🔰chapter 9

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Months later......

Aurora Devin’s POV

Sitting in my office at Borgia’s Law Firm, I tried to focus on the case file in front of me, but my mind kept wandering. It had been months since I last saw Mr. Alexander Borgia. After that day we bumped into each other, it was as though he vanished from my life—though not from the office. He’d been coming in regularly, yet somehow, we never crossed paths.

It might have made sense if he’d been on a business trip, but that wasn’t the case. I should have seen him at least once, but instead, I was excluded from meetings he called for the criminal defense department, the department he oversees. Every time, I’d get the same message through his secretary: “Aurora, continue working on the case you’re handling.” No explanations, just orders. And each time, I ended up with a mountain of tasks, often staying late, exhausted and drained.

Sometimes, before I head to court to represent a client, I want to consult with Mr. Alexander. Yet, instead of letting me into his office, I’m referred to a senior lawyer or a different department head. His secretary always relays the message; I never get to speak to him directly.

At first, I thought he was stressed from his new role as General Partner—his father had handed over the reins of the firm to him a month ago, after all. But even on the day of the handover, when every director, equity member, and employee was present, I was told not to attend. Instead, I was given paperwork to work on in my office.

What could I have done to warrant this treatment? Is it because of our brief encounter? Does he blame me for something that happened that day? I wasn’t expecting us to become friends, but this… this feels personal.

“Aurora,” a voice jolted me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Cassandra standing at my desk.

“You’ve been staring at that file for a while now, completely zoned out,” she said, her voice slightly amused.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t notice you there,” I replied, embarrassed.

“I’m not here to chat,” she said, crossing her arms. “I came to inform you that you’ve been reassigned to the family law department.”

“What?” My heart sank. “Why? What do you mean by reassigned?”

“Mr. Alexander instructed me to let you know. From now on, you’ll be working on matrimonial cases. You’re to hand over all your current cases to Nathan.”


“Oh, and he also said you shouldn’t try to see him about this.” She added with a smirk, clearly enjoying delivering the news.

I felt my chest tighten. “I can’t just transfer my cases like that. My clients trust me, and I’ve built a relationship with them. I know these cases better than anyone.”

“Well, you can take that up with Mr. Alexander… oh wait, no, you can’t,” she replied mockingly before walking off, leaving me stunned.

I couldn’t let this happen. I needed!..to see him. I was entitled to a reason. If he was going to change my department, he owed me that much. My cases were not just files—they were people’s lives. Nathan wouldn’t understand them the way I did.

Without another thought, I stormed out of my office and headed straight to Mr. Alexander’s. I had no idea how I’d get past his secretary, but I didn’t care. I was going to find out why he was doing this to me.

When I arrived at his secretary’s office, I braced myself. She looked up, unimpressed by my sudden appearance.

“Good morning, I’d like to see Mr. Alexander.”

“He didn’t schedule a meeting with you, Miss Aurora,” she said flatly. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you in.”

“I need to speak with him. It’s important,” I insisted.

“I can’t allow it,” she said, standing up as if to block my way. “He specifically told me not to disturb him.”

“I’m not asking for permission,” I snapped, pushing past her toward his office.

“Miss! Miss Aurora!” she shouted after me, but I ignored her, my heart pounding in my chest.

I barged into his office without hesitation. His secretary followed behind me, but it was too late—I was already there, and Alexander was sitting calmly at his desk.

“Aurora—” she started, but he cut her off.

“It’s okay, Alicia. I’ll handle this.” His voice was calm but firm.

She gave me one last warning look before leaving the room. As the door clicked shut, I felt the tension thicken. His eyes met mine, and for a moment, neither of us spoke. His gaze was piercing, intense, and something inside me stirred at the sight of him. He looked as handsome as ever, his dark hair perfectly styled, his suit tailored to perfection. But I couldn’t let his appearance distract me.

“Why did you barge into my office?” His voice was cold, pulling me back to reality.

“I’m sorry for the intrusion, sir, but your secretary wouldn’t let me in, and I need to talk to you.”

“You could have passed your message through her, as always.”

“Even if I had, you wouldn’t have let me in. You’ve been avoiding me since the day we bumped into each other. I don’t know if I’ve done something wrong, but I deserve to know why you’re—”

“Is that why you’re here? To ask why I don’t see you?” His voice was dismissive, and his expression unreadable.

Tears threatened to spill, but I swallowed them back. I had to stay strong. I couldn’t let his indifference break me.

“No, that’s not the only reason,” I said, regaining my composure. “I came because I was told you’re transferring me to the family law department. I can’t just leave my cases behind like that. My clients trust me. I’ve worked too hard on these cases to hand them over to Nathan.”

For a moment, there was silence. He stood up and walked toward me, his presence overpowering. He stopped just inches away, his eyes locking with mine. My heart raced as I struggled to hold his gaze.

“Okay,” he said, his voice suddenly softer.

I blinked in surprise. “Okay?”

“You may remain in the criminal defense department and handle your cases,” he replied, his tone more neutral now.

“Thank you,” I said, relief flooding over me as I turned to leave.

“Aurora,” he called out before I reached the door. “This doesn’t mean you can barge into my office whenever you like. If you need anything, you’ll go through the proper channels—speak to a senior lawyer or leave a message with my secretary. Are we clear?”

His coldness returned, and I felt the sting of rejection again. I nodded, not trusting my voice, and left his office.


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