to us. Instead, I requested a glass of fruit wine, as I don't drink alcohol. I sampled a few appetizers and sipped my wine while listening to Mr. Alexander's composed and remarkable speech.

As I prepared to pour myself another glass of fruit wine, I heard my name called softly. Startled, I accidentally spilled a bit of wine on my gown. Turning, I saw Mr. Oberon seated in Mr. Alexander's chair and realized he had called me. I was not interested in conversing with him, preferring to clean up the spill instead.

“Sorry, Mr. Oberon, but if you would excuse me, I need to clean up this wine spill,” I said politely, then quickly excused myself to the ladies' room.


After tidying up my gown, I returned to the ballroom...As I walked through the corridor, I noticed a figure emerging from the shadows, causing a flicker of fear. I asked who was there, and it turned out to be Mr. Oberon. He assured me not to be frightened, explaining that he had been waiting to speak with me.

“Aurora, from the moment I met you at the restaurant earlier today, I couldn't get you out of my mind. Your beauty lingers and clouds my thoughts. I felt it was only right to tell you how I feel,” he said, stepping closer with a look of desire.

“Mr. Oberon...”

“No need to call me Mr. Oberon; Oberon is just fine,” he interrupted, closing the distance between us. Uncomfortable with his proximity, I attempted to step aside, but he calmly but firmly grasped my hand, pulling me closer.

“Mr. Oberon, this is inappropriate. I don’t feel for you the same way. I respect you as one of Mr. Alexander's business partners, and nothing more,” I stated professionally, but he didn’t seem to comprehend.

“I’ll shower you with all the riches you want, Aurora. You could even quit working for Alexander. Anything you desire is yours,” he said, his finger trailing seductively down my arm. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to push him away and call for help. My Christian values and love for God surged within me; I would never compromise my integrity for material gain.

The scripture “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?” echoed in my mind. Sensing my resistance, he stepped back slightly, leaning in to whisper for me to think about it before he left.

In shock from the encounter, I regained my composure and returned to the ballroom, hoping Mr. Alexander wouldn’t be concerned about my absence. To my relief, he was engaged in conversation with a dignitary. When he caught sight of me, he paused his discussion and pulled out my chair.

“Where did you go, Aurora? I saw you leave the ballroom while I was on stage,” he asked softly as he poured himself a glass of red wine.

“I went to clean up a wine spill on my gown,” I explained quickly, hoping he wouldn’t ask for more details.

“And?” he probed, his gaze fixed on the architectural graphics of the hotel being presented on stage.

“That’s all, sir,” I replied, wishing to keep my explanation brief. I couldn't tell him about Mr. Oberon’s advances, fearing it might create tension between them.

“We leave for New York at 6 AM tomorrow. Make sure you’re packed and prepared after dinner,” he said firmly, his expression unreadable. I felt a pang of anxiety, fearing he had witnessed Mr. Oberon’s earlier actions.

After the dinner, I returned to the suite to shower, change, and rest before our early flight. I decided not to inform Mr. Alexander of my departure, as he was occupied with important discussions with his father, investors, and his stunning sister, Ashley. I didn’t want to intrude, so I slipped away quietly back to the suite.

Once I finished packing, exhaustion washed over me, and I fell asleep on the bed with my suitcase beside me.


I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder, and slowly opened my eyes to see Mr. Alexander beside me, speaking softly. I was still groggy and wondered if I was dreaming.

“You're not...”

His voice jolted me awake. Yes, he was truly there, smelling fresh from a shower, with damp hair.

“Sir, I’m so sorry. What time is it?” I asked, suddenly alert and rising from the bed, but I couldn’t find my suitcase.

“Your suitcase is over there,” Mr. Alexander said, nodding toward the door where he had placed it after entering my room without my response.

“I let myself in after knocking several times. Your door wasn’t locked,” he explained, concern evident in his eyes. I was surprised by his thoughtfulness.

“It’s 5:30 AM, Aurora. I came to check if you were ready for our flight. We need to leave for the private airport by 6 AM,” he added, assessing my unprepared state.

“I’m sorry, sir. Just give me a few minutes, and I’ll be ready,” I said, interrupting him apologetically.

“Alright,” he replied, leaving me to prepare. I expected a reprimand for my lateness, but he simply left, and I noticed how handsome he looked in casual attire.

I hurried to the bathroom for a quick shower and to get ready.


We arrived at the private airport at 6:27 AM due to my delays, and by 6:50 AM, we were airborne, heading back to New York.

The flight was quiet; Mr. Alexander barely spoke to me, discussing only ongoing law cases at the firm. I couldn’t shake the feeling that his cold demeanor stemmed from my encounter with Mr. Oberon and the events at the hotel.

⚘Hello my lovely readers🥰...thanks for reading this beautiful chapter😍😌as I enjoyed writing it✍...wow I'm so super excited for the next🤩..hope you are as well🤗.

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