Chapter 1

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*Dan's POV*

"Poor boy doesn't get any visitors. I wonder where his family is at" I heard a nurse whisper to another nurse "Apparently they want nothing to do with him, he's always coming here alone" They were talking about the boy next door to my grandmother in the hospital, he had cancer from what I've heard. I've seen him when I come to visit my grandmother, he's always alone he never has visitors. I'd look into his room whenever I would walk by, he had black hair and really pretty eyes, he was really cute, I felt awful how he didn't have any visitors. My grandmother has been in the hospital for over two weeks now, she's not doing great at all she doesn't have much time left so I spent a lot of time at the hospital with her. I know how important it is to have visitors and to know someone cares about you, he probably did have people who cared but they're never around. Maybe I should visit him, a little voice inside my head kept telling me that I should, everyone deserves to have at least one person visit them.

"Hello?" I knocked on his door, he looked over at me and smiled confused "Um Hey. Can I help you?" He asked "My name's Daniel, but you can call me Dan. I got these for you" I said nervously putting a vase of flowers on the table "Thank you" he smiled "My name's Philip, but call me Phil" he said. I sat on the chair next to his bed "I'm sorry but, do I know you?" He asked and I shook my head "You probably saw me here a few times, my grandmother is the room next door so I'm here a lot" I explained "Oh I see. So um what brings you here?" He asked a little confused "Well I just thought I'd visit, everyone should have someone visit them" I smiled "So I guess you've heard that no one ever visits me huh?" He laughed awkwardly, I looked down not knowing what to say "It's okay Dan, I know the nurses talk a lot. But its true I'm not fortunate enough to have visitors but I'm used it now" he said looking down. Without thinking I grabbed his hand, it was probably a reflex because I'm just so used to doing that when visiting my grandmother "I-I'm sorry" I said quickly letting go of his hand "Don't worry I don't have cooties. Its okay" he laughed, he had such a beautiful smile, he was so nice. "Sorry, I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable I keep forgetting that not all guys.." I stopped before saying anything dumb to embarrass myself even more "Gay? Don't worry, I am, I came out when 16" he smiled, I smiled back and held his hand again "So how's your Grandma?" He asked "Not so well, she doesn't have too much time left" I whispered "I'm sorry Dan" he said softly squeezing my hand "Honestly she's the only person who actually really cares about me" I explained "Well maybe we can change the number of people" he said smiling "What do you mean?" I asked him "Nothing" he winked which made me smile and blush "Philip are you flirting with me? You just met me" I laughed "Well Daniel you're visiting a cancer patient you've never talked to, so we're even" he joked. "So um Phil, what about your family don't they visit?" I asked him trying not to sound so nosey "They don't really care, so I live on my own" he sighed. Poor Phil "Isn't it difficult?" I asked "yeah it is, bills keep piling up and I need to change my apartment too, it can get really stressful managing things yourself but I'm trying my best" he said giving me a small smile. I thought for a second, I had an idea I just hope he doesn't think I'm a creep "So this may sound creepy but I'm not trying to be a creep. I have plenty of room at my house, you could stay there?" I suggested, god I sounded so awkward "I couldn't agree to that Dan, not unless you let me pay rent" he said "Nope I'm not letting you pay, I want to help you out, just think about it okay?" I said. We talked for hours, he was so kind so sweet, he was fun to talk to, I felt a connection to him but I doubt he felt it, I mean how could anyone like someone like me? I didn't realize that I fell asleep talking to him, the nurse taking care of my grandmother woke me up "Daniel? Your grandmother is asking for you, she's not doing so well" she whispered, I knew what meant, I nodded. I looked over at Phil he was asleep he looked so cute and peaceful sleeping, I leaned down and without thinking kissed his forehead, thank god he's asleep I wouldn't know how I'd explain myself.

"Hey grandma" I smiled entering the room next door "Daniel, I heard you met someone" she said weakly, I sat down and held her hand "I was visiting the boy next door, he doesn't get any visitors so I thought it would be nice if I'd visit" I explained "Really? And how was he?" She asked smiling slightly "He's really kind Grandma, I had a great time speaking to him his name is Phil. Poor guy is alone so I invited him to stay at our place if he needs a place to go" I said softly "Don't let him go Daniel, I can tell you care deeply for this boy" she said "I just met him grandma, I barely know anything about him" I laughed silently "He may just end up being the love of your life" she smiled "I just met him" I laughed awkwardly and blushed "I believe in love at first sight, I can tell by the way you're talking about him" she laughed weakly "I don't think he'd ever like me back" I whispered "He will. Daniel just promise me one thing?" she said her voice was getting weaker "what is it?" I asked squeezing her hand "Promise me you'll consider loving this boy.." she closed her eyes and then nothing "Grandma?" I called out, tears streamed down my face "Nurse!" I called out and she came running in "S-she won't respond" I said my voice was shaking "I'm sorry Daniel,she's gone" the nurse whispered. I can't believe it, the one person who cared about me who loved me and accepted me for the way I was is gone. My grandmother is gone, and her last words were her asking me to promise that I'll consider loving Phil, someone I had just met.

*Phil's POV*

For the first time since I was sixteen someone actually visited me, showed that they cared and it was a stranger, someone I never spoke to before. Dan. He was so kind, he even offered to let me stay with him, how often would you come across someone so kind. Just as I was thinking of him he knocks on my door, but it was different this time he was crying "C-can I come in?" He asked "Yeah sure, what's wrong?" I asked sitting up, he sat on the chair next to my bed, I sat up straight so I was facing him, he was still crying "Dan what's wrong?" I asked holding his hand "M-my grandma, s-shes gone" he sobbed, I reached over and wiped his tears away "The one person who loved me and cared for me is gone. I-I have no one now" he sobbed, that broke my heart. I squeezed his hand and without thinking said "I care about you Dan" I think I'm starting to develop feelings for him,I don't know if it's true or not what if its just because he's the first person to be nice to me, whatever it was it was something. He looked at me and smiled "Thanks Phil" he whispered he didn't get what I meant "Sorry, I thought maybe someone might like me back" I mumbled really quietly "What's that?" He asked, he didn't hear it thank god. "Nothing" I whispered. Dan wiped his tears away "Sorry I know I'm not a fun person to be around right now, I shouldn't be bugging you" he said "No no its okay really" I smiled at him, he stared at me "what is it?" I asked him "Oh nothing" he said quickly turning pink and smiling slightly. I laughed to myself "I saw you staring Daniel, then you looked away and blushed and smiled" I laughed teasing him he blushed more "And I know you kissed my forehead this morning" I added, he stared at me his cheeks were bright pink "I-I thought you were asleep! I'm so sorry it was a reflex" he said quickly "Dan, relax its okay" I laughed, he smiled and looked down. Poor Dan was all on his own now, he said his grandmother was the only family he had, I barely know him but I feel an attraction towards him, I cared for him. He offered to let me live with him, a part of me said this is too good to be true but I huge part of me said that it was sweet of him and I should take his offer in. I decided to listen to my gut "So um Dan? Is the offer for a new house mate still open?" I asked awkwardly, his face lit up instantly and he nodded "Thanks because I get out of here in a couple of days and my neighbor at home is very annoying" I laughed , Dan smiled at me. I had a good feeling about this, this is the first time I have gotten this feeling.





A/N : Okay so here's the first chapter!! Enjoy! :) we will post at least one chapter daily! There will be days where we might type two in a day! Xx

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