🔰Chapter 22

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Aurora Devin's Pov
“The truth is, and has always been, that... I am deeply in love with you.”
His words hung in the air like a weight I couldn't shake off. Mr. Alexander's gaze, intense and unwavering, made my heart pound faster.
“From the very first day I laid my eyes on you during your employment interview, Aurora, I knew. I tried so hard to resist, to push the desire for you out of my mind. But the more I tried, the more you found a way back in.” His voice was thick with emotion, and the raw honesty in his eyes sent my mind spiraling.
I couldn't move. My legs were frozen in place, my body stiff from the shock of hearing him say what I’d never imagined possible.
“Why then... why have you been so cold to me?” I stammered, stepping back instinctively. “Why so distant?”
Before he could answer, the door flew open.
“Sir, I’m so sorry to barge in without your consent,” Alicia said, entering Mr. Alexander’s office with her usual air of formality, unaware of the tension she had just shattered. I composed myself quickly, willing away the tears that threatened to spill.
“Miss Aurora, what are you doing here? I don’t recall mentioning an appointment with Mr. Alexander,” Alicia asked, her voice tinged with suspicion.
“I called for her, Alicia. Now, why are you in my office?” Mr. Alexander’s tone was sharp as he turned to face her.
“Sir, I called your office line multiple times, but you didn’t pick up. You can check the call log,” Alicia replied, pointing to the sleek vintage phone on his desk. She looked nervous, like her job was on the line. She wasn’t wrong; the phone had rung, but Mr. Alexander ignored it, focusing on our conversation instead.
“So, I decided to check in because Ms Cassandra is requesting to see you. She seems furious about something, probably regarding today’s promotion,” Alicia explained in a professional tone.
“She can wait. As you can see, I’m in the middle of a discussion,” Mr. Alexander said firmly, dismissing her with a wave.
“No, tell her to come in,” I interjected before Alicia left. She glanced back at me, her expression unreadable, then turned to Mr. Alexander for approval.
“If that’s what you want, Aurora, then fine. Let her in, Alicia,” Mr. Alexander said, his voice calm but tinged with disappointment. He clearly wanted to continue our conversation.
As Alicia left to get Cassandra, I also prepared to leave, but Mr. Alexander gently grasped my arm, turning me toward him. His gaze made my knees weak, and the closeness of him sent a shiver through me.
“Wait for me after work. I’ll personally take you home. Promise me you’ll wait, Aurora,” he said softly.
“I will, I promise,” I whispered, captivated by his touch and the intoxicating scent of musk and lavender.
“What in God’s name is going on here?!” Cassandra stormed into the office, her eyes blazing with fury.
I quickly pulled away from Mr. Alexander’s grip and excused myself, leaving them to talk.
Cassandra’s POV
So, not only did you not promote me, Alexander, but now you’re having an affair with Aurora? I knew it! From the moment she walked into this firm, I could tell you had feelings for her.
And that’s why you took her to the opening dinner in Thailand instead of me. What does she have that I don’t? What can she give you that I can’t?
“Cassandra, you asked to see me. What do you want?” Alexander’s voice was cold as he sat at his desk, completely indifferent to my presence.
Oh, so now you’re acting like you don’t know why I’m here? I came to discuss the promotion, and now this—this thing with Aurora!
“Cassandra, I’ve told you before: I can’t be with you. If you value your job, I suggest you stop meddling in matters that don’t concern you. If you continue, I won’t hesitate to fire you. And I’ll make sure you never work at another firm again,” Alexander said, his tone as cold as ice.
“And as for the promotion, you haven’t earned it yet. Spencer has more years of experience and has won significant cases for this firm. Promotions come from merit, not favoritism. So instead of causing a scene, focus on winning more cases. Perhaps at the next general meeting, you’ll be promoted,” Alexander concluded without even glancing at me.
I left his office, my heart aching. I wanted him so badly, and every night I dreamed of being in his arms. If it weren’t for Aurora, I’d be living that dream.
Aurora Devin's POV
When I got back to my desk, Olivia was there. She asked where I had been, and I told her I was with Mr. Alexander. I wasn’t in the mood to talk, so I focused on preparing my documents for court. Thankfully, Olivia didn’t push further.
Just as I was finishing up, Cassandra passed by my desk and, out of nowhere, said she hated me. Everyone nearby turned to look at me, including Olivia, but even I didn’t understand what I’d done to deserve her hatred. I said nothing, picked up my things, and headed to court.
The court deposition went well, but it dragged on, as the judge requested detailed explanations for every document tendered. By the time I finished, I was exhausted and starving. I hadn’t eaten anything all day, and it was already 5 p.m. All I could think about was getting a cold smoothie, grilled chicken wings, and fries. With that thought in mind, I headed to a fast-food place Olivia and I often visited.
I parked in the restaurant’s lot and checked my phone—eight missed calls from Olivia and a message. I opened the message:
“Are you still at court? Will you make it to lunch?”
I called her back but got no answer, so I texted her instead. At the restaurant, I ordered everything I craved and ate until I was full, then got some takeout for my brother, Corey, who loved grilled chicken wings as much as I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28 ⏰

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